All Chapters of Maid To Be: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
144 Chapters
The Employee [17]
The tension which burned in this space, was one which had me looking anywhere but the intricate lines on my palms which for some reason I had developed an interest on for the past minute. The night surely was young, but so was the communication shared between Kristoffer and I since we made leave from his father's home. He had spoken not a word to me since the minute I stepped into this vehicle, and I tell you, not even a cough came emitted my way. Eyes only fixed on the road, his grip on the steering wheel tightened, with the quietude lingering between both our forms, and only then did I think it wise cracking the silence which had befallen. "Are you taking me back to the office?" For a second his eyes turned to me, but as expected he had them set back on the road ahead. "I'm taking you home, Jane""Home?" A scoff came from me, eyes beholding the blank expression held on his face. "You barely know where I live, Mr. Holden" "Then you'd better start directing me" Came his words.
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The Employee [18]
"That was Kristoffer Holden who was just in here now!" The voice of Tara blasted in the space, those gaping eyes of hers to be found watching every movement of mine. "You're smashing your boss!" I watched the glee cross the face of my friend, with eyes widened at me, that figure of hers drew nearer at each utterance she gave. "We're not smashing, T" I drawled, moving to and fro the room. "Perhaps, I'm misunderstanding it all, cause I just saw you making out with him right on our couch" "Okay, okay, okay. Whatever you say, but we're not smashing" Her grin grew even wider, figure tagging right behind mine as I pulled away from her, making my way into the kitchen area, hoping to evade all her taunts. "Why didn't you tell me, Jane?" Her hands reached for the brownies I had abandoned in the microwave, teeth sinking into it, while I watched the delight fill her eyes. So ready she was for the round of questionings. Ready to spend the night, if possible, going on about that sight she h
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The Employee [19]
Such silence which had found its clutch around my form, the minute I stepped foot into the office premises, was one which left me withered. How much it had gotten ahold of me—So intent it was, I just could tell when something was up. Especially because the figure of Adalynn wasn't sat at that desk, unlike every other day, ready to toss questions my way for one thing or the other. The entire area was quiet, which now left me agitated. Perhaps, something happened. I wasn't given enough time to ponder on that, as the figure of Adalynn came strolling in. A file in hands, she hurried to her desk, rummaging through. It took a long minute for her to finally take notice of my figure stood here all the while, and when she did, I watched the life rush to her gaze having turned to me. "Janet. I was just in your office" She rushed those words."You must hurry along. There's a car outside waiting for you. The driver will take you to the director's house"Her words came packed one after the o
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The Employee [20]
I sauntered into Holden Inc., all with an elated heart, and a beaming face. With memories of last night flashing into my head, I couldn't help but flush as those thoughts came englobing me. "You pull me, Jane" How could I forget those words, or was it just how intently that grey gaze held mine, all night long. All through the night, I thought to make part with the event, part of me knowing that it was only some mistake which I had stupidly warmed up to, yet no matter how hard I tried, every detail that came with the hour, sought to cling onto me."Mr Holden requests your presence in his office" I spun around at the break of those words, only to meet a blank-faced Adalynn staring at me with a look that said, 'it's a new morning packed with all naggings I have out for you'For such a bright day, she seemed as grumpy as ever. With eyes looking me up and down, they threatened to tear at my skin. "Get going, Jane. When the director requests you. You shouldn't freeze on your feet, look
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The Employee [21]
THIRD PERSON POINT OF VIEW "You had your secretary spread on the couch of your office? Where is your dignity!?" The voice of the woman poured out strong, eyes beholding the calm ones of Kristoffer. "That wasn't my secretary, mother. That's the company's marketer" Kristoffer pitched in. "Oh, even worse" She flung her arms in the air, figure moving to have a seat by the desk. "Why are you here, mother? And I thought I informed Adalynn not to let anyone in" He called. His figure was behind the desk, and with eyes holding onto that form before him, he only watched the lady rage on. "Who is that girl, Kris?" The voice of Mrs Holden was low, eyes awaiting the ones of her son. "I told you, already. She is the company's marketer" "Is she the same one your father said had stopped by the house the other day" When no response followed, a weak sigh only poured her lips, eyes staring intently at the form of her son. . "Oh, dear. What are you getting yourself into?" Her words were low."I
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The Employee [22]
I quaked. And all the while I stumbled out the space of that office, all of me was to be found juddered. "Oh, Jane" I took in such forced smile on the face of the lady before me, eyes narrowed at my form proceeding out of Kristoffer's office. "I didn't know you were in there" Came those words, and soon, Adalynn had placed all of her focus on me. "You must have met Mrs. Holden, then. A charming one she is" She began. "Although you might beg to differ since she happened to walk in on you, screwing her son" For a split second, I struggled not to give her the reaction she so yearned to get from me, but my lips had without warning parted open at the drop of her words, eyes left gaping on at her form. "Oh I've happened to know for a while, now" That grin of hers which managed to cross that pretty face, was all but sheer terror, one in disguise of a sweet lady. "You didn't think it would arouse suspicion with you always being in his office, when your department was a floor from his?
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The Employee [23]
THIRD PERSON POINT OF VIEWMaddison Wagner sauntered into the area, eyes scanning the number of figures in the room. Something about the entrance of the lady had managed to snatch the attention of the people around, all with gazes befalling her, peering on while the young lady got pulled in the warm embrace of Mrs Holden. "Oh, dear. You look as fabulous as ever!" Came the squeal of Connie, with eyes lighting up at the girl before her. "Where have you been?" The delight that had filled her eyes at the arrival was out there for all to behold. She was like a daughter to her—One she longed to have, and with every grace and elegance Maddison Wagner bore, Mrs Holden found herself upholding the young lady in high manners every single day. "Kristoffer!" She had soon turned to the figure stood at a far end of the room, hands motioning for him to come over. Whereas, the young man who looked like he'd rather be anywhere but there barely had a glance up, and just when he did, he caught the
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The Employee [24]
The prying eyes of the crowd was sure to linger on me as I pushed into the space.Some barely concerned, some utterly displaying the discomfort in their eyes while gazing upon me, yet, one thing was sure to remain—I didn't fit into such crowd. Of course I was one to know that, especially since the form of Connie was now storming over to me, all with the rage in her eyes, and the worned out expression which had nothing on that face. And on she came, figure shot towards me, and in the time, the number of people had their gazes now settled on us, I only remained watching the lady."Why are you here?" She dropped flat. It took me everything not to break the gaze of the woman before me. "I thought I had informed you not to step foot here, dear" "Mr Holden invited me" My voice was low, eyes anywhere but hers. "I'm only here for him" I called firmly. The laugh that came tumbling out her lips, had me staring blankly at that profile, gaze beholding the amusement which had filled her eye
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The Employee [25]
If I wasn't better informed on the conducted and peaceful space Holden Inc. was sure to hold dear to heart, perhaps I wouldn't be found paused in tracks at such tumult which I so happened to have walked into on this morning.My eyes shifted through the scrutinies before me, all watching, accessing, and awaiting my entry into the office. If I hadn't then checked the calendar on my desk this morning, I could have mistaken the day for Christmas, surely work never went on during Christmas days. Perhaps it was Easter. No, it wasn't. And only then did I take sight of the large bouquet of flowers rolling in on a trolley, with a familiar figure tagging behind. Diego.On his lips, spread a wide grin, with eyes centered my way, I watched him draw even nearer. "Forgive me for taking too long" The voice of Diego filled the area, with every of his utterance accompanied with murmurs from the workers around, I just could see the joy those eyes held onto. Why was he here?Was that to be the fa
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The Employee [26]
Life's hectic. Believe me.Some days it brought smiles, other days, it pulled confusion, Frustration, utter dejection. I wasn't the weakest, nor was I the strongest, but surely could feel. I could feel weak, hurt, and even now I still was hurt. Now, the reason for that being, I don't know, but I knew how much I hurt—I was hurt that there was nothing more that could happen in what I had found myself crossed in. More hurt that there was nothing I could do about it. Sometimes we find ourselves longing for something, but realize those are just wants of our heart. Utter desires. I could hear the cars honking past my staggering figure, some peeking out their windows, throwing curses my way, but I cared not at this point. Body and mind was exhausted. One might as well run into me. Also, the wild downpour which had decided to come unannounced on a fine New-York evening, right in the middle of March didn't do much in helping matters at all. Form drenched clothes to skin, I pushed on, hold
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