All Chapters of The Mafia Lord wants his baby back : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
183 Chapters
Chapter 161
Chapter 161Hans urgently called his boss into his dimly lit, windowless office at the heart of their covert headquarters. Connor entered the room and looked at Hans with a questioning expression."Connor, I've got crucial news," Hans began, his voice tense. "Fred, the one we paid off to keep our secrets, was spotted at the border of town. He looks like he's trying to leave the city."Connor, leaning against the heavy wooden desk, considered the situation for a moment. His mind raced through the possibilities. He knew that Fred was a liability, a man who could potentially spill their secrets and compromise their organization's security but Connor also had a pragmatic streak and in that moment, he knew that there wasn't really any need for him anymore as the man himself was very useless."Let him go," Connor finally said, his tone unyielding. "We don't have any use for him anymore. His usefulness has expired, and the risk of trying to detain or silence him might be too high. We'll mana
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Chapter 162
Chapter 162"Have you noticed that our child is getting bigger?" Connor said one morning.They had just woken up from a very long nap and Annah chuckled when she heard this because in fact, it was true. She had noticed it before and she was just happy that their child was growing bigger by the day which was a sign of good health. There were several things she was grateful for and that was one of them. The ability for a child to grow up normally was something that not every child was fortunate to have and in that moment, she was just glad that her child was okay and was developing normally."Yes baby, he will be six months old in the next few months." Annah grinned.Connor drew her towards himself on the bed, running his fingers through her hair. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. It was a promise of assurance, a promise that no matter how many challenges they faced, they would always be together and nothing would ever separate them
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Chapter 163
Chapter 163"What do you think about this boss?" Hans asked.They were in one of their security meetings one fine afternoon at the beginning of the december month. Ever since their encounter with Michael and Fred, there hasn't been any form of violence and that was one thing they were happy about. It had been relative peace and quiet and Connor was happy about that because it enabled them to do things at their own pace without the added fear that something was going to go wrong.Connor took the piece of paper from him, looking through it and within him, he didn't even know what he was looking at because everything was looking so strange to him. The more he tried to look at it from different angles, the more he was left feeling confused and he hated to think that he didn't know what he was doing."Honestly Hans, I really don't know what I am looking at." Connor said, placing the paper on the table.He put on his glasses, picking up the paper again as he scanned through it but still, he
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Chapter 164
Chapter 164"What have you been up to recently baby?" Annah smiled.She found Connor with his glasses on, sitting on the front porch of the mansion. At that moment, Annah couldn't believe how handsome he was. There was a goodness around him that told her that this was the right man for her and despite the nature of his work, she knew that he had the kindest heart. "Hey baby, come here." he smiled.Anytime he said that, Annah was always in her feelings and she loved that he was always happy to see her. That was one of the things she loved about him and as she sat down in between his legs, resting her head on his leg, she knew she had finally found her peace."How are you?" he asked, kissing her lips gently."I've been okay but I'm worried about you. You've been a bit distant these past few days," she said."I promise you babe, I'm not keeping my distance because of you. I've been so busy with many things that I haven't even had time for myself. Please, don't be offended babe." he sigh
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Chapter 165
Chapter 165Annah leaned over, her eyes sparkling with excitement, as she looked at Connor. They were sitting in their cozy living room, sipping on hot cups of tea, and the topic of her uncle Matt and his wife Kate's new house had come up once again. Annah had been itching to see the new house ever since they were to move in, and she couldn't contain her curiosity any longer."Connor," she said with a hopeful smile, "I've been thinking. Do you think we could finally go and inspect Uncle Matt and Kate's new house in the estate this weekend? I'm dying to see how it turned out."Connor furrowed his brow for a moment, considering the idea. He knew how important it was to Annah, but he was also aware of the need to ensure their safety, especially with the recent security concerns in the area. After a brief pause, he replied."Annah, I understand you're excited, but I want to make sure we're safe. I'll arrange for security to escort us to the place. I don't want anything to go wrong."Annah
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Chapter 166
Chapter 166The following morning, excitedly, Annah rushed over to Martha's room, unable to contain her joy. Bursting through the room door, she found Martha on the balcony, sipping her morning coffee."Martha, you won't believe what happened yesterday morning!" Annah exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight.Martha looked up, her curiosity piqued. "What's got you so excited, Annah?""Connor," Annah beamed, "he actually brought me breakfast in bed this morning! It was such a sweet surprise."Martha's face broke into a wide smile. "Oh, Annah, that's wonderful! He really loves you, doesn't he?"Annah nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, Martha, he does. I feel so blessed."Martha's expression grew sincere as she offered some heartfelt advice. "Annah, you have something truly special with Connor. Don't ever do anything to jeopardize that love. Treasure it, protect it, and nurture it."Annah nodded in agreement, her voice filled with conviction. "I promise, Martha. I love Connor so much, and
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Chapter 167
Chapter 167Connor and Russo met at their favorite coffee shop, the place where they had shared countless conversations and memories over the years. It had been a very long time since they last saw each other which was due to the fact that Russo had been away abroad because of his work, and the sight of his old friend brought a warm smile to Connor's face.As they settled into their usual corner booth, sipping on steaming cups of coffee, Connor couldn't help but feel a wave of nostalgia. He knew he had a lot to catch up on, but there was something specific he wanted to share with Russo."Russo," Connor began, a glint of excitement in his eyes, "I've got some big news to share with you."Russo leaned forward, eager to hear what his friend had to say. "I'm all ears, my friend. It's been way too long."Connor took a deep breath, a mixture of joy and anticipation building within him. "Annah and I are making plans for our wedding ceremony next year."Russo's eyes widened, and a smile sprea
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Chapter 168
Chapter 168As Connor returned home, the weight of a long day hung heavily upon his shoulders. The door creaked shut behind him, and he was met by the familiar face of Hans. Hans, known for his unflinching professionalism and stoic demeanor, appeared more serious than usual and even Connor knew that whatever he had discovered wasn't good at all. He could feel it in his bones and he was quite scared to know what exactly the big man had discovered."Connor," he said in a low, urgent tone, "I have an important message for you. You need to hear this right away."Connor's brow furrowed, his curiosity piqued by Hans's uncharacteristic urgency. He nodded and gestured for Hans to continue.Hans leaned in closer, ensuring they were out of earshot from any potential eavesdroppers. "Michael," he said, with a gravity that sent a chill down Connor's spine, "our archenemy, is planning something very big against us."Connor's heart skipped a beat. The name Michael was synonymous with danger, a neme
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Chapter 169
Chapter 169Amid the chaotic gunfire and commotion echoing from outside the mansion, Connor's heart raced as he dashed down the ornate hallway towards the room where Annah was, waiting. Fear gripped him, knowing that danger lurked just beyond those walls.He threw open the door, his eyes frantically searching for Annah, who sat huddled in a corner, her face pale with terror. Her eyes welled up with tears, and her voice trembled as she whispered, "Connor, I'm so scared. What's happening out there?"Connor rushed to her side, his protective instincts kicking in. He held her trembling hands and pulled her close, his arms offering the reassurance she so desperately needed. "Shh, Annah, it's going to be alright," he whispered with a resolve in his voice, even as he heard the heavy footfalls of his men moving urgently outside the door. "My men are out there, and they're taking care of everything. You're safe with me, and I won't let any harm come near you."As he held Annah, he couldn't h
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Chapter 170
Chapter 170 In the chaotic aftermath of the fierce battle, Hans and his team moved with urgency, carrying the wounded Connor back to the safety of the mansion. The night was filled with tension as they realized that Connor's condition was dire. He was severely wounded, and an eerie silence fell upon the group as they noticed that he wasn't breathing. Once inside the mansion, they rushed Connor to a well-equipped medical room. Bruno, the mansion's doctor, who had seen his fair share of injuries from similar incidents, wasted no time. His skilled hands worked swiftly to assess the extent of Connor's injuries and initiate emergency medical procedures. Amid the commotion and frantic activity, the security team realized that Annah had been anxiously waiting for news of his condition. They exchanged worried glances, knowing that her emotional state was already fragile, and seeing her beloved in such a dire state would devastate her. "Please, let me see him." Annah cried. As Bruno contin
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