All Chapters of Destined To Be His Luna : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
45 Chapters
*A FEW HOURS BEFORE THE HUGE BELLS RANG* After Theodore left Liam's cabin, he made his way directly from Liam's cabin, over to Adolphus's cabin, sneaked in through the kitchen window, and made his way straight to Adolphus's bedroom. He searched through every inch of the room, without scattering anything that would give Adolpus the idea that anyone was there. But despite how thoroughly he searched, he found nothing. He placed both hands in his head, already getting frustrated, when he turned around to see the closet behind him. Quickly, he opened its doors and searched through it. Like other places in the room he'd checked, there was nothing out of the ordinary, except an old picture in a frame, placed on one of the closet shelves. He gently picked it up, to stare vigorously at. There were three people in the picture, a much younger Adolphus who was standing in the middle. Then to his right hand side, a girl that surprisingly bore striking resemblance to Adira. On Adolphus's lef
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Meanwhile, over at Liam's cabin, it had now been hours since Theodore left. The sunset was fast approaching, Adira was now dressed in the blue dress Lydia had brought for her, while she stood at Liam's cabin living room's window, looking out to the pack's streets The streets were filled with pack members, all flooding towards the castle in the aftermath of the bells being rung. "What could be going on in there?" She muttered underneath her breath, squinting her eyes. "We have to wait for Theodore to find the answer to that." Liam suddenly appeared behind her, with his hands folded on his chest. "Jesus!" Adira gasped, quickly turned around, breathing heavily. "Why did you do that?" She gestured with both hands in the air. "I'm sorry for startling you, but I know what you are thinking and Theodore told us explicitly to wait for him, so that's what we will be doing." "Lydia left to go look for her mother back in the castle, and she's not back yet. Something shady is going on in t
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Adira on the other side of the door, stood frozen as she heard the struggling coming from within the hall. Liam was getting ambushed. "I do care, Liam. More than you will ever know." She muttered, then slowly placed her hand on the door. "Be okay please…" She took a deep breath, slowly took a step back, turned around and started running down the various hallways of the castle, heading straight to the castle's front door. She kept looking back as she ran, to make sure she wasn't being followed. Then all of a sudden as she was looking back, she bumped into Laura and Lydia who were on their way to the briefing hall. Shocked at Adira's sudden encounter into them, "Adira…?" Laura called, her eyes scanning through Adira's body who was breathing heavily like she was being chased. "Is everything okay?" She proceeded to ask. "Adolphus!" Adira gestured back down the hallway, trying to catch her breath. "He's in the briefing hall and has taken control of the pack, he sent people after me,
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Meanwhile the pack was in total chaos, Shira had been laying on the floor in her room since the afternoon, passed out, courtesy of trusting the woman from the book. Finally, she gasped, sat up on the floor, breathing heavily, while looking around, till her eyes settled on the book still open on the table. Her eyebrows scrunched together as the memories of what happened came flying back. She took a quick glance outside her window, and saw the sky covered in a blanket of darkness. "Oh my God!" She strained her voice. "I have been passed out throughout the entire day!" Her face became more reddish as it filled with anger. "You stupid book!" She swiftly got up, walked over to the table, closed it, tied it with the belt and tossed it in her closet. "What was I thinking…." She held her head, slowly taking a few long steps back from the closet, while staring at it. "Trusting a mysterious woman from a book made from dark magic, how stupid can I be!" "Wait!" She slowly removed her hands
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Lydia was still standing at Adolphus's cabin front porch, forced to watch in amazement as Adira tore through Adolphus's chest. "So she's a werewolf now?" She voiced out in surprise. "She has always been a werewolf, she just didn't believe me when I told her. But it seems the wolf in her, answered to her rage." Laura, who was still sitting next to Theodore, trying to help him, replied. "So what do we do? Take out the remaining five men?" Lydia gestured to the remaining five men that were watching Adira in horror, too scared to even more. "Of course not! You need to stop Adira now!" "Stop her? Adolphus is the villain here!" Lydia protested. "So why in the hell should I stop Adira from killing the monster that locked you up, and did this to Theodore." She gestured to Theodore. "Because Lydia, if she kills him. It'll be harder to clear her name. We need him alive to be able to answer for his crimes, if we are to ever clear Adira's name from what Adolphus has made her look like to t
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Adira gasped and opened her blue eyes to a blue ceiling above her, she quickly sat up on the medium sized bed which she had been laying on. She was in a white nightgown, and she had no idea how she got into it, or how she got there. This further left her freaked out as she looked around the room. At the first few glances, she could barely see anything. The room was too dark, its curtains were drawn, blocking out any light from the sun. But after some seconds, her eyes adapted to the condition of the room. Courtesy of her new found werewolf abilities. She could now clearly see the room, which was painted in blue, decorated like a typical boy's room. On the walls were different photos of a young boy, no older than twenty. He was a very handsome black boy with caramel skin color, blue eyes and curly dark hair, bearing an unmistakable resemblance to Laura. "Who are you?" She muttered underneath her breath, squinting her eyes as she stared at one of the boy's the photos. Suddenly,
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"There is something you need to know…" Laura continued. "Adolphus's motive wasn't just so you could leave to protect the pack, he had over motives, or at least, so he says." "What other motive could there be?" "We don't know, he said he will only talk to you."KNOCK! KNOCK!! KNOCK!!! Someone suddenly knocked on the cabin's front door, pulling both their attention. "I'll get it!" Lydia echoed from the other room, and went to open the front door. "Mom, it's for you?" She voiced out a few seconds later. "Just get dressed, I left some clothes for you in the drawers." Laura said to Adira before she dashed out of the room to go see who was at the front door. Adira turned around and slowly walked back to the drawer which was beside the bed, brought out a black skinny jeans and a red female sleeve shirt which were carefully folded there and quickly put them on. Then looking like a model, she strolled out to the living room, only to see Shira talking with Laura at the front door. Her
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"Well that was intense!" Lydia suddenly voiced out, drawing Laura's and Adira's attention to her. She had been standing behind them in the hallway, watching as the conversation with Laura got tense. "So much drama over one guy." She added. "Well he is the Alpha." Laura cut in, a smirk playing at the corner of her mouth. "He's every young girl's dream in the pack." "Well he isn't mine, plus it still doesn't change the fact that he's still just a guy mom and frankly speaking, he is not worth all the trouble." She proceeded to walk past them, over to the front door. "Lydia, wait!" Adira exclaimed, bringing Lydia to a halt before she opened the door. "I remember I hurt you last night when I shifted, I didn't have time to ask you this before, but are you okay?" "Hurt me!" Lydia scoffs, and turns around with a big smile plastered on her face, trying to hide how weak she felt. "You merely just tossed me, because you were stronger. You didn't hurt me sweet heart." "O…Kay. I just wante
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Theodore took another step backward, ulterly humiliated as he gulped down hard. "For the record, I have never made a choice, Adira. You just assumed I did." He said in a low tone. "Not choosing is a choice too!" She exclaimed in a loud voice. "You damn well knew that. So stop toying with my feelings when you know, we are never going to happen." "Fine…" He took a deep breath and exhaled hard, letting out all his anger in a loud tone. "You're right. I'm sorry for trying to kiss you Adira, after you gave me the go ahead by looking back into my eyes. I will NEVER ever try to kiss you again!" "Seriously! Giving you the go ahead?" She held her head up straight, gesturing with both hands. "You literally came at me for a kiss, then what? Later in front of Shira you'll treat me like I don't exist? Wait… do you actually expect me to apologize for slapping you?" "Adira, just drop it…" "Just drop it Theodore? You literally just tried to kiss me and tried to use emotional blackmail on me
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"Yes Adira, that's exactly what I am saying!" "Seriously?" Adira scoffs, and a grin settles at the corner of her lips. "You really think I'd believe that? Like seriously that's the best you could come up with?" "Adira, it's not a matter of believing. It's a matter of being truthful, whether you believe it or not. It is the truth." "Fine…." She folded her hand on her chest. "Let's say I believe what you're saying, which I don't, why would you still go through all this trouble just to get me away from the pack and kill me, knowing I'm basically family?" "Don't you dare say that, you are no family of mine, but an abomination to my lineage. And the cause of my innocent daughter's death!" The grin on her face quickly became engulfed with a serious look as she took an abrupt step backwards, memories of all the times they told her she was the cause of her mother's death back at the conclave, flashed through her head. "What did you just say?" She added, staring vigorously at Adolphus.
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