All Chapters of Tied to the Mafia Man 5 : Alessandro : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
138 Chapters
Danger all around
"Brother, where is Alesso? You told me he will be back soon. And he promised that he would be back soon. But it's been two days. There is no call or a message or anything from him. Do you have any idea where he is?" Olivia asked Kairo, who was equally tense. Just an hour ago, Thiago called him to notify him about everything that was happening back in the rainforest. He also informed Kairo that he was coming to Chicago with the medicine. So Kairo knows about his grandfather's condition and Alessandro is trying to save the old man. In short, both of them are in a very dangerous situation. But Kairo cannot tell all of this to his sister. She is going to take the next dose of her medicine today, and two days from then. Kairo is hoping that Alessandro and Russell will come back before that. "He is tied up with some work. If it was not so important, he would have been back by now. You know he cannot stay away from you for much longer" he lied.Livi is not convinced, especially when Kairo s
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Alessandro and the tribal man successfully plucked the leaves that would save Russell and safely came back to the tribe. Just like Liam and Shaino mentioned, a part of the forest became too dangerous for everyone. So the tribal man decided to alert his tribe and the other tribes nearby so that they all would be cautious and stay away from that area for a while. On the other hand, Shaino prepared the anti-clot medicine for Olivia and sent it with Thiago. Liam stayed to make sure that he might help if it was needed. Everyone was waiting with batted breath for Alessandro, who returned back after almost three hours. Russell lost his conscience completely. When Shaino saw the leaves, he was really happy and so grateful for Alessandro who brought them. Immediately he got back to work and prepared the anti-venom and administered it to Russell through his mouth. After that, everyone started waiting for the medicine to work and for the old man to recover."Mr. Volcov, please eat this. We could
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In Chicago, Olivia received her third dose of the anti-clot medicine. "Three more shots, but we only have two needles left. How long will it take for the other needle to reach here? You remember that we have to give her three more shots once every day right?" the doctor whom Alessandro assigned for Livi asked Kairo.Kairo is sitting beside his sister, while Rose is standing beside him. He squeezed his sister's palm with affection. "You don't worry about the medicine. It will come by this evening" Kairo replied.Thiago informed him that he was coming with the medicine as per Alessandro's instructions. The good doctor who is loyal to Alessandro nodded with approval."I am amazed to see her recovering this fast. Whatever medicine is inside these needles, is a magic potion. Your grandfather was a legend back then. He is a very talented man" The doctor praised Russell, who is currently fighting for his life in the Rainforest. Kairo is feeling sad to remember his grandfather's condition
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"Mr. Bianchi, Mr. Antonio is here to meet you. Do you want us to invite him in?" Czar asked Kairo.They all know that Antonio is bad news. None of them trust the Portuguese man. "It's not a good idea Czar. But I want to know what he is up to. Let's do one thing. I will engage him with small talk. But in the meantime I want you to shift Olivia to the RV that is parked in the driveway which we made especially for her. Use the back door and cover her face. She will stay there until Alessandro comes back. Make sure to do this as secretly as possible. Only you, Naim, and Carlos should know about this. Take the medicine that Thiago brought. Tell the doctor to give the fourth dose. Call them inside" Kairo explained his plan to Czar, who looked surprised. Even he did not understand why Kairo suddenly wanted him to buy an RV out of nowhere."RV? But why an RV? What difference would it make if she stayed inside the house or in the driveway?" Czar asked with confusion.Kairo smiled. He remember
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"So you are keeping an eye on us I see" Antonio smirked. Kairo noticed how tense Antonio was. He is not showing anything on his face. But his shoulders are stiff and there is a tightness in his smirk. It's easy to ignore if Kairo was not observing Antonio keenly. Kairo knows about Antonio. He has known the Portuguese man for more than ten years now. Kairo knows how Antonio acts and behaves if he is hiding something. Now, Kairo understands that Antonio has something up his sleeve. 'What did they plan to do here? My men could easily overpower them in a minute. But still, Antonio came here so confidently. I am sure he has a plan in motion ' Kairo thought.He ignored Antonio's earlier statement. "What do you want? Why did you come here? I already made sure that I don't want to see your face again. Then what made you come here? Is it John? He sent you here, right? For what? To hurt me, or someone else?" Kairo questioned. Antonio became tense. He did not think that Kairo would guess so
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Alesso and Kairo's men who are outside the office room are unaffected. They aimed their guns at Antonio and his men, who were aiming their borrowed guns at Kairo, Czar, Carlos, Naim, and a few others. Antonio is pointing his gun directly at Kairo. He is a glaring dagger at Kairo. "You shouldn't have ditched me for your sister, Kairo. You should have married Sylvia. We would have been so happy. But look at you now. You are going to die soon" Antonio mocked Kairo.Kairo smirked, not at all worried that his head was near the tip of a gun."Now you decide to show your true colors? Why am I not shocked? Because I already know you are an asshole" he sneered.Antonio gritted his teeth and pushed his gun closer to Kairo's head."I would be very careful with my words if I were in your place. It will take a split second for me to pull this trigger and end your life" he reminded Kairo.The Italian chuckled without humor. "Really? Did you see around you? You are surrounded by my men. If you thi
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He is Back
In the RV, Rose was reading a book when someone opened the door from outside. She looked up and saw that it was none other than Alessandro Volcov. She is terrified of these mafia men, her husband included. Now when she came face to face with one of them, her palms started to sweat with fear. "M...Mr. Volcov" she stuttered and swiftly stood up to her feet.Alesso looked at Rose with a blank face. He found out everything about Rose and her family when her father first betrayed him. He learned that both the Rae family's daughters were good. Where Olivia was feisty, Rose was gentle. George fed Rose all the wrong things about Olivia, effectively separating both the girls. He never particularly had a bad opinion of Rose. Not then, and not now. He feels that she can prove to be a good wife to Kairo."Where is Olivia?" he asked her. He is not gentle, but at the same time not harsh either.Rose pointed her finger toward the bedroom. He bypassed her and disappeared inside the room. After he l
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In the RV, when Alessandro walked inside the room where Livi was resting, he froze with surprise. He is spellbound while looking at her in awe. In the last five days, she recovered tremendously and is no longer looking frail and pale. Colour returned to her cheeks and she looked healthy and stunning. Just like the first time he kissed her. She is lying on her stomach while resting her cheek on the back of her palm. She is looking peaceful. He couldn't disturb her even though he wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her the way he wanted to kiss her. He missed her a lot. So much that she is the only thing that matters. And the rest can wait. He sat on the mattress beside her and gently touched her face to make sure that she was real. He cannot believe his eyes at how stunning and angelic she is looking. As if feeling him nearby, she moved closer to him and snuggled to his side. Now her head is resting on his thigh.'My Livi, my baby. How I missed you ' he thought to himself and ge
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In an undisclosed location, John is fuming. He just found out about how miserably Antonio failed and how Alessandro and Kairo trapped him. "Like idiots, we just walked into their traps. This is unacceptable. They cannot win. For as long as I remember, no one dared to stand against me. But these two men openly opposed me and caused me to lose face among my peers. Their audacity cannot be forgiven. I will not forgive them. They will pay. One way or another. And soon. That Antonio is useless anyway. Getting rid of him is not an issue. He doesn't know where I am. So I am safe. But being safe is not what I want. I want revenge. I will not let them be happy. They will cry blood tears. And I will make sure they do" he declared out loud in his hotel room.His employee who was listening to his words winced with discomfort.'Mr. Bianchi and Mr. Volcov are dangerous to deal with separately. But my boss is planning to go against them when they are working together. When did his ego begin to over
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The next morning, Kairo is on an important phone call with his underboss Naim. "You know I cannot come there now. My sister received the last shot of her medicine just now. She is fine. But the threat of John is still looming on her head. I know all the disturbances and trivial issues that suddenly happened in Italy might be his doing. He is trying to force me to leave Chicago. I know Alesso can handle things alone, but I want to be there for my sister. You remind them who the boss is. Take necessary measures to fix things. Kill if you had to. But restore the balance like it used to. Keep me posted" he instructed his underboss before disconnecting the call.Suddenly a few people in Italy started causing trouble. They are looting banks under Kairo's name, which forces the cops to intervene. But Kairo has most of them under his payroll and they all know that Kairo is in Chicago. And most importantly, Kairo has enough money to open ten banks and he doesn't have to loot a bank for his po
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