บททั้งหมดของ The Mafia Lord wants his baby back : บทที่ 171 - บทที่ 180
Chapter 171
Chapter 171 After hearing what happened to his friend, Russo rushed back to the mansion. His heart pounded in his chest as he made his way through the grand corridors, each step heavier than the last. He had known Connor for years, and the thought of something terrible happening to him was almost unbearable. Hans greeted Russo as he arrived, a grave expression on his face. Without uttering a word, Hans led Russo through the opulent mansion to the room where Connor was being treated. The seconds felt like hours as they walked, and dread coiled in Russo's stomach. When they finally entered the room, Russo's breath caught in his throat. The sight before him was a horrifying tableau of pain and suffering. Connor lay on the bed, his face ashen and his body covered in blood-soaked bandages. Russo couldn't believe what he was seeing. His friend had been shot multiple times, and the severity of his injuries left Russo shocked beyond anything he could ever imagine. Russo rushed to Connor's
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Chapter 172
CHAPTER 172 Annah's eyes flickered open in the dim lit hallway. Her arms felt sore, her shoulders rigid and her muscles protested with each movement she made. Martha's head leaned against the wall still asleep. Her head snapped towards the direction of the slight creak of the door. She tried to still her racing heart as she stood up, she walked towards Hans who stared at her wearily. "Please don't tell me you spent the night here" his gaze flickered over to Martha who was still sleeping, her head bent at an awkward angle and then his glance returned back to Annah. "There was no way I could sleep. You know that" she said. Her eyes furrowed in worry as she glanced at the door. "Can I see him now?" she glanced up at him hopefully. "Yes. It would seem that he's beginning to make a steady recovery. His vital organs seem to be functioning properly now" he said. Annah released a long sigh of relief, the tension releasing from her shoulders slightly. Martha's eyes slowly opened, h
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Chapter 173
CHAPTER 173 Connor was finally getting discharged from the private hospital wing. His injuries were slowly healing. Annah didn't allow him to leave the bedroom. Not that he couldn't but the last thing he wanted was to get on her bad side and upset her. The things he did for that woman. It surprised him sometimes, caught him off guard even but he'd do it all over again, just to see her happy, just to see her lips tugging up in a smile. He was slowly regaining strength, his appetite had returned and Annah took it upon herself to make sure he ate more often than he usually did. "I'm not a drum you know" he shifted away when he saw her pick up another piece of fruit in an attempt to give it to him. "Just one more wouldn't hurt you know" she said softly, the edge of her lips tugged up in an amused smile. He stared at her like he was entranced in a spell. He wasn't sure he could get over how beautiful she was. He never really got tired from looking at her. He could do that all day,
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Chapter 174
CHAPTER 174 It was difficult having to tell Annah that he was going to return back to work for the next day. She didn't accept the news too happilly and even if, at the back of his head, he knew she wouldn't be too happy, it was still torture, knowing that he was the one that made the smile drop from her lips. "Was that what you were telling Hans by the door?" She asked and he slowly nodded. The walk back to the mansion was almost unbearable. She remained silent and to crown it all. Dinner was excruciatingly silent, she only smiled at the maids who served dinner and when they finally retired to the bedroom, he decided he's had enough of the silence. "Aren't you going to talk to me?" He said, looking at her expectantly as she packed her hair in a bun Infront of the vanity mirror. If the tension didnt linger in the air, if Connor didn't feel like he was suffocating him, he would have pressed a long kiss to the side of her bare neck. He decided that perhaps it would be a be
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Chapter 175
CHAPTER 175"You're back to the office so early?" Connor snapped his head towards the direction of the hallway. Russo casually leaned against the wall, a look of amazement and worry on his face. it seemed he wasn't going to approve of Connor's immediate return either. Russo eyes ran over Connor quickly, almost as if he was looking for an injuri which were now invisible. The recovering injuries were buried beneath Connor's suit. "Didn't Bruno give you strict instructions to rest?" Russo raised an eyebrow in question. If there's anything he was painfully aware of, it was how stubborn Connor was. He never backed down easily. Russo wasn't sure he knew what the definition of rest was. Connor had always been one to work hard. He liked getting things done by himself even if he knew he had hundreds of people at his beck and call. "I don't work for Bruno, Russo. You know that." Connor said dryly. His gaze returned to the papers that were scattered across the table. Russo took the liberty o
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Chapter 176
CHAPTER 176The night felt fulfilling as Annah and Connor returned back to the bedroom. Annah had watched with a small smile on her face as Connor has read thier son bedtime stories and yet she couldn't ignore the unease that clawed at the walls of her stomach. Everything seemed to be going ok. E everything seemed to be good. She wondered how long it was going to last until something else occurred again. When they returned to the privacy of thier bedroom, Connor gently slammed her against the wall, capturing her lips between his within the space of a heartbeat. From the urgency he used to kiss her, it was obvious that he had been thinking about her all day, just as much as she's been thinking about him. The thought made her smile into the kiss as she slid her hands up his chest to wrap her hands around his neck. "I missed you today" Connor whispered softly, the blood rushing immediately to his groin at the thought that he'd have the luxury of exploring her all over. "I missed you
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Chapter 177
CHAPTER 177Annah found it a bit amusing that Hans was insistent on escorting her to the library despite the amount of times she had politely declined. She wondered if the guards following closely behind them were not enough to assure him and Connor that she was perfectly and completely safe. Yet they were insistent on not taking chances. Between Connor and Hans. She didn't know who was more stubborn. Perhaps that was why Connor decided that he was the perfect fit for chief head of security. he was the sort of person that knew how to make decisions for the well being of the people that he protected. Despite the stoic facade that Hans put on Infront of people. Annah knew that he was a man that had compassion and had Connor's best interest at heart. He would do anything to see Connor happy and would do everything possible to ensure he was safe and away from threat. She noticed Hans seemed a little on edge. She wanted to inquire the reason for his mood but decided against it. It was pr
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Chapter 178
CHAPTER 178Connor felt bothered as he stared at fge screen. Hans stood beside him, his face impassive but he knew Hans was just as worried as he was. They had been unable to get a clear view of the intruder's face. All that they got was the exact detail of his build. It was almost as if the intruder was very conscious about the camera. Apparently, he was smarter than Connor gave him credit for. Hans and Connor exchanged worried glances. It was hard to miss the pasty white shade of Hans knuckles. Connor was on edge, he could feel the anxiety eating him alive from the inside out. It was hard to focus on anything. He was conflicted between flying Annah and his son, preferably to another state and than staying here. At the back of his head, he knew Micheal still found a watch him, Micheal was silently gauging his every move, making plans on the move he would make next. This wasn't something that Connor could rush. This wasn't a decision that Connor could just hastily commence."How do
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Chapter 179
CHAPTER 179Something was wrong. Annah could sense it from Connor as they sat at the dinner table. He was occupied with cutting his son's food into smaller pieces. Everytime she tried to ask him if he was ok. He would assure her that he was and then would back it up with a smile that wasn't in the least bit convincing. She knew when he was trying to suppress his emotions, she knew when he was trying to keep what he was feeling away from her, all because he didn't want to dampen her mood. She noted the way his shoulders were a bit tight with tension, she noted the muscles in his jaw. She considered trying to get him to admit what was bothering him, but not here. Not at the dinner table. There were maids still serving platters of food that they couldn't even quite finish. She had tried to convince him of the fact that having a near buffet for dinner wasn't always necessary. But he wouldn't listen. He's always insistent in spoiling her and thier son. Hans hanged around the dinner table
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Chapter 180
CHAPTER 180Annah felt off and very conflicted. There was obviously something that Connor was not telling her. She didn't know what it was but for him to act so distant, for her to be able to sense his anxiety, it was definitely enough to set him on edge. Martha played with her son and she stared at the empty space, lost in thought. She tried to calm her racing nerves but was unable to. Martha sneaked a curious glance at her. She wondered what it could be that distracted Annah so much. Whatever it was, it must be something enough to set her on edge. Annah son was occupied with drawing on paper. The little boy has taken such a liking to art that it amazed both Annah and Martha. He was able to come up with creative things and each time Annah or Martha came across his art. It rendered both of them breathless. "Are you okay Annah, you've been staring for hours" Martha said as she looked at Annah worriedly, her face etched in concern. "I'm just worried about Connor. He's been behaving
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