All Chapters of Marked by a Lycan: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
107 Chapters
Chapter 81
“So… what now, Jasmine? What do we do about your alleged suspicions about the traitor?” Jason asked, standing up with his hands placed on the desk, with his eyes staring intently into mine, waiting for my response.I took a deep breath, steadying my thoughts before responding."We may have hit a roadblock," I began, my voice filled with a mix of resolve and uncertainty. "But I refuse to believe that our suspicions were unfounded. There is a traitor among us, and we will find them."Levi nodded, his expression mirroring my determination. "We can't afford to let our guard down," he added, his voice laced with conviction. "We need to remain vigilant and continue our investigation."I looked around the room, meeting the gaze of each pack member present. Their trust and loyalty were palpable, their commitment to our cause unwavering. I felt a surge of gratitude for their unwavering support."We will leave no stone unturned," I declared, my voice carrying a note of certainty. "We will dig d
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Chapter 82
Levi's gaze swept over the room, his eyes flickering with surprise as he absorbed the subtle changes. He turned to me, curiosity shining in his eyes. "Your room looks quite different from the way I last saw it, early this morning," he remarked, his tone laced with intrigue.I couldn't help but smile at his observation, a hint of mischief dancing in my eyes. "Oh, I kind of did a little bit of cleaning and decorating," I confessed, gesturing to the tasteful arrangement of trinkets and artwork adorning the room. "I found some things in my drawer and thought they would bring a touch of character to the space. It seems a woman was once an occupant of this room."A subtle change rippled across Levi's features, his expression growing pensive. It was as if my words had unearthed something long forgotten, a memory buried deep within his psyche. His eyes clouded momentarily, his focus shifting to a distant point beyond the room.For a fleeting moment, silence filled the air, thick with unspoken
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Chapter 83
Our eyes locked, and I could see the flicker of emotions dancing within his gaze. He took a moment to process my words, his face softening with a mixture of adoration and amusement."Alright," he finally replied, a playful glint in his eyes. "I'd let you protect me too. But have in mind, I'll protect you more than you do me. Okay?"His protective tone elicited a chuckle from deep within me. The atmosphere had shifted from the weight of his sister's memory to a lighthearted exchange of promises. I closed the distance between us, a mischievous smile playing on my lips. "Okay, my Protective Alpha," I whispered, savoring the sweet familiarity of our banter.Without hesitation, our lips met in a tender yet passionate kiss. It was a moment of reassurance, a physical manifestation of the love and devotion we shared. In that intimate embrace, time seemed to stand still, allowing us to revel in the depth of our connection.As our lips parted, a subtle smile danced upon Levi's face, his eyes sp
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Chapter 84
Levi, his presence a steady anchor by my side, nodded in understanding. As we entered the abandoned house, a chilling mix of scents filled the air—blood and wolf fur, a haunting reminder of the violence that had occurred within these walls. I drew a steadying breath, reminding myself of the task at hand.Navigating through the remnants of the living room, we carefully made our way towards the stairs. Each step creaked under our weight, the sound echoing through the desolate space. The hushed whispers of the past seemed to reverberate in the shadows, adding an eerie backdrop to our determined journey.Reaching the top of the stairs, we turned towards my father's room. The door stood slightly ajar, a silent invitation to uncover the secrets held within. With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, we entered the room, allowing the memories to wash over us.As my gaze fell upon the disheveled furniture and torn curtains, Levi's voice broke the silence. "Jasmine, what exactly are we lo
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Chapter 85
Levi's hand found mine, his touch providing a comforting anchor amidst the whirlwind of emotions that engulfed me. His reassuring words washed over me like a soothing balm, offering a sense of security and unity. "Jasmine, I know this is a lot to process," he spoke, his voice tender with empathy. "But remember, we're in this together. We'll uncover the truth, no matter how difficult it may be."I took a deep breath, finding solace in his presence and the unwavering support he offered. "I know," I replied, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "But right now, it all feels like a lie to me. I don't even know where to begin."Levi pulled me close into a warm embrace, his arms encircling me with a sense of protection. "I understand how you feel," he murmured softly, his voice a soothing lull amidst the chaos in my mind. "Feeling lost and left in the dark can be overwhelming, but don't let it consume you. Instead, let's channel that anger and frustration into searching for clues. We'll find the
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Chapter 86
Levi nodded, his eyes reflecting both encouragement and curiosity. "It's a good shot," he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "Go ahead, give it a try."Taking a deep breath, I turned the dial to 3-2-4, my heart beating faster with each movement. The moment of truth had arrived, and I waited anxiously for the safe's response.As I input the combination, a brief moment of anticipation filled the air. Five seconds felt like an eternity as the safe processed the digits. Then, with a soft click, the safe signalled that the combination was incorrect.A sense of letdown washed over me, and I sighed softly. "I thought it might work," I admitted, my voice tinged with disappointment.Levi placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, his touch offering solace amidst the momentary setback. "It's okay," he said, his voice gentle. "We can try another combination. Let's think of something else that might be significant to your father."His supportive words lifted my spirits, and I pondered for a momen
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Chapter 87
As I settled into the plush leather seat of Levi's Mercedes, the comforting purr of the engine surrounded us as he pulled away from my neighborhood. The city lights started to twinkle as the sky gradually darkened, and the cool breeze seeped through the open windows, adding a refreshing touch to the evening air.Levi glanced at me, a reassuring smile on his face. "You know, we can go wherever you feel comfortable," he said. "But if you need some suggestions, there's this lovely little café downtown where we can sit, chat, and you can read and analyse the contents ofyour father’s journal."I considered his offer but hesitated, my mind still preoccupied with thoughts of my dad. "Actually, Levi, I think I'd really like to visit the city hospital," I said softly. "I want to see how my dad is doing. It's been a while, and I'm getting worried."Levi nodded understandingly, his eyes locked on the road ahead. "I get it, and I'll take you there, but just hear me out. The red fang pack members
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Chapter 88
I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves, as I set aside my now-empty coffee cup. Levi's eyes still held a mix of concern and curiosity, but I knew he respected my decision to open the journal and confront its contents head-on."Alright, enough talk, let's get this over with," I said, my voice determined as I opened the worn pages of the journal. The parchment felt delicate beneath my fingers, holding secrets that could reshape my understanding of my father and the tangled web of pack politics.Levi leaned in closer, as if wanting to be a part of this journey of discovery. "Read a bit aloud for me too, if you don't mind," he requested, a hint of eagerness in his voice."Sure," I replied, clearing my throat before starting with the first paragraph. "I can't believe this, Alpha Tyrone has a twin! No way! Then that changes everything. I now understand why this war with the White moon pack is going on. This is just a cover-up to assassinate Alpha Tyrone, together with Beta Ezekie
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Chapter 89
Levi's brows furrowed in thought as he absorbed the information from the journal. "Hold on," he said, pausing for a moment. "Tyrel... I recognize that name. He's the current Alpha of the Red fang pack, and if I remember correctly, he should be a year older or the same age as me."My eyes widened in surprise. "Really?" I exclaimed. "So, Tyrel is now leading the Red fang pack, just like his father?"Levi nodded, a contemplative expression on his face. "Yes, it seems so," he replied. "I never thought I'd hear that name again after all these years.” "That's fascinating," I said, intrigued by the unexpected connection between Tyrel and Levi. "Do you think he knows about his father's past and the journal?"Levi shrugged, his eyes reflecting uncertainty. "It's hard to say," he said. "If the journal remained hidden with your Dad all this time, it's possible that he's unaware of its contents. But it could also explain why he's now leading the Red fang pack."I nodded, understanding the implic
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Chapter 90
Levi's unwavering resolve and determination impressed me, and I couldn't help but offer a small compliment. "Your choice of words is always on point and logical," I said with a smile. "You have a way of cutting through the noise and getting straight to the heart of the matter."Levi chuckled, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Flattery won't get us far, Jasmine," he said, his tone teasing. "We don't have time for that. We need to act quickly and strategically if we want to make a difference."I nodded, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. "You're right," I replied, setting aside any lingering flattery. "We have to stay focused and work together to uncover the truth behind the Red Fang pack's sudden aggression."Levi's gaze softened, his focus back on the task at hand. "Exactly," he said. "I'm going to send a message to the Alpha of the Red Fang pack. I'll notify him about meeting in person to have a dialogue."I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his plan. "A dialogue?" I asked. "D
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