All Chapters of Maid To Be: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
144 Chapters
Book Two [24]
I stepped into the open gardens, the venue of Jordan and Cara's wedding, with Arabella at my side, we moved forward to take a seat, waiting patiently for Cara to walk down the aisle. Guests were already gathered, family, well-wishers and even some maids of the Williams mansion moved around making sure everything was going well. I saw Denna at a corner, talking to some people, being attentive to them while they ordered for her to get some things done. Turning around and locking eyes with me, she flashed a smile my way, waving and then moving away, doing as she was told. "Are you okay?" I said to Arabella. "I'm fine" She responded in a low voice. "You sure?" "What if Mrs Williams sees me?" She uttered to me immediately. "There are a lot of people here. She wouldn't wanna take chances ruining this bliss, Arabella" "Just calm down" I spoke to her. My eyes rested on Jordan who walked in with some guys acting as Groomsmen, all moving forward towards the priest to take their place
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Book Two [25]
I felt a pair of arms, firm and warm, snaking around me, while soft kisses were showered on my neck. A smile grew on my lips as soon as I came to realize it was Cameron. I could tell from his masculine mist, and how warm his hands felt. He turned me around to face him, crashing his lips against mine, pulling me to his chest. "You look beautiful" His breath fanned my earlobes while he complimented the white dress I was clothed in. "Do I?" I uttered, teasing him, while kissing his lips softly. "Uh!" He groaned. "Don't do that, You know I find it hard, resisting you" He uttered in clenched teeth, his hands pulling on my waist while I smiled at the reaction I was getting from him. "Why didn't you join the groomsmen?" I said to him in a serious tone. A sigh escaped his lips as he stared into my eyes. "That's not my sort of thing" He muttered. "It's your brother's wedding" "You should do whatever it takes for him to be happy........... Don't tell me you specifically refused to be
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Book Two [26]
Hours after the wedding ceremony..."Not fully clear on that, but for now, we'll make do with what we have" I heard Layla whispering to someone whom she was talking to over the phone. She held the phone tightly to her ears, her eyes searching around at every second, looking like she was hiding from someone."I don't know!" I heard her snap immediately, and then she turned around, shrieking immediately at the sight of me. A frown appeared on her face, while she shifted her eyes behind me. She didn't bother saying a word, instead, she walked right past, ignoring the fact that I was stood there.I turned around to see Ashley staring at me with soft eyes. Opening my mouth to speak, she did the same. Both calling our names at the same time. "I'm so sorry for how I acted earlier. It was wrong for me to flare up like that. Ignore all what I said, it- "Nia" She called my name, getting me to stop talking. "I should be the one apologizing" She uttered, moving over to me and grabbing my
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Book Two [27]
Weeks had gone by since the wedding, and things were back to normal. By that I mean, College work, resuming our activities, each one of us being in different locations, and waiting till the next time we got the chance to see each other. I was sat in the College cafeteria with Arabella, having lunch and conversing. We were both discussing of Arabella's feelings for Logan, and how they were slowly fading away. She had made it clear to me that she was no longer in love with him, and just wanted to live her life whilst she still could. From the way she spoke, I could tell she was pained of the fact that he had found someone else to be with, but she said nothing about it. We chattered on, laughing and engaging in random conversations, when a voice interrupted us. "What's up, Bruna?"I looked up to see a guy grinning at me, while drawing a seat out. He had long dark hair, and a tan smooth skin, which was admirable to the eyes. "The name's Nia, not Bruna" I corrected him, while turning
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Book Two [28]
I walked into the room, barging in on Cameron and Hayley, laughing and chatting about something unknown to me, both sat so close to each other, on the bed which belonged to Cameron. A look of Shock crossed his face, seeing my figure standing by the doorway of his dorm, while gazing at him. "Babe" He called, springing from the bed and moving over to me. Hayley who was dressed in just a tank top and booty shorts stood up immediately, moving closer to me, while saying "Hello" I forced myself to smile at her, just so as not to appear rude, but the moment she walked out the door, my smile faded. "You didn't inform me you were coming" Cameron spoke up. "I could be having lectures, you know" He added. "Why was she in your bed?" I asked in a low voice. At this point, I knew I was already acting like a jealous girlfriend. But I didn't care. I watched Cameron as he sighed, rubbing his forehead and resting his gaze on me. "Nia" He began. "Why do you keep making this an issue?" "I've
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Book Two [29]
I hurried my feet into the Williams mansion, a couple hours after Cameron called me, stating he wanted to see me.He returned back from school a day ago, just to spend a short holiday back home. It was quite a bummer that Ashley hadn't returned from UCLA yet. Was looking forward to seeing her. I was welcomed into the house by Denna. Well, maybe not properly welcomed, cause I noticed her countenance changed the moment she tore the door open and realized I was the one sending rings down the house.Soon enough, I smiled at her, warming up at her sight, but she only shut the door right behind me, turning over to resume work. "Denna" I called softly, a bit taken back by the attitude she portrayed to me. "Yes?" She uttered immediately. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "I have things to do, Nia. If you don't mind" She uttered, and then turned around to leave. "Have I done something wrong?" My voice halted her in her tracks. She turned slowly to peer at me, glaring into my eyes, her look
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Book Two [30]
People say breaking up is hard, but having to let go is harder.Being in a state of sadness takes you back to those painful moments you've had in life. Things you never wanted to remember suddenly come rushing to you, making you feel miserable. Having to stay indoors all day is the worst part of it all. Being locked up, and thinking of the things causing you pain, when you could be out doing something fun, forgetting your worries, and all you're presently going through. It's been Seventy two hours since it happened. All through those long killing hours, I've drenched my sheets with tears. If only I could turn back the hands of time, I'd take it back to the first day I met him, making sure none of this ever happened, and I didn't have to go through this. No one could possibly understand how I felt. My attention was brought to the door being pushed open, followed by Ashley hurrying towards me with arms wide open. I crashed into her embrace as soon as she sat on my bed, sobbing in
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Book Two [31]
The sight that came into view as I pushed open the door to my dorm room, got me frozen to a spot. Arabella, sat on her bed, sharing a laugh with some guys, while passing cups filled with drinks to one another. I was quick to recognize them. The same guys we met at that party. At my sudden entrance, Arabella stood to her feet, smiling and welcoming me back. Something which she never does. My gaze rested on a figure sat on my bed, legs on my sheets while he rested his head on my pillows, looking so comfortable. "Do you mind?" I said to him immediately, moving over to get him up. It was the guy who was questioning me the other day. The one who asked if I was a virgin. I began choking as soon as I opened my mouth to speak, instantly inhaling something strong. Turning around to check what suddenly polluted the air, I saw some of the guys, with cigs in hands smoking and filling the air with its product. I couldn't bring myself to say anything to them, instead, I asked weird guy to
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Book Two [32]
If I was told an hour ago that I eventually would attend the party with Arabella, I would have told whoever said so, that they were only blabbing. Yet here I was, being pulled by Arabella, while she led me to a corner, where her group of friends were. Just as I thought, they were all smoking. They watched as we approached them, Asher getting to his feet immediately to welcome Arabella. "You came" I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around only to be met with the face of 'weird' guy. His eyes moved down to my dress, looking as if he was trying to figure something out. I must admit, the red dress which Arabella chose for me was quite befitting. It hugged my curves tightly, cinching properly to my waist. Not saying a word, he moved right past me, going over to take a seat next to his friends.I did the same, but stayed far away from them, not wanting to inhale the smoke filling the area.My eyes rested on Arabella who was so busy pushing her lips into Asher's while his h
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Book Two [33]
"Won't you have something to drink?" I heard him say to me. "I'm fine" I responded immediately, not wanting to hear him say one more word. He made me so uncomfortable, not gonna lie. For minutes, we had been sitting here together, all alone. Oh, how I wish I didn't agree to come. He puffed smoke my way, causing me to cough, while I turned to glare at him. "Not funny" I stated. "Thought you were shying away from looking into my eyes" He chuckled. "Now, why would I be shy?" I asked him. "You tell me" He said. I shifted my gaze away, totally ignoring him. "Do I make you nervous?" He asked"No" I responded, with my gaze still away from him. "Then why can't you bring yourself to look my way?" "Well, there's nothing interesting happening there" I responded immediately. "You're tense, Nia" "Why don't you have a drink" He uttered, pushing his cup over to me. My eyes shifted from the cup, to his face. As if reading my thoughts, he spoke. "Don't worry, it's clean" He chuckled.
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