All Chapters of My cursed Lycan mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
183 Chapters
Chapter 52. speculation
Ella smiled to herself and walked further down the street just far enough not to be seen but near enough to see what was happening.As Ella hid at the side of an abandoned building, she watched the police with their search dogs.The dogs sniffed around until one stopped at the swing. Ella smiled to herself, her plan was working, she had totally forgotten about the blood moon until she felt hot breath on her neck.She turned around and looked at the horrifying Minotaur. His curled horns protruded out of his head like two dirty twigs.His red eyes and hairy face made her gasp and shiver. This was the first time she had seen a Minotaur in real life. In fact all the mythical creatures she has seen so far, only existed in books or in her imagination.He pinned her to the wall and squeezed her neck slowly watching her gasp for air while he laughed evilly." Little girl. You are now mine. I will take you to the high witch and get my beautiful reward." The Minotaur roared.Ella clawed at his
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Chapter 52. Sneak in the evidence
"What is the commotion?" Captain Wilds walked up to the femal officer who was staring at the body of the Minotaur. "Urghhhh. What is this? There is a lot of weird things happening around here these days. It's as if the gates of hell had been opened in Salt Rock." Ella held her breath, she did not need the attention drawn to her. She peeped from around the building as Captain Wilds took the officers baton and poked at the lifeless body."Do we call forensics? The local mortuary or the animal rescue organization to collect this body?" The policewomen asked." That's a good question." Captain Wilds played with his beard." IL call the morgue to collect. It is mostly human." She took out her cellphone and dialed the number.As they all stared at the body, it began to excrete smoke. They stepped away and within a few minutes the body had completely disappeared.They were creeped out, shivering and shaking they walked back to the vehicles."Nothing much to say." The female officer disconn
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Chapter 53. Over my dead body
Ella reached the entrance of the hotel .The first step she too through the doors were stopped by an invisible force.She wished she did not wonder so hard when and where.She bumped her head into the glass and cursed at her stupidity for thinking it was some magical force holding her back.Jon slid the door open, just a crack for her to slip in."Why are the doors closed?" Ella asked. It was still daylight." The doors are closed for safety reasons. There was a huge troll earlier on, swinging his club around , looking for you I assume." Jon smirked a little." Wow. A troll. That's something I haven't seen before. Do you think I should go out or just wait here for him to come to me?" Ella asked sarcastically." That's not the last of it. There has been so many mythical creatures surfacing, it reminds me of that awful day many many years ago." Jon blinked his tears away."Ella it's time you get caught, before this town is left in shambles. They will not stop until they get you. "" Alr
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Chapter 54. Troll
"Over my dead body!" Ella wanted to scream but it just spilled out of her like a glass of milk, COLD!"Exactly the point my dear. Over your dead body. I don't even care about the high witch and her power or her stupid potion. She just gave me the perfect host. I will kill you here and now if I have to." The shape shifter spat out venomously." Wow . You really are determined to have my life. You think it's so easy being me?" Ella teased. Ella knew she had to toy with the snake in front of her until she let her guard down." What's there to dislike. I watched you this morning, kill a chubby fairy. You tricked a goblin and a witch. You do have a good brain up in that head, so definitely you don't have much trouble, except the witch that wants your blood." The shape shifter continued forking noodles into her mouth.Ella could sense that she was starting to be less guarded and a little more pushing would leave her wide open for attack." Do you really think I'm that innocent? My thoughts
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Chapter 55. once upon a time
Ella turned around expecting to see an big,ugly creature with crooked teeth, dirty clothes and wooly hair.She squeezed her eyes shut , hoping that when she opened them, he world vanish as if this was just a bad dream."Why close your eyes little girl. Don't you want to meet me? The person that's going to deliver you to the high witch." The troll laughed.Ella opened one eye slightly, she saw him emerge from the rose bush. The roses were his hair and Ella stood stunned." I am so sorry." Ella realised that she had pulled his hair when she plucked the rose." I didn't know."He didn't have crooked teeth and his clothes were a little worn out but he did look less scarier than she imagined.He didn't have a huge fat nose and big horn like ears. She wondered if she was mixing him up with and ogre or if they were part of the same family .He looked like a retarded human boy, only bigger in size, with a rosebush as hair.Ella thought the hair could have just been hereditary."So you have wai
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Chapter 56. Caught at last
Ella's heart was filled with sadness as she asked." And?""And, the potion of the afterlife would bring my parents back to me." The troll wiped a tear and looked at Ella.This was the first worthy explanation she had ever heard throughout the day. She wondered if it was true or if he was just pulling her leg."Do you think it will work?" Ella asked." It may just bring back one of them. But it's worth a try." The troll shrugged."Do you think trading my life to bring back your parents is worth it?""I don't. But what choice do I have. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I have to take it. I feel awfully bad to do this but if I don't, someone else will. The high witch always gets what she wants !" The troll was being honest and Ella appreciated his honesty.After much thought she replied," alright then. Take me in. I will give you no hassle.""Really?" The troll looked at her confused." But why?""I think you have a big heart and that deep down inside you are just a broken lit
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Chapter 57. Going crazy
"I will be having the last laugh." Mrs Ray laughed evilly and Brook joined her. " Throw her in the cage until it's time."Ella looked at her watch. It was six o clock. She had six more hours with no plan of action.The troll picked her up and walked into the dark cave."I am sorry." He whispered in her ears and sella nodded.He placed her into a cage locked the door.Ella sat on the cold , hard floor and started to wonder.Thoughts entered her mind that was never there before. She had never seen such a side to her mother. Was she always this evil? Ella closed her eyes and went back in time in her mind .'The divorce.'Ella's father had always been ambitious. He never wanted his family to go hungry. He was always working but he always made time for her on a Sunday afternoon to play ball and read. He always put her to bed with a kiss on the forehead. She had never seen them argue or fight. Ella had always thought they were happy. He mother never complained. She remembered reaching hom
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Chapter 58. Suffocation
Ella grabbed the bars of the cage and rattled them with all her might.She closed her eyes in fury and cursed loudly.She felt a sting on her face and opened her eyes , watching the papers fall to the floor."Here. Do some light reading instead of wailing like a banshee." The high witch turned around to leave." It's my daughters work. Maybe it will rub off on you or maybe you will get to know why she is worth bringing back." Ella picked up the pages. It was familiar. It was one of her last works that she had written.She read it in her head."Suffocation Beat down and drowning in despair, I looked into the eyes of my two children I adore. They were beautiful, an oasis of him an I. I loved him with all that I am but I knew the feelings were never returned. I was merely a scapegoat for him, a place to call a perfect home. I had always thought that our childhood love would carry us through , until death do us part. As I slowly built a life with him, placing each brick carefully, only t
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Chapter 59. lights out
Ella remembered writing that piece. It was just before the homecoming dance. She had interviewed a lady and found her story touching . She also resonated with it since her mother was a single mom.She now regretted thinking that her mom was a victim. Although she loved her mom, she had seen too much to just turn a blind eye.She squashed the sheets of paper and threw it as far away from her as she could.She liked her new life.Ella looked at her phone once more , there was still no signal but atleast she could see the time.It was ten o clock, two more hours and she will be the blood moon sacrifice.Two large trolls and a Lycan entered the cave.They started to shackle everyone together. Ella was shackled at the front whilst everyone followed behind her.Cable tying their hands so that they don't try to escape, they marched them out of the cave The witches gathered in a circle around a large stone table which had a small gold carving ok knife. The handle was majestic, with red gems
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Chapter 60. Her life flashed before her eyes
Ella opened her eyes slowly. Her head hurt and her eyes adjusted to the redness in the sky. She tried to move her hands and legs ,quickly realising it was her moment of doom. This was it. She was going to th afterlife. Her life flashed before her eyes. The good moments, the bad moments, the hurt, the pain and all the joy she has every felt in this lifetime.The chanting got louder as the moon got brighter. The red rays of the moon ,lighting up her body.She watched the high witch wipe the golden dagger on her red cloak facing it into the moonlight as it glowed brightly.She raised it above her her head with both hands, chanting the spell.It sounded familiar as if Ella had known it all along.Digging deep into her thoughts she remembered reading it in her mother's book.The book she had always known to be a fairytale. Now that she hears it from her mother's mouth, loud and clear, realisation has dawned on her.She was never just wanted by her mother, there was a purpose to her being
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