All Chapters of Love, Lust and Blood: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
123 Chapters
I drove into the driveway of the mansion and halted the engine. Everybody got out of the vehicle, and I drove the car into the garage. I halted the Audi once more and killed the engine. I got out of the car and closed the door. I walked into the house. Hope was waiting patiently for me.   She smiled and hugged me. She was looking better. It seemed like the blood was working. She had a plastic cup of blood in her hand. I felt my demons roar in my stomach, but I held them down successfully. I didn't want her to see how wild I was. I didn't want her to know that vampire side of me.   "You seem to be in a good mood today," I pointed out.   "The baby had stopped kicking," she announced excitedly.   "That is good news," I
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Two weeks had passed since Noah and Zack had fought on my lawn. The fight was still stuck in my head. It was so enthralling. The only thing I didn't like was when I had to stop them from fighting. Was it me, or was I slowly turning to Solomon?   Solomon already had his hands full without him knowing. Jocelyn was seriously crushing on him, though she hadn't told me yet. I had read her mind countless times and had found this out myself. It was definitely amusing.    The fact that all the girls Solomon loved always ended up dead didn't sit right with me. I didn't particularly appreciate how his love story usually ended. First, it was Christiana, and then, it was Emily. I felt bad for him because he was a good person, and he deserved to be loved and cherished. I hoped Jocelyn would give him that.  
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I slumped on the couch as soon as we got home. My head was aching seriously. The friendly meeting hadn't ended well. A witch had attacked us. She looked so morbid and out of place. I hated witches. She had disappeared before I could react. What did she want? It was definitely I and Solomon she was targeting.   I sighed and rubbed my palm on my forehead. I was tired of being thrown around and attacked by different supernatural beings. Ever since I got back to WineKove, the aura of fear that surrounded me had diminished. Everybody had feared me and dreaded having an encounter with me. Now they were throwing moves at me out of the blue.   I needed that respect back. I needed to grow that aura of fear around me once again. It would come in handy when I wanted to protect the family I was about to have. If not, Hope and our unborn child wo
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My eyes opened, and I looked around me. My head was pounding seriously. Everywhere was quiet. I tried to recall where I was. I stood up gently from the floor and sat on it, leaning against a table. I held my head, waiting for the headache to seize. Then, it finally did.   I looked around and saw Solomon lying on the floor. Beside him were Jocelyn and Zion. I was surprised to see them unconscious too. What had happened? Why were we all unconscious? Then it came back into my head; all that had happened.   That morbid witch had attacked us. She had caused the smoke, which had caused the school to be evacuated. She removed her hood, but I hadn't recognized her. I hadn't met her in the past. Jocelyn and Zion knew her. She was their aunt, and her name was Lucia. Another witch had come into town, and I wondered what she wanted.
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I knocked on the door of The Foyths' house and waited patiently. I was here with Solomon, who was standing behind me. Mrs. Celine, Jocelyn's mother, had invited us over to explain what was happening. Jocelyn finally listened to my advice and told her mother about Lucia.    It had been a long time since I had last been here. The last time I had come here for a visit, and that was the first day I had come here. Jocelyn and Zion had ambushed me at the parking lot and had set me on fire. I had appeared at their house that night, and Jocelyn had been trembling at the door.   The door opened and revealed Jocelyn. She looked at us and smiled. I knew she was smiling at Solomon, and I turned to him to see his reaction. His face was straight, and he looked oblivious to the whole situation. Couldn't he read her mind? Couldn't he see that s
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My birthday was just days away, and I was not excited about it. The fact that I was turning eighteen to the people, not around me was the only good thing. The town would take me as an eighteen-year-old. I would be able to do legal things, like marrying Hope.    It was not a promise but just an impulse thought. Her stomach was getting bigger, and Florence told me that it wouldn't be long now. I was partially scared because I wasn't ready to become a father. I was scared that I might not like the child very much. I was afraid that I might show my true colors to the child one day, and they would be scared of me for eternity.   We were not yet sure of the child's gender. We couldn't go to the hospital to find out either because the womb that held the baby was stronger than the human one. This one was somewhat as strong as concrete.
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Zack's threat still dumbfounded me. This was four days after, and I was still concerned. Philomena had returned home yesterday, and I wasn't happy about it. My birthday was two days from now, and I wasn't completely enthralled about it. The fact that Philomena returned also made me downgrade the excitement for that day. She was notorious for ruining events in my life, and I wasn't expecting less that day.   Today was boring. I was seated in Trigonometry class with my hands folded across my chest. Zack was in the same room but was somewhat far away. He was at the other end of the room. Noah was also in the class and was in the front row. All I had was Solomon, who was by my side. We were surrounded by enemies right now. Jocelyn and Zion hadn't talked to us since that day. We were technically on our own now.   Noah had been silent for
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I swerved into the driveway of The Foyths' house and halted the car. I killed the engine and stepped out of the vehicle. It wasn't long since we were last here. The last time I came here, I enjoyed Celine's spaghetti, and I was looking forward to it once again.   Solomon got out through the other side of the car. He was the main reason we were here. He wanted to talk to Jocelyn. He tried to apologize to her for killing her aunt. I was glad because I missed them. Their company was so underrated.   Our birthday had been horrible. That was four days ago. Zack had interrupted the party with a little ambush which he had surely regretted afterward. He had made me and Solomon spill blood on our birthday, and I wasn't happy with that. I was angry at him for that.    After he an
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I stood before the hundreds of vampires who were all on my lawn. I was on the porch with my hands across my shoulders. Solomon, Florence, and Philomena were all by my side. Huge murmurs were coming from the crowd, and I had to silence them. I didn't want to stress myself.   "Quiet," I ordered.   They were still murmuring. I got infuriated. I spotted a man in his early forties and zoomed in on him. I gripped his shoulder and slammed my hands into his chest. I ripped out his heart, and he fell to the ground dead. I dropped the heart on his carcass.   I walked back to the porch, and by the time I reached there, everybody was quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were that of the crickets, which sang untiringly every night till dawn. I got a handkerchief from Solomon and wi
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TWO MONTHS LATER.    Everything was calm now. No war, no enemies, no witches, and most importantly, no Zack. He was still locked up in our basement, where we could keep an eye on him. He was still regarded as a threat. He was strapped to the wall by those silver chains. If he tried to move, the chains would literally fry his wrists. That was the only way to stop him.   He had gone on a rampage, almost destroying the vampire and werewolf communities. He had made his wolves attack us, and he had paid the price drastically. He had lost many people that day. I had also lost some vampires, but I still wasn't happy. None of that would have happened if he had stayed put.   After he had bitten me, I had gotten exasperated, and I had leveled up. I had beaten him into a
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