All Chapters of Lycans King Fated Mate : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
95 Chapters
Chapter 51
Chapter 51• • • • • • • • • • • •Mia and Selena, fueled by their determination and the urgency of the situation, gathered their resolve to help Levi and Sebastian. They made the difficult decision to act as their temporary mates, realizing that their sacrifice could be the only way to secure their friends' rightful place as alphas. With their plan in place, they set their sights on freeing Levi and Sebastian from their confinement.The air crackled with tension as Mia and Selena navigated the intricate corridors of the pack's stronghold. Every step was taken with caution, their senses heightened to avoid detection. The weight of their mission pressed heavily upon them, driving their hearts to beat with urgency.As they approached the secure area where Levi and Sebastian were held captive, they spotted a group of guards stationed outside, standing as formidable obstacles in their path. Mia and Selena exchanged a determined look, silently communic
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Chapter 52
Chapter 52• • • • • • • • • • • • • •The air in the room seemed to crackle with tension as Satana's icy words echoed through the space. His voice, void of any discernible emotion, pierced the silence, setting an unsettling atmosphere that sent a chill down everyone's spine. All eyes were drawn to the intense exchange between Satana and Levi.Levi's heart raced like a wild stallion as he locked eyes with the imposing figure before him. Satana was a man of power and influence, feared and respected by many. Levi knew that revealing the identity of his mate, Selena, could place her in unimaginable danger. He had to be cautious, but he couldn't deny the truth either.Summoning every ounce of courage he had, Levi stepped forward, his eyes unwavering, and firmly grasped Selena's hand. He wasn't about to let fear dictate his actions. She was the one he loved, and he would protect her no matter what."Selena!" Levi's voice rang out, his tone determined and resolute. The way he said her name
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Chapter 53
Chapter 53• • • • • • • • • •As the morning sun cast a warm glow through the grand hall, the tension among the group remained palpable. Mia, Selena, Alexa, Levi, and Sebastian stood together, their emotions swirling like a tempest. The bond between them, once simple and straightforward, had become an intricate web of feelings and choices that now entwined their lives.Levi's heart felt heavy as he gazed at Selena, his intended mate. He had always dreamed of a life with her, but the unexpected turn of events had thrown everything into disarray. Doubt clouded his mind as he questioned if he had done enough to protect Selena from the complexities of their situation.Selena's eyes met Levi's, and she sensed the turmoil in his heart. She wanted to reassure him, to tell him that they would face whatever challenges came their way together, but the weight of their decisions weighed on her as well. She knew they couldn't turn back now, that their lives were forever changed.Mia observed the
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Chapter 54
Chapter 54• • • • • • • • • • •As the celebration wound down and the night grew darker, Levi escorted Selena to her room. The day had been emotionally charged, and they both needed a moment to process everything that had happened. As they stepped inside, something felt amiss – the room was eerily quiet."Selena, do you think your mother went to look for your father?" Levi asked gently, noticing the note left on the table.Selena picked up the note, her hands trembling slightly. "I think so," she replied, her voice tinged with both worry and surprise. "But she didn't have to go alone, she could have told me."Levi wrapped his arms around Selena, pulling her close in a comforting embrace. "She probably didn't want to worry you, but she'll be alright," he reassured her, his voice soft and reassuring.Selena nodded, resting her head on Levi's shoulder. "I hope so," she whispered, her thoughts filled with concern for her mother's safety.Levi gently lifted Selena's chin, meeting her eyes
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Chapter 55
Chapter 55• • • • • • • • • • •Levi and Sebastian clashed, their fierce duel reaching its peak. Their movements were swift and precise, each trying to outmaneuver the other. The pack members watched in awe, fully immersed in the intensity of the battle between their alpha and beta.But as the duel continued, a sudden and blood-curdling cry pierced the air, startling everyone present. Heads turned towards the source of the sound, and the pack's instincts immediately kicked in."We are under attack!" one of the pack members yelled, their eyes wide with alarm.Levi and Sebastian broke away from their duel, their attention now diverted to the approaching danger. Their rivalry was momentarily forgotten as they stood side by side, united against the common threat.The clearing erupted into chaos as a rival pack burst through the trees, their eyes burning with aggression and a hunger for dominance. Their alpha led the charge, a formidable opponent with an aura of power that demanded respec
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Chapter 56
Chapter 56• • • • • • • • • • • • •The pack huddled together in their den, their emotions raw and tangled like the undergrowth outside. Levi's eyes were wide with astonishment as he spoke, his voice tinged with disbelief. "I can't believe it," he whispered, almost to himself. "Sangre is alive... and he's not the same."Mia nodded, her eyes reflecting the same astonishment. "It's true. His presence was overwhelming, like a dark storm cloud threatening to consume us."Selena's frustration simmered just beneath the surface as she listened to her packmates. Her mother's abrupt departure, Sangre's return, and Sebastian's critical condition had collided in a storm of chaos, threatening to upend their world."Why did it all have to happen at once?" Selena's voice trembled with emotion. "It's too much to bear. First, my mum left without a word, and now Sangre's back with a vengeance. And Sebastian...," she paused, her heart heavy with worry, "Sebastian is at the verge of death."Satana, the
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Chapter 57
Chapter 57• • • • • • • • • • • • • Evelyn's heart pounded in her chest as she stood atop the hill, the cool morning breeze brushing against her face. The horizon was still cloaked in darkness, the sun yet to rise, and a sense of anticipation filled the air. She had been searching for three long, agonizing days, leaving her dear friend Selena behind in the hopes of finding her missing husband. Now, the sight before her brought a glimmer of hope, mixed with trepidation.Down below, a secluded complex came into view, barely visible in the dim light. Two vans pulled in, their headlights casting eerie shadows on the surrounding trees. Evelyn's eyes locked onto the logo on one of the driver's hats - a leaf. Her heart skipped a beat; she knew she had finally stumbled upon a vital clue.With a surge of determination, she tightened her grip on the binoculars, peering intently at the complex. Her husband must be in there, and she couldn't afford to lose him again. The emotions swirling withi
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Chapter 58
Chapter 58• • • • • • • • • • • •In a surprising twist, the fortress-like security appeared unexpectedly lax, allowing her to move with an unsettling ease. With a practiced grace, she swiftly incapacitated two burly guards stationed at the imposing front gate. The resounding thuds of bodies hitting the ground were masked by the night's eerie silence, and a chill ran down her spine as adrenaline surged through her veins.Heart pounding in her chest, she snatched the access card from the fallen guards' unconscious hands, the cold metal sending a shiver up her arm. Time seemed to blur as she sprinted toward the foreboding structure looming ahead. Her breath came in ragged gasps, a potent mix of fear and exhilaration as she raced against the clock, her pulse echoing in her ears.Reaching the entrance, she slid the pilfered card against the scanner with a mixture of apprehension and determination. The metallic click of the door unlocking resonated like a symphony of triumph in the stilln
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Chapter 59
Chapter 59• • • • • • • • • • •knck knckIn the hush of the midnight hour, Selena's room was cast in shadows, the soft glow of the moon filtering through the curtains. The world beyond her door seemed suspended in a tranquil slumber, a stark contrast to the subtle, persistent knock that reverberated through the stillness. Her heart quickened, a symphony of curiosity and apprehension playing out in the confines of her chest.Propped against her pillows, Selena's gaze fixated on the door as if it held the key to a mystery yet to unfold. Time seemed to stretch, each second elongated as she grappled with the enigma before her. The hour was unconventional, the knock almost too delicate to be an ordinary interruption. Questions danced at the edge of her consciousness, a whirlwind of possibilities swirling in her mind.Her voice was laced with uncertainty as she called out, her words punctuating the silence like a fragile thread. "Who's there?" The words hung in the air, a plea for answers
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Chapter 60
Chapter 60• • • • • • • • • • •Levi's voice carried a palpable sense of curiosity, his brows furrowing as he sought to unravel the enigma that had suddenly emerged before him. "What's the problem?" he inquired, the words tinged with a mixture of concern and intrigue. It was a question that hung in the air, waiting for the weight of an answer to settle upon it.Evelyn's eyes held a kaleidoscope of emotions, a turbulent sea of worry, determination, and a hint of vulnerability. Her voice was a fragile whisper, the words escaping her lips with a gravity that seemed to draw the room's very air into its orbit. "It's my dad," she began, her voice steady but threaded with an underlying ache. "He's being held in a complex."Levi's eyes widened, the realization dawning upon him like a lightning strike. The implications of her words were profound, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the room. "A complex?" he echoed, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and intrigue. The term held an air o
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