All Chapters of Tied to the Mafia Man 5 : Alessandro : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
138 Chapters
Peru boss
Thiago, the mob boss of Peru is on a video call with John."Thiago, we have been in business for years now. And in all these years, we never came across a single issue. But today I need a little help from you. I don't have the habit of asking for favours without offering anything in return. If you help me with this, I will give you ten million dollars. All you have to do is, hand over that old man to me, and those leaves he wanted to collect. It's your turf, and things like this are easy for you" John spoke with confidence.Thiago smiled gracefully. "Of course. Who is this old man we are talking about?" he agreed instantly.John clicked a button and Thiago's screen lit up with the picture of Russell Bianchi. When Thiago saw that man, he is stunned."John, are you out of your mind? Do you know whom you are going against? They will bury you alive if they find out. Don't ask me these kind of favours again. You will be killed for sure, but if I help you, they will kill me as well. Find s
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"What is the reason behind your sudden decision to go to Peru? Is this because of John? Thiago promised that he would help us right? Do you think it is necessary to go there personally?" Kairo asked after they disconnected the call.Olivia's face flashed in front of Alesso's eyes. "It is necessary. I don't want to take any chances. What if Thiago is lying? Which I hope is not the case. But still, we cannot leave such an important task to someone else who doesn't know how important medicine is to us. They might not take this seriously. What if they fail? I don't want to take that chance. Especially when so much is riding on Russell's life" he reasoned.Kairo understood what Alesso was thinking. He too couldn't deny Alesso's fears. Every scenario will have a what if. And this case does too. "I can go to Peru to protect my grandfather. You don't have to trouble yourself for that. Moreover, Olivia will be happy to have you with her" Kairo suggested.Alessandro shook his head."I know Li
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In Peru, Thiago is both excited and on edge. He is excited because he is going to meet Mr. Alessandro Volcov. But he is on edge thinking about John.'If Mr.Volcov himself decided to come here to protect the older Mr. Bianchi, then he must be sure that John would not leave this matter just like that. Mr. Volcov might be sure that John will plan something. If that's the case, then I should send my men into that tribe to protect Mr. Bianchi' Thiago decided. "Ian, you take a dozen of our strongest men to the rainforest. I want you to make sure that Russell Bianchi is safe. His safety is of utmost importance. If you feel anyone from our team is working for John, kill them on the spot. Don't hesitate. Go" he instructed his underboss to protect Russell. Ian immediately left to do as he was told to do. Thiago is not a fool. He knows that John keeps his men in almost every outfit. That never bothered him until now. 'I just hope that my men don't fuck this up' he thought.Ian, who was given
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Two groups
Russell is surrounded. In the otherwise quiet forest, their combat boots, black outfits, and the guns they are holding are looking out of place. Immediately he understood that these people were not here to have a friendly chat with him. The old man recognized one of the men who was standing in the forefront as if he was leading the group. He is the person who assisted him in traveling from Peru to the rainforest. His attitude and behavior were different from a day ago. But now, the look in his eyes is sinister and cunning. Russell is not ready to trust this man now, or ever. The same man stepped forward with a fake smile. But nothing could replace the look in his eyes."Mr. Bianchi, my boss instructed us to protect you. Certain people are trying to harm you. But my boss is trying to help you from them all. If you could follow us, we will take you to safety. This area is not safe for you" Ian lied.Russell gave him a sarcastic smile."I see. But I have some unfinished work here. We can
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Conflict of interest
"I am in charge of the is task here. Not you" Ian snapped with anger.Liam is calm and composed, unlike Ian who looks angry and irritated. "You might be in charge of this mission, you definitely don't have the final say in everything. In fact, you are giving me this strong feeling that you don't have the best interest of Mr. Bianchi. You are giving me the strong vibes that you are somehow trying to sabotage this particular task. Your words and actions show that you have something else in mind. I think I should inform our boss about this. And then let him decide who will become in charge of this mission" Liam threatened. Ian is a little scared of the threat. He knows that Liam is not bluffing. In fact, Liam has been trying in vain for years to show that Ian is not trustworthy. But Ian was always careful and never gave Thiago a chance to doubt his intentions. But now, if Liam raises a complaint about his behavior towards Russell, several people around him can testify that Liam is righ
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Why in a hurry
"Baby sis, taste this and tell me how it is" Kairo placed a steaming plate of what looks like pasta in front of Olivia. She took one look at the mess on the plate with horror. The penne pasta is overcooked and out of shape. The sauce is looking watery. And overall, the pasta looks as if it is cooked by an amateur who is just learning how to cook.When she lifted her head to tell him that she was having a bad feeling about the pasta, she couldn't. He is looking at her expectantly. His apron is splattered with pasta sauce. He worked hard to cook this, and it is showing. She didn't have the heart to disappoint him. So she picked up the fork and tentatively ate a forkful of pasta into her mouth. Despite the look on the plate, the paste is not inedible. The sauce is good if we ignore the overcooked pasta. "How is it?" he asked with a hopeful smile.She beamed at him and lifted her thumb finger to show that it was good."It is nice brother" she half lied.He grinned at her compliment. He d
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In Peru, Alessandro's private aircraft just landed. Thiago came personally to welcome the Russian mob boss. "Mr. Volcov, welcome. It's a pleasure to have you here in Peru" Thiago greeted with a genuine smile.Alessandro gave him a curt nod."I don't want to waste any time here. I want to go to the rainforest right away. I want you to send someone with me who is acknowledged with the layout of the forest" Alessandro expressed his wish curtly.Thiago nodded eagerly."Sure Mr. Volcov. Whatever you say. Just give me a few minutes. I will call the guide here. After that, we can depart immediately" he agreed easily.Alessandro raised a brow. Thiago just now indicated that he will join Alessandro, which took the Russian boss by surprise."Are you planning to come with me?" he inquired.Thiago smiled at him."It's a pleasure to join you Mr. Volcov. But only if you agree" he replied politely. Alessandro considered his offer carefully. The Peruvian is trying to pleasure Alessandro. But the Ru
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Alessandro landed near the tribe in the rainforest where Russell used to live. Soon Thiago and a few of their men descended using the ropes that were dangling from the chopper that they used to travel from Peru."Mr. Volcov, this is the tribe where Mr. Russell used to live. If you follow me, I will show you his hut" the man whom Thiago brought to show them the location shared with respect.Alessandro gave a curt nod in return and followed after the man. Not soon after, they entered a modest hut, as the curious but skeptical gazes of the tribal people followed after them. "Thus place is empty. He is not here" Alessandro murmured while carefully taking a look around the hut. There is nothing in here that suggests that Russell came to this hut after he came from Chicago. A thin layer of dust is settled on every visible surface of the hut.Thiago nodded, agreeing with Alessandro. "You know the local language. Go and ask around in the tribe" he instructed their guide. That man immediate
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Shaino, who was trying to hide from everyone and his men slowly slid down the tree and ran toward his village to ask for help. As soon as Ian and his men disappeared from his sight, he all but ran for his life. He is also worried about the old Russell. He didn't take ten steps in the direction of his village when he heard the first scream. He froze for a moment. He remembered what Liam suggested. He is still holding the radio device in his hands tightly as if his life depended on it. He hesitated to use the device. But when Russell's face flashed in his mind, he decided to help his mentor. Just like Liam instructed, he pressed the green button. Some buzzing sound came from the speaker of the radio. "Hello, Liam? You there? Liam?" a voice rang from the other end.Shaino hesitated to speak. Another scream rang from a distance, which made him panic."S..sir, I am not Liam. He gave this device to me before leaving...... " Shaino explained everything that happened between Ian and Liam and
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Anti dote
Shaino is scared to face a bunch of angry snakes."He is right sir. All of my men are killed out there. They were all bitten by snakes. I don't know how that happened. But everything happened faster than we could understand. One moment everything was peaceful. But the next moment, all the snakes started attacking my men as if they were possessed. My men didn't stand a chance. We had to abandon my men to save Mr. Russell. But in the end, he was bitten too. It's not safe to go out there" Liam spoke up, supporting Shaino's guess.Alessandro is tense and anxious. He doesn't know how to save the old man. His eyes turned red, and he felt helpless. He doesn't want to look at Olivia when she learns about her grandfather's condition."Alesso leaves" Russell whispered weakly.Alessandro is startled and looks at Russell, whose eyes are barely open."Sir, Mr. Russell wanted me to take these leaves and hand them over to his apprentice. He said that these leaves would save his granddaughter. He wan
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