All Chapters of Love, Lust and Blood: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
123 Chapters
The doorbell sounded as I was seated on the couch with father. I was with Faith in my arms and was also explaining to him what had happened to her. We also talked about what had happened when he wasn't around. I told him about the adventures I and Solomon had and the death that piled up each time we left. We were wicked, deadly. Well, I was the one that did most of the killing. Solomon only took lives when it was necessary. Like if someone threatened two of us, attacked us, or tried to harm me. He had my back throughout the years until we had separated. I eventually went on killing because I had nobody to tame me. I didn't expect to see him the night after the day I had returned to Winekove. The doorbell sounded again, and Father sighed, standing to his feet. I chuckled as he made his way to the door. On his way, I heard him curse mo
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I sat on the porch with my father with a bottle of alcohol in my hand. Father had come to see Philomena. She had refused to talk to anyone since Enoch died. I wondered why she would be obsessed with another man when we knew she still loved our father. I could see it in her eyes.  Father had almost broken through but had been stopped by Enoch, who had to pick Philomena. It looked like they were going somewhere. I guessed that Mother had been trying to escape from the guilt once more. Eventually, Father and Enoch got into a fight. It would have cost Enoch his life if mother hadn't stepped in on time. Father had to let go, and he fled. He hadn't visited the house until today. He had come to see Philomena, but she didn't want to talk to her either. She must be pretty sad. We didn't need this now. Enoch's life had been taken by two t
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The house had been quiet after that. I sat down at the fireplace to contemplate all Karavaev just told us. It was unbelievable, but it was a relief. Some of the things he told us had been scary, but we found a way to recover—at least, not everybody. Hope was still sad that she had magic but couldn't unlock it. Little did she know she was not the first Quetet I fell in love with. Mary Sherringham was. They didn't look the same, but the frizzled hair was irreplaceable. Mary and I had sex once before she died. If she didn't die, we could have had a child together. I froze. The glass of alcohol in my hand started shaking. I was supposed to have a child with Mary, but she was killed before the seed had the chance to germinate. The anger I felt that she had been killed when I returned from feeding that night erupted again in me.
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I stepped out of the Audi after parking it in the garage. I walked back into the house and headed straight to the fireplace. The bottle of alcohol was seated on the table, waiting to be touched. I picked it up and poured myself a drink. I picked up the glass and walked up to the couch. Solomon and Jocelyn were seated there talking. Maybe they were trying to solve the problem hovering over their relationship. I walked back to the fireplace and sat down.   I held the armchair as I drank from the glass. We had just returned from a hectic day of school. Well, I wouldn't call it hectic because vampires couldn't feel stressed. We were like a nuclear reactor; we couldn't be worn out easily. So sad we couldn't say the same for Jocelyn and Zion.   They grumbled when they entered the car on our way home. It was a boring day at school. Nothing
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POLAND, 1303. I zoomed into Christiana's house and looked for her. I wanted to show my brother that she was not to be trusted. She was dangerous and a liability to our family. She didn't deserve to be part of it. She had to be put down quickly. I walked around the house but couldn't find her. I had rushed down here after having sex with a total stranger. This was the second time I was doing such. I wondered what was going over me. My mind was filled with lust. The singer on that occasion, Mrs. Piatek, was good in bed. It looked like she was into me. Too bad I wasn't the type of person that believed in love. She was just a distraction for me. I loved her voice and was mesmerized minimally by her beauty. It was her voice that had attracted me. So we headed home and ha
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I sat down on the couch with a glass of alcohol in my hand. Solomon was standing before me, and of course, he wanted to know what had happened. He told me he had heard me grunting on the lawn, and when he arrived, it had been only me there.  I sighed and sipped from the glass. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't tell him that a girl he thought was dead fought with him. He would be surprised and even turn angry at me once more. Believe me, and I didn't want that now. I was planning something. Life was moving fast, and I felt it was time to make Hope my wife. If Solomon were angry at me, I wouldn't enjoy the wedding. "Talk to me, Desmond," Solomon urged. I clenched my jaws, thinking of what to do. This would probably get out of hand soon enough. I scratched my chin, thin
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I got out of the Audi and closed the door behind me. I was back in school after a long while. It had almost been two weeks since I last got to school. A lot had happened. I had fought magic twins and also a friend from the past. The past I thought would never resurrect. I guess the unexpected was always expected. Solomon and I had managed to keep the secret from everyone at home. We had fought Christiana, and I was surprised that Solomon had killed her. I wasn't expecting much. From the way we had started the war, I knew he would fall off because of the love he once had for her. But he was the one that stabbed her with a stake. Christiana was surprised as she died. It gave her a perfect look at her corpse. After we had killed Christiana, I realized something. I realized it was the best way to make your best moments count. So, I went
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"Can Katie attend?" Hope asked. I looked at her in surprise. She knew that everybody attending our wedding was supernatural. Katie being there was a liability and was very dangerous. What if we got attacked by an enemy and we had to use our powers? I know there was a possibility of compelling her, but since finding out that there could be a glitch in compulsion when you got stabbed by the dagger of Zoris, I decided to zero my mind from compulsion in the meantime. We were walking through the hallway. We had just left class, and I was going to gym class. Solomon had already left. I had intended to leave with him, but Hope asked if she could walk me to gym class. I was happy until I found out that she wanted me to invite Katie McCullough to our wedding. To be sincere, I couldn't see that happening even in my dreams. It was too risky.
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I chuckled and walked up to him. He had some nerve to walk up to my wedding party and make such a statement. I was enraged by that. He was trying to ruin my party, and I wasn't going to let him do such. Today was too good to be wrecked. He smiled as I approached him. Did he want this? He was definitely a distraction. "What do you want, Maxwell?" I asked, folding my hands across my chest. "I want your head on a platter," he replied. I chuckled slowly. It was then I realized that he wasn't that serious. I thought he would be a very gruesome villain, but from his statement, I had every right to underestimate him. Even people behind us were laughing at him. My head couldn't be chopped off or removed because I was immortal. The only weapon that could kill me had been rendered inv
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We walked through the hallway as we headed for class. I was scared that people would find out we were married but still in school. The wedding had been so secluded. The only non-supernaturals attending the party were Mrs. Wallace and her son, Luke, Hope's brother. It would have been dangerous if they had attended. It would be gruesome. My suspicions had come through. I had expected an unexpected event to occur, and it surely did. Maxwell had attacked us, but it didn't end well for him. I was surprised he hadn't returned as soon as we had expected. It had been a week since he had attacked us. He had gone silent and absent. I wouldn't say I liked it when my enemies did that. I hated being suspenseful and thinking about what my next move would be. I was glad that he didn't know anything about Faith. Maybe he knew but never mentioned it.
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