All Chapters of The Masked Symphony of Mrs. Luther: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
658 Chapters
Chapter 151 I'll Apply The Medicine For You
"You…I…," Gwyneth stammered.Liam appeared serious, but he was ecstatic about her response. He doubted the word "cute" could correctly describe his wife, but it was the only one he could think of at the time.She chided, "Liam, why didn't you ask me first? Did I give you permission to live with me?"He retorted, "To be completely honest, I couldn't think of any excuse for you to decline. After all, we are legally married."She gritted her teeth but was unable to say anything in response to his solemn but sinister expression.‘There are no extra rooms available. Where would he go if I kicked him out? Do I want to let him sleep on the street? This man made the long trip to Glacier Lake just for me, and he gave it his all to save me. I can't do this to him for emotional or moral reasons.’She sighed helplessly and agreed to let him stay. However, this did not mean she was content or at ease with the situation.He saw that her expression was ice cold. He was not in a rush, especia
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Chapter 152 She’s Taken
Even the most stoic man would cry out in agony if their wound was grazed. Moreover, Liam had done this to Hayden out of the blue. Hayden felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead.Gwyneth's initial desire to take a break was again interrupted when she saw this. She went up to Liam right away. Hayden could not see his expression because he had his back to them.She reached out and motioned for Liam to give her the bandages and medicine bottle.Liam wore an innocent look. He even brushed his hands after giving her the items, acting as though he had just completed something significant.She was amused by his reaction.'How old is this guy?'She withdrew her hand after applying the ointment and wrapped the bandage around Hayden’s wound. She warned him, "It's done. You can now retire, but be careful of your posture when you sleep."His injury was located behind his shoulder, and he was forced to sleep on his stomach to avoid touching it."Don't worry, I'll be careful."Gwynet
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Chapter 153 Energetic
Hayden could not remember how their discussion ended. He returned to his room and violently slammed the door, feeling nothing when his shoulder wound reopened. He fought to keep his rage under control as he sat on the couch and eventually calmed down.Gwyneth and Liam were married, but Hayden believed that their marriage was likely a contractual one. If they had feelings for one another, their affection would have developed during the last three years.Hayden let out a heavy sigh, but he was no longer as upset as before.They did not have love for each other. Their marriage was a facade. He would not give up. If she needed to choose a life partner based on love, Hayden decided not to give in and grant Liam's wish.On the other side, Gwyneth emerged from the bathroom as she dried her hair. She saw Liam seated on the sofa and working. She felt a tightness in her heart. Subconsciously, she dipped her head to check her bathrobe before saying something.Her voice was a little erratic
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Chapter 154 First Night
After everything was resolved, Gwyneth stopped paying much attention to him. She made her way to the window, switched off the bedside lamp, and got ready for bed, closing her eyes.Liam smiled helplessly when he saw this. His grin contained a hint of mischief. They were subtle emotional changes that neither of them realized nor noticed.Liam entered the restroom after putting the hairdryer away. He had yet to shower after a long day.When Gwyneth heard the bathroom door closing, she immediately opened her eyes. Her body was extremely tired, but her mind was rather excited.How could she fall asleep? During her time as Liam's wife, she had made the decision to spend their wedding night in a guest room. They were forced to sleep in the same room because they were away on a trip. And of all places, the hotel was the place they had to share a room.She cursed him many times in her heart when she thought of this. But she was still powerless in this situation. She eventually closed her
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Chapter 155 Natural Beauty
Typically, Aubrey would be the first to speak. She immediately got up and raised her hand in excitement. Apparently, she was not bothered by yesterday. She suggested, "Gwynnie, I finally get to tag along and visit this scenic spot. Why don't we go for a stroll around Glacier Lake?"Gwyneth chuckled at her suggestion. She could comply with her request without issue. Her previous visits to this site had been work trips, but she had some free time today. It was a nice suggestion to go for a stroll. With that thought in mind, she turned her gaze toward Liam and Hayden. The two also agreed with this suggestion.Their journey from the hotel to Glacier Lake took some time, which Gwyneth used to catch up on some sleep. The drive was very peaceful, but upon arrival at Glacier Lake, Liam's phone started to ring non-stop. He would try to return to Gwyneth's side after he hung up the call, but a new call would come in shortly."You can go ahead and handle your things," Gwyneth urged gently when
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Chapter 156 I Did It For You
Liam questioned, "Mr. Hut, am I hearing things? What did you just say?"Gwyneth was confused by his sudden move. When she reacted and grasped the situation, she was even more confused. What on earth was going on here?Before Hayden could respond, Liam tightened his grip on Gwyneth's arm and declared, "Gwyneth is my wife."The young girl who had asked Hayden for his number was disheartened by his answer, but when she heard this, her dim spirit quickly brightened up. The more she looked at Hayden, the more familiar he seemed. She asked, "Are you…?"Hayden was annoyed by Liam's statement, but he was powerless to change it. When he heard the question from the girl, a warning bell went off in his mind.Liam took advantage of this and swiftly took Gwyneth away from the crowd. Their departure created a gap around Hayden. His surroundings were already crowded, but it had become packed now. Many people who stood afar even mistaken this for a new attraction site at Glacier Lake."Hey! Aren
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Chapter 157 Help! Save Him Please!
Both were businesspeople and understood the ins and outs of the trade, especially as small players in their industries.Liam had invested a lot of manpower and financial resources into this project. He had done it to make things convenient for Gwyneth, and it helped to put her at ease. After all, many in Glen Corporation wanted her to fall. His decision could alleviate some of her worries.When she learned about this, she was deeply moved and grateful to him. Moreover, this man had even told her that he was worried that she would misunderstand that he was neglecting her due to his busy work schedule.The fact that Gwyneth had not felt so touched in a long time caused her eyes to start watering.From a young age, Gwyneth had never experienced love from anyone other than her mother. Moreover, she frequently experienced power struggles and criticisms as the daughter of a wealthy family. Her heart was wrapped in a thick layer of ice, both to reject others and protect herself. She had
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Chapter 158 Are You Drawn To My Charm?
Gwyneth felt her heart break as the crowd swarmed her.She wished for a loudspeaker to silence them.The weather was the only pleasant thing. Neither the temperature nor the lake's water were too chilly. Even so, cold sweat had broken out on Gwyneth's palms, and a thin layer of perspiration coated her forehead.After struggling for a bit, Liam eventually swam to shore with the child. Some people seemed to awaken from their trance and clumsily pulled Liam and the child ashore.Such challenging hardship would leave even the strongest man exhausted. Liam's pallid face caught Gwyneth's attention, and she felt sorry for him. Whatever the case, saving a life was necessary.She took the child from Liam, laid the boy on the grass, and performed CPR on him.Hayden's side received noticeably less attention as a result of the commotion at the other end.Hayden also rushed over when he heard someone crying for help. He arrived to find Gwyneth kneeling on the ground with her back to him. She
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Chapter 159 Don't Go Too Far
As the car swayed throughout the journey, Aubrey started to feel sleepy and eventually fell asleep. The only one awake was Hayden, and he secretly balled up his fists when he caught a glimpse of the two in the rearview mirror.As usual, Liam followed Gwyneth to their room after arriving at the hotel.As soon as they entered, she hurried to the bathroom and prepared a hot bath. She walked out and saw Liam sitting on the sofa with his head hung low. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight.His sudden quietness stunned her because she had probably gotten used to his talkative nature.She urged softly, "You need to take a hot bath. It'll help you feel better."Her tone was imposing and caring at the same time.Liam slowly looked up when he heard her voice. He smiled at her and quietly went into the bathroom. Thirty minutes later, he emerged in a bathrobe and appeared much more energized.She picked up a hairdryer when she saw him and motioned for him to approach.He was not expecti
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Chapter 160 Gael Strauss Is A Woman
When they returned from Glacier Lake, Gwyneth asked for Hayden's help to send Wanda and Aubrey home. Meanwhile, she went back to the villa with Liam.The moment she arrived, she asked the servants to bring her some medication and took Liam's temperature. Luckily, it was just a mild fever from the cold.Gwyneth asked, "How do you feel?"She was overcome by many emotions as she observed Liam take his medication. This was her first time seeing Liam's vulnerable side. She never imagined that he had one. He became ill because he did not hesitate to save the life of a child he had never met. He dove into the icy lake to do that. He was compassionate.Gwyneth chuckled lightly and headed to the kitchen.Liam immediately perked up when he noticed this. He quickly stood up and followed her into the kitchen. As expected, he saw Gwyneth busy with something in the kitchen.He asked, "What is my wife cooking?""Chicken broth."She decided not to quibble with the way he addressed her, c
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