All Chapters of Maid To Be: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
144 Chapters
Book Two [14]
We arrived England a week after Cameron made the announcement to me. Trust me when I say this, I was more than thrilled being here with him. It meant a lot to me that he chose to bring me over to his home country. More than that, he made plans for us to visit his Grandparents, quite scary, yet exciting. "Babe?" I heard his voice behind me as we both got down from the cab, our gazes, peering at the old-fashioned building belonging to his grandparents mounted in front of us. The building was spectacular, not to forget strange-looking. So different from the dozen of houses we passed through while getting here. The gardens surrounding it remained green and bright, and the front yard of the house appeared beautiful, despite the building looking like it was built in the eighties. Cameron's arm snaked through my waist, gently pushing open the small gate, leading to the building. The rusty gates made a squeaky noise, getting me to flinch instantly at the sudden sound. Hurrying up besid
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Book Two [15]
"And that was the last time we visited England. After almost having my leg chopped off by Grandpa's farm tractor" Cameron said to me. I chuckled loudly, swinging my head back as I gained much interest in the tales he was telling.We were laid together in bed, in one of the guest rooms of Gran and Papa Williams, discussing about Cameron's childhood, and how he usually visited the Farm with his Granddad, not until an accident occurred one day, that almost tore his leg off him. "I love him a lot. He's taught me so much" He said to me, while staring at the ceiling. "Now enough of me. Tell me about your childhood" He beckoned. "There isn't much" I said to him. "Babe?" He called softly.He sat up in bed immediately, pulling me with him, and then making me sit facing him. "I wanna hear the little you've got to tell" He uttered, while stroking my hair. A sigh escaped my lips as I stared into his eyes. Where do I begin? I thought to myself. His eyes were still focused on me, asking me
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Book Two [16]
I woke up to the sound of a moving tractor polluting the environment with its noise, followed by the hoarse voice of Grandpa Williams yelling Cameron's name. It sounded like they were both having fun working some instruments out the yard. Not for once did I realize that Cameron had a close bond with his grandparents, not until our arrival in England. He loved them a lot, I must admit. The love he showed was beautiful, much more beautiful to me. My attention was immediately brought to the loud ringing of Cameron's phone, rested by the headboard of the bed. Taking the pillows out, I grabbed the phone, answering the call and placing the phone to my ears. The sound of Mrs Williams voice yelling at Cameron about things I couldn't decipher got me shook. "Why on earth would you go to England without the approval of your father and I?" I heard her say. I had no idea what to say, hence, I remained silent. "Cameron?!" She called."Uh........Good morning, Mrs Williams" I finally uttered
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Book Two [17]
"How long have you and Cameron been together?" Gran Williams asked me. We were together in the kitchen clearing the dishes and cleaning up the room, after having a mouth-pleasing breakfast. "A few months now" I said to her. She smiled at my response, placing the dishes where they ought to be. Moving to the other side of the room, she began. "I haven't known him to take interest in a girl as much as he does you" "Tell me sweetie, what are your charms?" She chuckled. I flashed a smile at her, grabbing some plates and taking them over to the other side. "Don't get your dress wet, Nia" She called out. Her figure soon drew nearer, taking the plates away from me, while tapping my shoulders lightly. With a soft sigh escaping her lips and wrinkled eyes staring at me, she began. "You're a beautiful girl, Nia. And I hope your heart is just as beautiful as you are" "Cameron's taking in much interest in you. Him bringing you here justifies that........ I can tell he loves you. And I b
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Book Two [18]
Holding the long sheet in my hands, following the directions which I was given, I moved over to the halls which my dorm room rested in. Moving through the halls with my luggage held in hands, I peered at the numbers written on each door, trying to locate the room I was in. 1201, I finally located it, easing the stress and pain I had gone through for minutes of moving through corners going into halls, searching. I pulled my luggage with me, moving closer to the door, and pushing it open as I drew near. I heard a shriek from someone, and looking up to see it was, my jaw dropped. Stood there, was Arabella, a luggage on the other bed, while she unpacked her things. "Nia!" She called immediately, running over to hug me with a smile on her face. "Please tell me, you're my roommate" She begged. I nodded at her, pulling her in once more for a hug. "Thank God!" She breathed. "Was scared they would make me room in with a weirdo" She uttered. "What are you doing here?" I asked her, fe
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Book Two [19]
Holding the long sheet in my hands, following the directions which I was given, I moved over to the halls which my dorm room rested in. Moving through the halls with my luggage held in hands, I peered at the numbers on written each door, trying to locate the room I was in. 1201, I finally located it, easing the stress and pain I hand gone through for minutes of moving through corners going into halls, searching. I pulled my luggage with me, moving closer to the door, and pushing it open as I drew near. I heard a shriek from someone, and looking up to see it was, my jaw dropped. Stood there, was Arabella, a luggage on the other bed, while she unpacked her things. "Nia!" She called immediately, running over to hug me with a smile on her face. "Please tell me, you're my roommate" She begged. I nodded at her, pulling her in once more for a hug. "Thank God!" She breathed. "Was scared they would make me room in with a weirdo" She uttered. "What are you doing here?" I asked her, f
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Book Two [20]
I looked up to Arabella's figure peering at me, while I laid on my bed, attending to my projects. "I'm not going" I uttered to her, turning back to focus on my schoolwork. "Oh, come onnnnn" She drawled "Arabella, you don't even know the person throwing the party" I stated"It's prolly some guy from college. Who cares? Everyone's attending" She replied. "It's gonna be fun, Nia" "Is it a frat party?" I questioned. "Oh no, it's not" She uttered immediately. "It's just a random guy who sent a calling out for everyone to come partying" "It's only two blocks away, Come on" She said to me. "Trust me, Arabella. I'm not boring, but- I began. "Well, your actions say otherwise" She joked.I threw a hardcover book her way, which she ducked right in time, while chuckling at me. "We haven't done anything thrilling since we got here, Nia" She uttered in a serious tone, moving over to sit on my bed. "You want thrills?" I asked. "You know what I mean" She replied immediately. "We wouldn'
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Book Two [21]
"Arabella!" I screamed at the top of my voice, searching everywhere in the party, trying to find her. My mind raced, knowing she was last seen with those guys who came up to us. Where on earth could she be? "What's up hunny?" A guy called at me, while I forced my way through the crowd of bodies. Moving over to the other parts of the building where the party was been held, I found people in corners talking, drinking, some even making out, despite being surrounded by a massive crowd. Every corner you turned to, you'd be met with one thing or the other. I came to realize that College was nothing like high school. In fact, it's best described as the opposite of High school, composing of different people, crazy, intolerant, Calm, weird, Scary. Rounding a corner, I saw a group of people, sniffing coke from a wide table, while being cheered on by people around. It was like a contest being held, with people deciding who could inhale the most. Some betting on the other end, others jus
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Book Two [22]
A loud shriek escaped my lips at the sight of Ashley stood on her bed, dancing to the loud music blasting from her speakers. "Nia!" She called my name, Snatching a robe from her closet and wearing it over her body. Quickly turning down the volume of the music, she came over."Didn't know you would arrive now" She uttered. "Well, do you want me to leave?" I asked immediately. "Of course not!" She snapped. I couldn't believe I had taken a ride all the way from my school down to UCLA, all just to see Ashley. Her persuasion had brought me here. She specifically made it clear that she didn't wanna go to the same school as Cameron. Not even Jordan. She decided to be far away from everyone and do her thing herself. "I've missed you" Ashley murmured, squashing me into her embrace and pulling me to take a seat on the bed. "Mason just left a few hours ago" She said to me. "He's the sweetest, Y'know" "I'm totally in love with him, Nia" "He's got the cutest eyes, and a beautiful smile a
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Book Two [23]
Third person POV…Out in the halls of USC, laid in one of the dorms was Cameron, his eyes focused forward at his friends who had come visiting unannounced. They stopped by with bottles of liquor, sprawling the whole room with items they brought. "We didn't see you at the spot today. Why?" Ryder, a friend of Cameron's asked. He had one leg placed on a table, while the other rested on the floor. "Just didn't feel like turning up" Cameron responded in a low voice. He was laid shirtless on his bed, with his arms folded across his face, while he filled his head with random thoughts. "Hence, the reason why we came over here to make you feel more like yourself" Ethan spoke, walking through the door with a crate of beer. A smirk appeared on Cameron's face as he sprung to his feet, grabbing a cup, while filling it up with liquor. "Most times I hate you guys" He said. "The feeling's mutual, dude" Wess replied, getting up from a couch which was by a corner of the room. Their chatter an
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