All Chapters of My Tormentor, My Savior : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
113 Chapters
Momentary Happiness
Today as Biya came to the university she finds Hina and Ahad waiting for her. As she came near to them Hina moved forward to her and asked her in restlessness. "Biya.....did Uncle scold you?""No....why are you asking?" Biya asked looking at her in surprise then Ahad told her."Actually Hina mean to say that have you told him that about yesterday's fight, so....""What are you guys uttering? Was that matter that important to tell them? was just an ordinary issue....and now I can't tell every single thing to my family.... you both guys are totally jerks." Saying in her normal voice she walked and sat on the grass. Hina also said beside her and told her in a scared voice. She was still feeling trembling merely thinking about that man."But it wasn't some ordinary matter. Didn't you saw how many guards were with that man?""Ohh shut up, Hina.... don't know what's cooking in your that mind....he isn't God, he is just an ordinary man....yes but the difference is that he has some mor
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Biya Disappeared
When Biya gained consciousness she ran her eyes in the surrounding. To her, this place felt strange. "This.... I why I am here?" Gulping saliva, she thought. And then she remembered after coming out of the university she was going towards the bus stop when a car stopped nearby her. Before that she can think of what was happening three masked men came out of the car and stopped in front of her. One of them put a handkerchief on her mouth. And after that she didn't remember anything.....and now."Ohh my God... it's m.... mean I am it can't happen. I don't have any enemy then why....?" Beyond that, she doesn't have the courage to think of anything. She quickly got up and ran to the door. "Open the there anyone? Please open the door. Why did you bring me here?.... open the door.... pleaseeeee......." Biya started crying badly and calling while beating on the door. But after a long time when no one came then she slides down on the floor near the door
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His Rage
"You.... how dare you kidnap me ... you bastard man..." Before that Biya speak something else in anger Sikandar Shah landed a tight slap on her face due to which she fell to the ground."Shut up... just shut up..... Biya Zaman. If you speak another single word then I will cut your this tongue." Grasping her by her hair, Sikandar Shah roared at her so loudly that made Biya tremble. Because of holding her tight by her hair her dupatta slide down from her head. She was going through so much pain that let a sobbing sound out of her mouth."Please, leave me. It's paining me." Taking away his hand she begged him. Her blue ocean eyes were filled with tears that started streaming down. But Sikandar Shah became merciless. On his jerking her, her dupatta slide down from her shoulders and fell on the floor. On that, her tears froze. She quickly tried to pick up her dupatta but before her movement, Sikandar picked it up and stood. He threw her dupatta far away from her. Covering herself with her
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Pointless Search
'Biya disappeared from home.' This news spread throughout the whole society like a fire in the jungle. People started gossiping about her that Biya ran away from her house, she is kidnap. And for knowing what really happened her mother-in-law and Taimoor came to Mr. Zaman's house."Biya is disappeared since yesterday... and you didn't feel it necessary to tell us...why?" Her mother-in-law asked Mr. Zaman who was sitting in front of her with a bowed head. But he remains silent. He said nothing or perhaps he has nothing to say."Uncle, mama is asking you something. So is people are saying the truth, did Biya really run...." "Mind your language. Don't you dare to say a single word against my daughter.... otherwise..." Mr. Zaman cut Taimoor's saying in the middle as he got furious. On that, Taimoor's mother was also irked by his behavior."You can't silence us...if you have a little control over your daughter then you wouldn't have to see this day.... that's why it is said don't educate
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Game Starts Now
Sikandar Shah came back to his home from the office when Farid came to his room bringing him his coffee. In a fearful state, he started telling him about that girl. Because Sikandar Shah assigned him the duty of giving food to her."Sir ..... that girl isn't eating anything. From morning, I bring her twice....and now again I took her then she th....threw away the tray." "You take the food. I'm coming." Clenching his fists in rage, Sikandar told him. And Farid nods his head walks out of his room. Biya was sitting on the floor with her head between her knees when Farid put the tray of food in front of her and said in an obedient tone. "Madam, finish this food. It's the order of sir." "How many times have I told you I am not eating? Can't you get it once I told you? Get lost from here and told your sir I will prefer eating poison but I will not take a single morsel of his ill-gotten food." Biya shouted in anger. And Farid in fear glanced at Sikandar standing in the front. With a ges
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The Letter
When Biya regain her conscious she saw a reflection of light coming into the room from the ventilator above with roof. It was indicating that the night has been turned into the day. She felt her head becoming heavy. Her throat became dry because of her thirst for water. She ran her eyes in the surrounding in search of water but she didn't find any indication of anything. Then in helplessly she put her head between her knees and remembered the letter of last night. And once again her tears started flowing. She was concerned about her mother and father. And in crying she started shouting."Mama.....papa.... forgive me.... forgive your Biya. Papa, it's all lie. I'm not like that. Your Biya isn't like that, papa. She can die but she can't break your trust. This man is very bad....he is very bad, papa. He can do anything, papa....he can harm you, Fahad, and Mama. Papa, he used such bad words for my Haya. My Haya is very innocent. Forgive me, papa....mama, Fahad, Haya.... for God's sake f
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His Ruthless
As Sikandar Shah opened the door and stepped inside his eyes went to Biya who was sitting in the corner of the room with her between her knees. Her open hair was scattered all around her. She raised her between her knees and looked up at the Intruder coming inside.Her eyes seemed to abandon and her open hair look like that there has been a long time since it was combed. Her red pink lips became dried because of the feeling of intensity for water. With motionless eyes, she gazed at that man and then again lowered her head. "Tsk.....tsk....tsk.... Biya Zaman isn't intending to do any fight today..... no anger....are you alright?" Sikandar Shah put the chair right in front of her to make fun of her state. He was about to put his hand on her forehead, but...."Don't you dare..... don't you touch me ...stay away from me." In anger, Biya jerked his hand away and moved back from him. "Hahaha..... you are full lioness....hahaha..." Sikandar Shah was sitting on the ch
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Taking Decision
"Allah, please keep my father and mother in good health. Please always keep their shadows on us. What kind of test you are taking of us? This has ruined the whole peace of our house. Please help us and took us out of this misery. Allah... please make my papa fine. My sister...." "Miss Haya..." Haya, who was sitting in the corridor of the hospital crying miserably and begging for the sound health of her father, immediately raised her voice at the calling of the nurse. Her eyes became extremely red because of constantly crying."S... sister how is p...papa?" She quickly stood up and came near the nurse. She was asking her by holding her from her both arms. Her tears were streaming down her face.But the nurse harshly jerked her hands back and said."Hey, madam... since how long have you been sitting here and letting your tears fall? Quickly submit the money for the fee and operation. It's three lac rupees. Hurry up." "Th...three lac....s... sister three lac....why...?" On the n
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Kind Person
Haadi was telling and showing something to the person sitting in front of him while his laptop was open in front of him. And Haya after his permission, came inside. "Yes miss." Haadi looked at the girl sitting relaxingly on his revolving chair. On that, another person sitting on the other chair also looked at her. She was looking quite nervous wearing a simple cotton dress and covering herself with a shawl. "Yes miss... what is the problem?" And why do you want to meet me? When Haadi asked her then Haya summoning some courage spoke." name is H... Haya. Sir my father Zaman works in your factory. For a very long time, he is working here.""Come to the point, Miss Haya. Thousands of workers work here. I'm not interested in knowing anyone's history nor do I have time. On his saying nonchalantly, Haya instantly gulped saliva. While she can sense that person's gaze on herself.She instantly got nervous. Her heart wishes to run away from there. But no, she has to show co
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Another Danger
"Tsk.....tsk, Zaman I told you I will come back. Now see with your eyes I came back to fulfill my promise. To give you slow and painful death. You will beg in front of me, Zaman. I will destroy and ruin you with my hate.... I will be the cause of your destruction... the same way you did with me. I will tarnish your reputation the same way you made me a question in front of the whole I came back to give you the punishment of every single moment which I spent in pain and suffering....soon come back to senses, Zaman.... because now you have to look and bear more." He said in a voice filled with contempt near the ear of Zaman, who was lying unconscious on the bed in the hospital and shooked him by his shoulders. He dashed out with the same silence the way he came. " I .... I didn't di.....did an.... anything. Save me...he took....he came....he took.... Biya." Mr Zaman started shouting and doctors and nurses quickly ran to his room. And Zaman was thras
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