All Chapters of Destined To Be His Luna : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
45 Chapters
"Hold on! Exactly how many of these vampires are coming?" "The patrolling unit that spotted them, were able to scout that they were around fifty, holding guns and other weapons. The patrolling unit couldn't intercept them due to their numbers, so they brought the news straight to me." "I see, I warned the vampire Aurora to take her search away from our territory! If the vampires want a war, then we will give it to them!" Theodore gritted his teeth. "So, what do we do?" "Tell about a hundred of our most skilled fighters to gather at the briefing hall, and wait for me. We shall intercept the vampires before they make it to the pack." "Just a hundred?" "Yes, the rest of our warriors can stay here and protect the pack." "Okay…" Liam glanced over to Adira, he had not been able to get the moment he had with her back in the forest, off his head. Now seeing her in just her towel, with all her curves and edges visible to him, he was left stunned, never had he seen such a beauty
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"You must think you're so smart? And have us pinned down, but let me tell you, you have not." "I am pretty sure I've. Look around you, you are painfully outnumbered. Whatever I decide now, is at my mercy. YOU ARE AT MY MERCY." Dominic was enraged, his breathing increased while giving him a hostile glare. "I will die before I am at the mercy of any werewolf!" He charged towards Theodore. Theodore just smiled, before Dominic's hand could touch him, one of the werewolves standing beside him jumped in front of Dominic, and clawed him with his big claws from his chest up to the right side of his shoulder, leaving behind a huge injury. Dominic wailed as he fell to the ground in pain, and the werewolf stood over him lifted his claws, about to finish the job. "Stop!" Theodore exclaimed with his hand lifted up. "Don't kill him, his king will do just that when he finds out how Dominic went behind his back to attack our pack." The werewolf growled at Dominic, and took a step back to sta
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Adira's blond hair was flying to the gentle winds, standing at the window of Theodore's room, staring at the huge gates of the pack. She had gotten dressed in her hoodie and skinny jeans, now patiently waiting for Theodore. She had not been unable to get the magical kiss they shared off her head. It had been hours since Theodore left, it was now dark, she was becoming worried. No one in the pack, outside herself, knew about the vampire's attack, which made things even worse. There was no one she could ask about Theodore.KNOCK! KNOCK!! Someone knocked on the door, excitedly Adira rushed over to the door, thinking it was Theodore but was instantly drenched in disappointment as she opened the door, only to see Shira. "Where is he?!" Shira demanded with her hands folded on her chest. "He has been avoiding me for days. I don't know what's going on, but it all started since you came here." "I have no idea what you're talking about Shira." "Where is he? I've searched the whole damn pa
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"Adira?" Theodore called, startled to see Adira standing in front of him, he swiftly walked out of Shira's grip taking a few steps towards her. "I thought you'd be up in the room." "You know I thought…." Adira paused, her eyes watery, while her voice wavered in sadness as she tried to speak. "I thought it would be nice to come check if you were okay, it turns out I just made a bigger fool out of myself." "Adira—" "Stop!" She exclaimed, her tears had now overflown, dripping through the sides of her eyes, slowly streaming down her cheeks. "Whatever it is, I'm not interested in hearing it." She turned around and walked away. "Adira, wait!" He attempted to go after her, but Shira grabbed his hand, pulling him back. "Hey, what is going on?" Her eyes focused on his. "You've been acting strange for the past few days. Is there something I should be worried about?" Theodore wasn't ready to let Shira go, so he forced a smile on his face and pulled her over to his body. "No my love,
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Adira opened her eyes to the white ceiling above her, she sighed and anxiously turned to the window, it was still dark outside. She'd been trying to figure out who'd left that note all night and barely had any sleep. Part of it was because of the whole issue with Theodore, the other was because she already made up her mind to leave the pack, with whoever this person was. She was already dressed in her blue skinny jeans and hoodie. So she got up from bed, took a quick glance at the wall clock, which was displaying 5:30, then walked out of the room. Hastily, she walked through the empty hallways of the castle like she was being chased, heading to the front door of the castle, to meet up with whomever had left that note under her door. Like fate was not happy with the decision she had made, it sent Liam her way, as she was walking down one of the hallways. She tried to escape him, he was the last person she wanted to see. However, it was much too late, Liam was already walking dire
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The sun was slowly rising, its warm rays went through the window, straight into Theodore's eyes. He turned over on the bed, placed his arm around Shira's waist and pulled her closer. Leaving them in a romantic cuddling position. Shira immediately opened her eyes, and a bright smile sprouted out from her face. It had been months since Theodore slept on the same bed with her, and since Adira came into the picture, it had pushed him further away from her. For the first, she felt happy that Adira was in Theodore's room. Because that was the only reason Theodore had to sleep in her room, and they had a fantastic night. "Adira…." Theodore suddenly muttered in his sleep, instantly killing Adira's happiness, replacing the smile on her face with an ugly frown. She gently sat up on the bed without waking Theodore, and turned to attentively stare at him. "Please…" He continued mumbling, sweat dripping from his face. "Adira please, please don't go, I promise things will be different. I will n
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"Gosh! Why would you do this!" He hit his hand on the nightstand beside the table and sat down on the bed, frustrated. "Wait!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Maybe I can see where she is, like last time." He closed his eyes. "I just have to focus." He tried to think of Adira for a few seconds, but the thoughts of Shira kept interfering. "F"ck!" He grunted, got out of the room, anxiously walked through the hallways of the castle ignoring anyone who talked to him, heading straight to the castle's front door. He was about to walk out through the castle's front door, when he bumped into Adolphus coming into the castle. "Theodore…" Adolphus gave him a devilish smile, almost like he knew why he looked nervous. "Adolphus….?" "Now where are you off to in such a hurry, the meeting is about to begin." "Why are you doing this, Adolphus?" Theodore's face became serious as his eyes focused on his face. "Just be plain with me." "What are you talking about?" Adolphus tried to walk away, through hi
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The sun was now high up in the sky, it was noon, birds singing in the trees as Adira walked through the forest, behind Michael and Lucas in total silence. It had been hours since they had left the pack, she was starting to feel uneasy, it felt like all the trees she walked past were the same, or maybe they were? The last time Liam escorted her through the forest it didn't take this long. "Are we any closer to the highway?" She broke the awkward silence that had been lingering around since they left the pack. Michael anxiously glanced back at her, and continued walking forward without saying a word. She could feel something was wrong, then the phone Adolphus had given Michael, suddenly started ringing in his pocket. "Wait!" She exclaimed, bringing both Michael and Lucas to a halt. "Isn't that a cell phone ringing in your pocket." She gestured to the pockets on Michael's trousers. Michael remained quiet, just staring at her. "Don't look at me like I'm an idiot, I thought on
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"Roman!" The other man interrupted them, pulling both their attention over to him. He had walked over to Lucas's body to make sure he was dead. As expected, Liam's body had shifted back to its human form. But revealing a cell phone under his hand. "So Roman, that's your name?" Adira said to the man. Roman glared at her and turned to the man who had called him. "What is it Tristan?" "Look." Tristan gestured to cell phone. It was the same phone with Michael, Lucas must have taken it from him, Adira thought to herself. "Bring it along." Roman said. "It may just be of importance later on." Then he turned back to Adira. "You!" He grabbed her left arm by the wrist. "Will be coming with me." "Not if I can help it!" She made a hard fist with her right hand, and swinged it towards his face. Swiftly he moved his face out of the way and caught her hand. "How predictable!" He chuckled. "Tristan, bring the ropes and help me tie down her hands, she's a little feisty." "No!" She struggled
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A FEW HOURS EARLIER It had been just a few hours since the meeting with the council, Theodore was having a peaceful rest at the balcony outside the throne room, with Shira by his side. It was a date he'd plan, trying to make it up to her as he had promised. Both of them were sipping champagne, talking, enjoying the cool breeze from the height of the balcony. All of a sudden, a feeling that Theodore could not put into words hit him. His once smiling face instantly went pale, as everywhere around him became as dark as the night. Looking forward he could see cave walls all around him. "Theodore…." He clearly heard the voice of Adira calling to him, her voice wavering, he could hear the fear within it. "Please I need you now…." As sudden as the feeling came, it stopped and everything went back to normal. He opened his eyes, and realized he was on the floor. "Theodore…." Shira called, squatted next to him. "Are you okay?" He could see the fear in her eyes as he stared up at her.
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