All Chapters of Marked by a Lycan: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
107 Chapters
Chapter 61
Paul's voice crackled urgently through the phone, laden with a palpable sense of concern that sent shivers down my spine. The tone was a careful blend of caution and desperation, as if every word he uttered was crucial to my well-being. It was clear that he was genuinely worried for my safety."Jasmine," he began, his voice strained and heavy with anxiety, "I need you to listen to me, please. Whatever you do, do not under any circumstances come anywhere near the hospital." The words tumbled out in a rush, as if he couldn't bear the thought of me making a fatal mistake. I could almost picture him gripping the phone tightly, his knuckles turning white with the intensity of his plea."They might be waiting for you, Jasmine," he continued, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and caution. "Hoping that you'll unknowingly walk into their trap. It's far too dangerous, and I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you." The gravity of his words hung in the air, emphasizing the immin
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Chapter 62
His words were like a balm to my soul, easing the weight of my troubles even if just for a moment. I couldn't help but be drawn to him, to his unwavering support and the way he understood me without even needing to ask. My heart longed for more, a connection that went beyond words.As if sensing the yearning in my eyes, Levi closed the distance between us, his lips hovering just inches away from mine. The air crackled with anticipation, and I could feel the heat of his breath against my skin. Slowly, almost torturously, he closed the gap, capturing my lips in a gentle kiss.It was a kiss filled with tenderness and passion, a blending of emotions that mirrored the mix of gratitude and exhaustion I had felt just moments ago. His lips moved against mine with a slow and deliberate rhythm, as if savoring every moment, every taste. It was a dance of desire, an expression of the connection we shared.Levi's hands moved around my body, pulling me closer to him, our bodies fitting together lik
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Chapter 63
My cheeks flushed a deep shade of red at Levi's words, the playful twinkle in his eyes causing a rush of both shyness and excitement within me. I could feel the weight of his gaze on me, and the anticipation of what lay ahead sent a jolt of electricity through my veins.Unable to contain my growing affection, I leaned in, my lips meeting his in a soft, lingering kiss. It was a promise, an unspoken vow of the passion that awaited us when the time was right. Our connection intensified in that moment, a delicate dance of love and desire.As our lips parted, I gazed into Levi's eyes, the fire of adoration burning brightly within them. The words tumbled out, a mixture of shyness and certainty. "Yeah, we do, Alpha Levi. Thank you once again, for being patient and understanding. " I replied, my voice a hushed whisper filled with reverence.Levi's expression softened, his touch gentle as he cupped my face in his hands, his voice filled with sincerity. “Jasmine," he said, his voice filled with
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Chapter 64
As I sensed some movements in the dimly lit alley, a subtle rustling that sent a chill down my spine. Instinctively, I tightened my grip on her hand, preparing myself for the unknown.Four figures materialized from the darkness, their menacing presence unmistakable, they were Lycans. Among them, one stood out, adorned in a reddish-white royal robe that billowed around its powerful frame. Its eyes burned with an intense crimson glow, captivating and unnerving simultaneously. This was no ordinary encounter; I was being ambushed by the infamous Red Fang Pack.A surge of adrenaline coursed through me, sharpening my senses and heightening my awareness. My injured arm throbbed, a constant reminder of my vulnerability, but I refused to let it deter me. I positioned myself protectively in front of her, shielding her from the approaching threat, my eyes locked onto the crimson-eyed Lycan.The air crackled with tension as the pack surrounded us, their predatory instincts evident in their stealt
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Chapter 65
I stood, panting heavily, my eyes locked onto the Outstanding Lycan who now faced me, his crimson eyes smoldering with a mix of frustration and begrudging respect.He chuckled, a low rumble that echoed through the night. "I knew things wouldn't go easy," he admitted, his voice laced with a grudging admiration. "After all, I am facing the Alpha of the White Moon pack. But make no mistake, Levi, I will make you and your pack yield. It's only a matter of time."I growled, my chest heaving with a mix of exertion and defiance. "We'll see about that," I retorted, my voice carrying the weight of determination.With a final glance of smoldering rivalry, the Outstanding Lycan nodded to his remaining warriors, and they swiftly retreated, melting back into the darkness from whence they came. They had tasted the strength of the White Moon pack, and it left an indelible mark on their minds.As the Red Fang Pack retreated, I turned my attention to Jasmine, who had been watching the battle unfold wi
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Chapter 66
As I dismounted from Levi's back, my heart still pounding with exhilaration, I took in the sight of the pack house before me. It stood strong and majestic, a haven of unity and belonging. The moon bathed the surroundings in a soft, ethereal glow, casting long shadows that danced along the walls.Levi stood by my side, his presence grounding and comforting. I intertwined my fingers with his, relishing the warmth and strength that flowed between us. Together, we stepped forward, entering the pack house with a sense of purpose and anticipation.The hallways were well lit, the soft glow of lanterns guiding our way. The familiar scents of pine and earth mingled in the air, creating an atmosphere that was both cool and warm, just like the house I grew up in. The walls were adorned with paintings and symbols that spoke of the pack's history and traditions, each one holding a story waiting to be told.As we walked hand in hand, the soft thud of our footsteps echoed in the hallway, a comfortin
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Chapter 67
Levi's eyes softened, his gaze shifting from Sarah to me. He reached out, gently grasping my hand, his touch providing a reassuring anchor amidst the swirl of emotions.Levi's voice took on a gentle cadence, as if he were treading on fragile ground. "Jasmine," Levi began, his voice gentle yet tinged with a hint of sadness. "Sarah's situation is more complicated than it appears." His words hung in the air, causing a ripple of curiosity to spark within me.My eyebrows furrowed inquisitively, a mix of concern and confusion swirling in my mind. I tilted my head slightly, silently urging him to continue. Levi took a deep breath, his grip on my hand tightening ever so slightly as he prepared to unravel the intricate layers of Sarah's predicament."I can't simply kick her out, Jasmine," he explained, his voice carrying a sense of responsibility. "She doesn't have anywhere else to go, and considering the current circumstances, it wouldn't be safe for her to live alone."A surge of surprise an
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Chapter 68
A weariness settled upon me, the toll of the emotional rollercoaster we had been on. I let out a soft sigh, feeling the exhaustion seep into my bones. "Levi," I whispered, my voice tinged with a mixture of fatigue and hunger, "I think I need to rest and replenish myself. A warm bath and a good meal sound like a remedy for my weary soul."Levi's face softened, his love and concern radiating from him like a comforting embrace. Without hesitation, he called out to one of the maids, her presence almost ethereal as she appeared at the doorway. "Prepare a soothing bath for Jasmine," he instructed with gentle authority, his eyes never leaving mine. "Make it an oasis of tranquility."The maid nodded, her eyes filled with understanding, and silently retreated to fulfill her task. In the background, the tantalizing aroma of culinary delights wafted through the air, a reminder of the nourishment that awaited us. Levi's thoughtfulness was evident, his meticulous attention to detail a testament to
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Chapter 69
I descended the stairs, my footsteps gentle against the polished wood, each step bringing me closer to the enticing aroma wafting from the kitchen. The familiar scent of chicken soup mingled with herbs and spices, filling the air with a mouthwatering allure. The hunger that had been temporarily forgotten during my relaxing bath now reminded me of its presence with a low, rumbling growl in my stomach.As I approached the kitchen, the warm glow of the pendant lights illuminated the space, casting a soft glow upon the granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. The clinking of utensils and the gentle hum of the stove greeted my ears, harmonizing with the anticipation that danced within me.Levi sat at the kitchen island, his gaze focused on a plate of steaming soup before him. His presence exuded a comforting aura, an unwavering support that made me feel safe and cherished. As I drew near, the sound of my footsteps caught his attention, and he looked up, a warm smile gracing his
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Chapter 70
There was a momentary silence on the other end of the line, the weight of Paul's sigh reaching my ears. I held my breath, my heart pounding with anticipation, as he gathered his thoughts. Finally, he spoke, his words carrying a mix of reassurance and relief."Jasmine, I'm relieved to tell you that Dad's health has stabilized," he said, his voice filled with a sense of cautious optimism. "He's no longer in critical condition. The doctors have been monitoring him closely, and he's responding well to the treatments."A wave of gratitude and relief washed over me, mingling with tears that welled up in my eyes. The burden that had weighed heavily on my shoulders began to lift, replaced by a glimmer of hope. I closed my eyes, letting Paul's words sink deep into my being, allowing the flicker of reassurance to ignite a spark of hope within me."Oh, Paul," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for taking care of him. Thank you for being there when I couldn't. I can't express h
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