All Chapters of My cursed Lycan mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
183 Chapters
Chapter 31. Flashback of my Luna
Ella cringed as she waited for the slap from Brook. She was never a fighter and did not know how to react in such situations. She opened her eyes just a peep when she did not feel anything."Miss Wilds!" The officer raised his voice as he swung her hand to the side." I guess you weren't sorry. I am sure your father will be thrilled to hear what his daughter has been up to lately. To think, I almost lost my job the other day because of your childishness. I will not let it happen again. Not on my watch. Please let this sink in. This is not Summer Ray. You are a suspect in her case. stop looking for someone to blame."Brook began to cry. Tears streamed down her face. Ella knew this was just an act. " Cut the bullshit Miss Wilds. Get out of my store. You and this foolish girl."Ella pointed at Gabby. She was frustrated. She wanted to just lay low, shop at her store, test her employees but it turned out to be another sour drama."But mam. I apologize. I didn't mean to upset you. It was Br
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chapter 32 Blood trail.
As the night grew dark, so did Ella's eyes. She could feel the pounding in her chest become louder and faster.Thinking that she may be having a panic attack, she jumped out of her bed and threw on a thick wooly gown.She look at the time on her watch as she slapped it onto her wrist.It was only 10pm, and she had felt like she had an entire eight hours of sleep.She could have dosed of for mere minutes but she felt revived as she walked through the front doors of the hotel and onto the well lit streets.Although the air was icy, she felt her blood warm in her veins.Ella didn't know how long she had walked for but she saw a familiar sight in front of her, just metres away. It was the park she sat in that faithful day. The day her boyfriend betrayed her, he had ripped her heart to shreds.Ella looked up at the full moon in the sky, begging the moon goddess to help her forget.The pounding in her heart was now getting stronger as she sat on the swing.Her breathing became rapid and her
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Chapter 33. Could he be my mate
In a blink of an eye Ella was pinned against the wall of an abandoned building. She knew she should feel fear or worry but she growled loudly and pushed herself against the black wolf. Finally she had given up and her eyes met his deep blue eyes. His pupils were dilated making them glow in the moonlight and she felt a tug at her heart. She wondered if he felt the same or was he going to bite down onto her neck, only leaving her lifeless body in a pool of blood.He growled at her fiercely but she held her composure. She knew he wanted her to take her human form but Ella did not want to give in. She did not want to be identified.He growled again, his white teeth shining in the moonlight as the drool dropped down the corners of his mouth.He looked like he was in a fit of rage and although Ella knew she should submit, her Luna was too prideful and smart to give in.She looked deep into his eyes and whimpered, bringing her paw up to her mouth and licking it.Her cry of pain made him slo
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Chapter 34. Sit and stay
"Wait!" Ella pulled her hand away.The puzzled look on the girls face was clearly visible. "Have you tested this before?" Ella asked. "No. I watched one of my friends make this potion." Judy replied."So you think this is a good idea? Trying it on your boss?" Ella crunched up her hand. " I just thought it would help you." Judy hung her head.Just as Ella was going to step into the lift she remembered the red plastic that had her bloodied handkerchief. She quickly ran past Judy and grabbed the bag off the floor.Judy stuck out her hand," I will get rid of that Miss."" It's alright Judy. " Ella tucked the bag under her arm but Judy clutched the edge, tugging it .With each tug, Ella tugged harder until the packet tore into two pieces and the contents fell onto the floor.Ella watched Judy hurriedly picking up the contents as she called for Jon to bring her another bag.Ella felt a tinge of suspicion. " Why don't you come up with me to my room so we can try your potion. I would like
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Chapter 35. Oh no, my darling.The scissor is not for the bottle
Ella grabbed a black leopard print shawl from the couch and returned to her position in front of Judy. She tied both her arms to the wooden arms of the chair. Pulling each side tightly."What are you doing?" Judy wriggled and began to stand up in hope to get free from this dilemma." Role play!" Ella's eyes flickered like the orange flame on a lighter. Realising that Judy needed to be restrained properly , she grabbed a black leather belt from the closet and strapped Judy's legs to the front chair legs.Judy started to scream loudly. "Help me! Help! I have been kidnapped by this Psycho woman Help!"Pulling a pillow off the bed, Ella shoved it against Judy's face. The chair was now leaning backwards but Ella did not care. She continued until Judy fell over. " Maybe now you can call me Psycho!""If you scream. I will smother you to death." Ella said coldly as she removed the pillow from Judy's face.Judy gasped for air, she looked like a fish out of water. " If you scream, I will
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Chapter 32. Healing potion.
Ella gripped Judy's hand tightly and leaned closer to her face. With a scissor in a her right hand she laughed evilly as she snipped a chunk of blond hair from Judy's head.Judy shrieked," what are you doing? Are you crazy?"" This is just a warning. You better start spilling all that you know before I start cutting away at your flesh!" Ella threatened." I don't know anything. Brook just asked me to watch you." Judy sobbed. "I just did as she asked. She said it would help her get out of trouble.""You lie." Ella snipped another chunk of hair."I am not lying. Whatever you heard is the truth. What ever I said before this was the truth as well. I am just so damn tired of answering your questions. Maybe you are that damn Summer Ray, posing as this Ella wood and you came here to make everyone miserable while you watch the suffer." Judy tried loosening her hands." So I am guessing this potion is not what you say it is." Ella held the bottle in front of Judy's face." It is . " Judy repli
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Chapter 37. Gargoyle alert
Ella stared at Judy intensely and her eyebrows furrowed making creases on her forehead . Judy's body shook uncontrollably in the chair. Her neck began to twist from side to side, up and down and her hands started to grow thick claws. The veins on her forehead began to pop out.Ella stood back and watched her completely transform into a gargoyle. Her small face now had a snout with large sharp teeth. A set of black long, curly horns grew on top of her head. Her pretty brown eyes were now a ruby red and her perfectly manicured pink nails hand changed into curved black , grain like claws.Judy ripped through the scarf that held her to the chair. The noise of the tearing of fabric made Ella shiver. Her legs became hairy and claws grew through her pretty black formal shoes. Ella screamed loudly and backed into the sliding door to the balcony."Help me. Help!"Ella screamed with all the might in her body as she watched Judy spread her bow like wings. Her wings also had thick long claws at t
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Chapter 38. Death
*Bang*The noise of the gunshot echoed in the room, loudly. This time it was not Jon that had fired, it was Officer Duke. He held a large shotgun between his hands.Gargoyle Judy fell in a heap on top of Ella as the blood began to leak from her neck. It oozed a dark green, as it she was an alien.Ella struggled under the weight.Officer Duke and Jon dragged Judy off Ella and onto the floor where she growled and tried to pick herself up. The green slimy blood messed their clothes , the floor and the bed. It smelled foul and Ella gagged.Ella sat up and took in deep breaths. She looked at officer Duke, noticing the gash on his forehead.The bandage was removed from her hand but there were other bruises on her arms from the wicked attack.Ella knew that officer Duke was the wolf earlier that night.He took crossed the room in a few long strides and soon he was next to her examining her hands.He looked at her suspiciously but Ella stayed composed," I had fended off Judy as long as I coul
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Chapter 39. Camera footage
Within a few seconds the room was filled with policeman, forensics and the detective department. Ambulance personnel sat Ella down on the couch and started to examine her wounds. They were superficial and a few alcohol swabs later she was all cleaned up. They placed a bandage on her head and arms, covering the broken skin.Drawing a vial of tetanus, the male paramedic injected her." This might sting a bit "Ella winced in pain as he pressed the syringe , releasing the liquid into her arm."Miss Woods, we need to see the camera footage." A bald man introduced himself as detective Moon." But first I need to take down your statement.""Sure. Mr Moon." Ella rubbed her arm." Can you tell me what had happened?" Mr Moon began but was soon interrupted by officer Duke." I have the statement here together with mine. I had also taken one from Mr Jon." Officer Duke handed him the paper. He flipped through the page, reading it briefly."Miss Fletcher was your employee?" He questioned.Ella nod
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Chapter 40. Mr Grim
"Miss Woods , there is no need for you to come down to the police station. The statements are here." Mr Moon held up the copies.Ella smiled and followed him to the main entrance.There were policeman, paramedics and the forensic team all in a hustle and bustle. It was like listening to a swarm of bees buzzing.A policewomen rushed over to Mr Moon," sir, the gargoyle has disappeared.""What do you mean by disappeared. That was twenty two stories that it fell from. It has got to be dead!" He shouted over the noise." No sir. No one has seen it. I went to get the lady from forensics to gather some fluids before they bagged it and it was gone. The mortuary crew went to get a bigger bag." She spoke hurriedly.Ella found it rather off. " How can a dead beast just disappear?"" It doesn't matter. Send out a team to search for it. Call in the canine unit. I'm sure the dogs can sniff her out." Mr Moon commanded."I will join the search team." Officer Duke offered.Ella decided that she would
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