All Chapters of Maid To Be: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
144 Chapters
The Employee [7]
"A strip club, Tara" My arms were folded across my chest, eyes peering back into the influencing ones of my friend. "For what reason are we at a strip club?" My words only caused her grin growing even wider, hands nudging mine. "To have fun!" Followed her voice. "Come on, Jane.......Who was just telling me to make merry, and not let the worries get to me?" She added, with that look of hers which would only resort to me giving in. "I don't remember telling you that" "Oh, let's join in on the fun" She squealed, and in a minute, she had gone on pulling my reluctant form with her, our figures making way through the crowd of wasted people. "Tara" What did I bring myself into? "Slow down, Tara" My voice trailed after her departing figure, but in a moment, we had lost hold of each other, and all I was left with was the swaying number of bodies coming before me. "Helloooooo" I beheld the grin of the man stood away, his eyes ravaging every part of me. I wasn't given a notice to pus
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The Employee [8]
"Mr. Holden would like to see you" I froze at the utterance, eyes beholding the form of Adalynn, who had now made her way into the space of my office. "Sorry?" My eyes blinked at her, like that would make it any easier deciphering the words. "Mr Holden would like to see you" She called, yet again. "And if I were you.......She drew even nearer, eyes holding onto mine. "I wouldn't be a minute late" Of course, I was used to being late. That sure was her impression of me. "And get this office to a better state" She called, face scrunched up. "Even rats would reject living here" The scowl followed, right before her figure walked out of the modest, yet comfortable area, I had grown to adapt to. Excuse me? Whoever did this gruff lady think she is? Was that some sort of show of authority out here? Yes, she might be the secretary to the company's director, but did that give her any right to ordering me around? There were departments here. Every department different from the other. Re
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The Employee [9]
My form waddled into the large room acting as a conference hall, eyes taking the number of figures scattered around the area, their forms surrounding the black, glossy oval table centered in the space.Their voices poured out, each one engaging in a discussion with another. I had been here for at least enough time to get acquainted, yet I felt a stranger. Perhaps, I was. No one bothered sparing my incoming form a glance. For all they cared, I was the company's new marketer. "Oh, come on people. It's just a minor issue" A voice called from beside the chair I had pushed my form into, with the profile of a middle-aged lady coming into view. "Perhaps it is only to address the new arrivals" Her gaze spun to me at once, a smile lighting up her red-stained lips. "I'm Greta" "You must be, Janet" I scrunched up my face at the whisk of Onions that blew past my nose, with nostrils taking a pause at the pungent smell. "Oh, it's Chinese" She smiled. "They have one of the best food in the
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The Employee [10]
I lost every containment in me, as my own hands went pushing open the door, figure soon proceeding into that spacious area. Sat away, was the figure on the rewinding chair, back turned to the entrance, he had soon spun around at my walk-in, so his profile would behold mine. At the hold of that gaze, my chest burned, head bent low, while those eyes scanned my figure. "To what do I owe this, Miss Parker" He didn't seem much concerned about the occurrence in the previous meeting, instead, on his face sat a calm expression. "I think your decisions are unfair" I let out in a tone that was pushed by rounds of frustration, anger, exasperation and adamancy. "I thought we had all that banter settled in the meeting, Miss Parker" He followed, taking a sip out of the wine glass rested on his table. "You need to withdraw your pronouncement" "Why should I?" "Because I can do this myself" I followed, voice firm. "Can you?" "Yes" He had soon gotten to his feet, eyes watching me with intent
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The Employee [11]
"I'm Susy" The voice of the girl before me was filled with much cheer, in as much as the sweetness that followed her, it pissed me to the bone. "I know" My voice remained low, eyes turned away from her form. "The introductions were made earlier" "Oh" She had pushed closer, laying down the brown paper box held in her hands, with her figure soon sinking into the seat next to mine. "Does that mean we're past the formal line?" "Can I call you 'Janet' then?" Her voice was filled with much glee it left me wondering whatever could cause one to be all bubbly on such a gloom noon as this. "As you please, Susy" "You can call me, Lily. All my friends call me that" My gaze spun to her, eyes narrowed at the delight in her eyes. "Your name's Susy Lily Clark" She nodded profusely, grinning cheek to cheek. Eyes had soon began doing a 360 around the area, shifting from wall to wall, taking in the complexities of the quiet space. "So I heard you were only employed few days ago, Miss Janet"
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The Employee [12]
Knock! Knock! My eyes took the ones of Tara onlooking me with the same questioning expression my face held onto.We rarely had visitors. None we expected. The only people you would find coming around, were the random flings she brought back for the night, ever since— Knock! Knock! Knock!"A burglar" My face scrunched up at her utterance, eyes narrowed at her form. "Have you been drinking?" Yes, New York was a wild place. But rarely on this corner, did we ever encounter burglaries. The security was pretty tight, and I could swear that was only our push for still securing this apartment in our hold. "Don't look at me like that" Followed the voice of Tara, hands at once grabbing onto the dish plate laid on the table. "Haven't you heard the rumors going around?" "Ol' Kathleen was robbed on her way back from a charity event yesterday" She followed. "A dish plate is your defense?" My gaze shifted from the item in her hands, back to her scrunched up face. "Also, Ol' Kathleen was w
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The Employee [13]
Figures went strolling past my jumbled form, each one bearing a red envelope in their hands. The hubbub which befell the area, had my eyes shifting from here to there, hoping to understand what to make of the rabbles. "Have you gotten one?" Face bearing a crooked grin, the figure of a man hurried past mine, eyes lingering on my disoriented gaze. "What is that?" My voice called after his departing figure, with no answer coming from the man who so appeared to have something much more interesting tend to. "It's an invitation" I didn't need to turn around to tell who that voice belonged to. That damning calm voice of his, which emitted over my form. Why was he out here? My ever-working legs had soon turned numb at the presence behind. For what reason did he decide to take the halls at this hour? Yes, I had been avoiding him. Avoiding running into him, not after the little altercation I had with him in his office, which only resorted to him being much more persistent to keeping t
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The Employee [14]
"What's the hurry, Jane? It's just a dinner"I spun around to the figure of my friend, eyes narrowed at the goof held on her face. "Just a dinner, Tara!?" "Did you say just a dinner!?" My voice poured out loud, earning a questioning look from the girl before me. "It's a dinner that would have all of those big names one would find in the pages of Business Daily, sat in a room, and you say just!?" She let out a sigh at my tense form moving to and fro, fingers reaching to pick an apple off the table. "Just chill out, all right?" I only could imagine Tara rolling her eyes while my back was turned to her. At every second that went by, a sigh pushed by every exasperation, frustration and anger bubbling inside of me, would emit out of my lips, while my hands went rummaging the large sized closet at an end of the room"Come on, help me out Tara" I drawled, soon turning to a girl who seemed not a bit ready to undergo a round of body-wrecking work. "Is there a theme?" Her eyes accessed
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The Employee [15]
My eyes followed the form of Susy hurrying to the gentleman who for the past hour had been sat at that corner, with eyes shifting here to there. But, that was no business of mine. It wasn't in my place to judge those who chose not to interact, especially in a gathering as this. The laughs of Susy soon came filling the air, head falling back at whatever that man said to her, that managed to get her mood lightened. For someone new, she seemed to be doing a good a job at getting acquainted, except that fellow didn't look like someone I had come across at Holden Inc. Perhaps he was from one of the many companies that had been invited to this event. My eyes at once went skimming the area, taking in the figures of magnificently styled forms moving around the room, engaging in the little activities that the night brought about. Gaze soon shifted to a figure strutting into the room, managing to snatch every attention at each corner—Adalynn. Arms linked in a man's, a smile had crossed
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The Employee [16]
That blank gaze. Intent on me all the while that figure came waddling down the stairs, and in the time those eyes remained keen on my form, I stayed frozen on my feet. He was just as I imagined—That same striking resemblance he bore with his son, and with his scrutiny accessing my profile, I surely was to be found shaken. This was the same man I had heard of, for so long—The same one highly spoken of, and now, being stood here in the same room as him, all of me quaked. Trent Holden. Only at his incoming form, was I then spared an opportunity making out the features he shared with Kristoffer—Those eyes were similar, smile even befitting, not to forget that brooding energy which surrounded them. They were just alike, yet different. Trent was much different. His gaze never was questioning, and in as much as I juddered at his presence, there was just something that seemed warming about the fellow, which left had me wondering why Kristoffer was an exact opposite to him. "Miss Janet
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