All Chapters of The Masked Symphony of Mrs. Luther: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
658 Chapters
Chapter 131 Who Hired You
Elizabeth hastily went back to her bedroom and unlocked a safe that was concealed inside her closet. Over the years, Liam had frequently given her checks and wired money to her. Even though she enjoyed luxury goods, she did not purchase them too often, as she needed to present Liam with a docile and sensible impression of herself. She found that this money came in handy at this crucial time. After she took out the checks and the bank cards, she did a quick calculation and grinned contentedly. She could hire several outlaws with this much cash.Elizabeth was oblivious to the fact that Gwyneth was being extremely vigilant while she was organizing another move on her end. Since being kidnapped, Gwyneth had become quite alert. She did not bring this up to Wesley, but she had Wanda by her side.When Gwyneth took Wanda back to AMC Group, they both had some scratches on their bodies. Gwyneth tried to hide it from Wesley, but he had sharp eyes. In addition, Wanda and Wesley gradually g
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Chapter 132 Please Check On Our Work
These outlaws had always favored swift and decisive action. Sure enough, they also liked people with abilities. They initially believed this job involved some sort of love triangle, and they had to teach the mistress a lesson.The scene that unfolded before their eyes changed their minds. There might have been some relationship issues involved, but this woman was far from the eye candy they had first assumed her to be. The outlaws took a glance at the check on the ground, exchanged glances, and quickly came to a decision."A woman paid us handsomely and sent us here to kidnap you, but we don't know her name."Gwyneth arched her eyebrow. The reply was obviously unsatisfactory for her."Oh, that's right! Although we don't know her name, we do know her surname.""Yeah! She mentioned her surname when she hired us. It's Lisle!"If Elizabeth had a more common surname, Gwyneth might have had to make some deductions, but her surname was too unique.When Gwyneth heard about it, she giggl
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Chapter 133 It's All Your Fault
"Hey! Speak up! Are you deaf?"Elizabeth became nervous and terrified as it grew quieter. Her screams echoed eerily in the immense warehouse. A short while later, while still lying on the ground, she heard the sound of high heels coming from a spot not too far away. Every hair on her body stood on end. She wanted to turn her head to look, but she was unable to."Lift her up," a voice said from behind. Elizabeth would never mistake this woman for anyone else."Gw… Gwyneth…""It's me, Ms. Lisle. I never thought we'd meet in a place like this."Two kidnappers lifted Elizabeth up as Gwyneth spoke. Well, 'lifted' might not be the right word for it—rather, they propped her up. Elizabeth screamed loudly as the pain shot through her arm."What's going on?"Her entire body began to feel a deep sense of dread. Elizabeth watched as Gwyneth slowly approached her, her voice gradually growing softer."Are you asking me that question, or are you asking on my behalf?" Gwyneth softly question
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Chapter 134 Distorting Right and Wrong
After listening to these reasons, Gwyneth was momentarily speechless.She did not know whether she should hate Elizabeth or sympathize with her.Was it really because of her existence? Then how would one explain the previous three years?It was really meaningless to think about all these emotional entanglements.Gwyneth pursed her lips while Elizabeth gasped heavily and tried to calm herself down as much as possible.But the dagger was still pressed against her neck, and no matter how many people were there, it was hard to truly ignore or relax in this situation.At that moment, in this stalemate, the warehouse doors opened again. Everyone turned their heads at the sound and saw Liam walking toward them.Speaking of which, Liam arrived here so quickly because of the message Gwyneth sent him. She did not do it because she wanted anything specific, but rather, she felt that after all this time, it was about time for Liam to see the true nature of this so-called innocent woman.Ho
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Chapter 135 Stop Provoking Her
Seeing how Liam was not going to speak anytime soon, Gwyneth felt a chill in her heart.Even so, she did not feel too disheartened about it. After all, in recent days, Liam seemed like someone who could think rationally. But it seemed there was nothing more to him, and she had misjudged him.Gwyneth gritted her teeth, feeling nauseous as she watched Elizabeth lean weakly against Liam.She swallowed down whatever words that had been on the tip of her tongue."Ms. Glen."A voice came from behind, and Gwyneth turned to see a group of police officers entering the place. Coincidentally, it was the same group of police officers as the last time.Seeing the captain, Gwyneth forced a bitter smile and politely nodded."Are all the people outside the warehouse accounted for? We have just finished questioning them all," the police captain asked sternly before slowly shifting his gaze to Elizabeth.Since the police had arrived, Elizabeth had practically hidden herself behind Liam. It was e
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Chapter 136 Back to the Past
Upon hearing those words, Elizabeth was completely dumbfounded. Her hands froze in mid-air, and she was unsure how to respond.In all the years she had been by Liam's side, she had never been reprimanded or warned in such a manner.She swallowed hard and nervously tried to think of something to say.Liam looked at Elizabeth's state and narrowed his eyes slightly before sighing. After hesitating for a few seconds, he turned and walked toward the police captain's office.By the time Elizabeth fully regained her senses, Liam had already returned."Ms. Lisle, take care of yourself," he said indifferently as he walked into the room, leaving the words hanging in the air.Watching the captain walk into the room and hearing those words, Elizabeth finally realized what had happened.Did Liam go to the captain and get her released?On the surface, it seemed like a good thing, but there was still a heavy weight in her heart, and she was unable to relax at all.She numbly followed Liam ou
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Chapter 137 Delayed Trip
The people present were basically the head of various departments within Glen Corporation, so they were well aware of the short-term direction.After all, the previous incident at the auction had caused quite a stir, so they knew the next project would be the Glacier Lake project.However, when Gwyneth announced this, they could not help but feel surprised.Initial preparations for such a major official project would usually take a corporation at least a month.But now, this young CEO had finalized it in just two weeks?"Ms. Glen, d-did it really take such a short time to...?" The director of the marketing department slowly raised his hand, voicing the doubts of everyone present.Gwyneth simply smiled in response."You can take a look at the overall structure. If there are any issues, we can make adjustments right away."In fact, although Judy had been responsible for the project planning, she had no idea about the overall structure. In other words, Judy mistakenly believed tha
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Chapter 138 I Forgave Him
In fact, Gwyneth did not need to have such a rushed schedule. She could have easily slept well today and started her journey tomorrow.But she did not want to see Liam at the moment, and she was sure that she would not encounter him if she went and packed her bags at this time.After packing everything, Gwyneth set off in her car and went to pick up Wanda first.Gwyneth's phone suddenly rang as they were about to head toward Glacier Lake.She looked at the caller ID, and a smile appeared on her face as she immediately answered the call. However, as soon as she brought the phone to her ear, she heard a complaint from the other end."Gwyneth! You're so heartless! Not only did you not come to see me, but you didn't even care that I was discharged today?" Aubrey's voice rang out from the other end of the line.Aubrey's outburst made Gwyneth feel a twinge of guilt.Lately, she had been busy dealing with company matters, and although she called often, she had not visited Aubrey. In re
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Chapter 139 A Fan Chasing an Idol
Gwyneth was genuinely surprised by Aubrey's change in attitude toward Henry. She did not know much about the man, but the first impression between people was crucial.With this in mind, Gwyneth slowly raised her head with a frown and prepared to persuade Aubrey. But when she saw Aubrey's expression, she could not help but freeze."W-why are you staring outside like a deer in headlights?"The car had already stopped, and Aubrey still stared unblinkingly out the window."Hey! What's gotten into you?"As Gwyneth spoke, she waved her hand in front of Aubrey's eyes, but there was no change in her demeanor.Furrowing her brows, Gwyneth followed her gaze and saw Hayden standing outside the car."You..."Gwyneth raised an eyebrow at this and looked at Aubrey as if she had figured something out.After all, only a few of them were going on this trip, so traveling in one car would be sufficient, and Gwyneth suggested picking up Hayden on the way.This led to an unexpected encounter."Y
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Chapter 140 Autographed Photo
With just that one sentence, Gwyneth instantly felt a headache coming on. She furrowed her brows and leaned away from Hayden without much thought as she tried to avoid him."He owns this land in Glacier Lake, and there’s a collaboration between us during this period, so it's only normal for him to join the inspection."On the surface, there was nothing wrong with that statement, but deep down, Gwyneth still felt a slight discomfort.There was nothing illogical about the situation, but Liam could not shake off his uneasiness.His previously nervous emotions surged once again. He reached out and pulled off his tie, and there was an urgent look on his face. But even if he was dissatisfied, he did not have the authority or position to command Gwyneth at the moment.After asking a few more questions on the phone, he hung up. Then, he dialed his assistant's number."I won't be in the office tomorrow, so—""Sir." The assistant trembled in fear as he interrupted Liam. "There are several
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