All Chapters of Lycans King Fated Mate : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
95 Chapters
Chapter 71
Chapter 71• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Levi's words hung in the air, casting a sense of gravity over the meeting as he outlined their strategy. The room was filled with expectant faces, each member of the group eager to understand their leader's plan."For now, we can't make a move just yet," Levi began, his voice carrying a note of caution. "They are wary of us, and we aren't fully prepared. We have to find a way to get in without being noticed at first."Selena's curiosity prompted her to seek clarification. "What do you mean by not fully prepared? What do you have in mind?" she inquired, her eyes fixed on Levi, searching for answers.Levi's gaze remained steady as he revealed his plan. "We would be going back to the Moonlit Haven," he stated, the mention of their old school evoking memories of a different time.Sebastian, ever the skeptic, voiced his concerns. "For what reason would we possibly be going there?" he questioned, his tone laced with suspicion."We all know sooner or l
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Chapter 72
Chapter 72• • • • • • • • • • • •A heavy silence loomed over Sangre's office as he sat behind his desk, his steely gaze fixed on the door. The air felt charged with tension, a palpable anticipation of the impending confrontation.With a subtle knock, the door swung open, and Sangre's piercing eyes remained locked on the entrance as he granted entry with a curt, "Come in." He had been prepared for this encounter, but the uncertainty of its outcome lingered in the room like a storm cloud.Levi, accompanied by Sebastian, stepped into the room, their presence amplifying the already tense atmosphere. Sangre's patience was wearing thin, and his voice betrayed a hint of irritation as he addressed them. "What do you guys possibly want again?" he inquired, his words laden with a mix of annoyance and curiosity.The dynamics in the room were complex—a battle of wills, hidden agendas, and unspoken intentions. Sangre, the enigmatic leader of the pack, sat as the linchpin of this confrontation, h
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Chapter 73
Chapter 73• • • • • • • • • • • • • •The moon bathed the pack house in its silvery glow, casting long shadow s across the landscape. The night was serene, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions brewing inside the pack house.Levi and Sebastian, their faces etched with determination, stood in the dimly lit hallway, knowing that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges. The rest of the team had already departed, waiting for their leaders to join them. But they were fully aware that leaving the pack house would be no easy task. Outside, the guards of the pack patrolled diligently, their senses sharp, ready to protect their leader's orders at any cost. Levi and Sebastian knew they would have to fight their way through, that there would be no easy escape.With a shared glance that spoke volumes of their resolve, they knew what they had to do. This mission was more than just rescuing Selena's father; it was about preserving the unity of their pack and safeguarding the supernat
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Chapter 74
Chapter 74• • • • • • • • • • • • •The battle raged on in the moonlit courtyard, fierce and unrelenting. Sebastian, with sweat-soaked fur and bared fangs, fought side by side with Levi, defending themselves against the pack's relentless onslaught.But amidst the chaos and the clashing of teeth and claws, one of the pack's guards, with a snarl of determination, managed to land a devastating blow. His claws slashed through the air and met Sebastian's belly with a sickening thud. Pain erupted through Sebastian's body as a searing wound gushed crimson.The injury was a catalyst, a spark that ignited the fury within Sebastian's soul. His wolf, awakened and furious, surged to the surface, a torrent of untamed power and rage. His eyes blazed with a fiery light as he let out a primal howl that reverberated through the night.In that moment, the battlefield transformed into a nightmarish scene. Sebastian's wolf, a fearsome and uncontrollable force, tore into the pack's ranks with ferocity. W
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Chapter 75
Chapter 75• • • • • • • • • • • • •As Levi and the rest of the team managed to escape from the pack house, they quickly realized that something was seriously wrong with Sebastian. He lay in the back of the car, clutching his bleeding abdomen, his face twisted in pain. His wolf's natural healing abilities should have kicked in already, but they seemed strangely absent.Panic and concern filled the vehicle as they desperately tried to stop the bleeding. Evelyn, who had some medical training, examined Sebastian's wound while Selena held pressure on it with a piece of cloth. Blood stained both of their hands, a stark reminder of the battle they had just fought."Why isn't he healing?" Mia asked, her voice trembling with worry.Levi, his eyes filled with concern, shook his head. "I don't know. It's as if something is preventing his wolf's healing abilities from working."Sebastian winced in pain but managed to speak through clenched teeth. "I've never experienced anything like this befor
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Chapter 76
Chapter 76• • • • • • • • • • • • •Evelyn's statement hung in the air, drawing the attention of the team. Her eyes gleamed with a glimmer of hope as she continued, "There might be another way to counteract the effects of wolfbane."Levi leaned in, his expression eager. "Tell us, Evelyn. What are you thinking?"She began to explain, "Wolfbane is a potent poison, but it's not invincible. There are rare herbs and remedies rumored to counteract its effects. However, these remedies are not easy to find, and the knowledge of them is closely guarded within certain supernatural communities."Sebastian, despite his pain, perked up at the possibility. "Do you know where we might find these remedies, Evelyn?"Evelyn nodded. "I've heard of a place, a hidden enclave of supernatural beings who specialize in rare and mystical remedies. It's a dangerous journey to reach them, but they might have what we need."Levi clenched his jaw, contemplating the risks. "If it's our best chance to save Sebastia
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Chapter 77
Chapter 77• • • • • • • • • • • •As Levi began to fall into the abyss, Selena reacted with lightning-fast reflexes. She reached out and grabbed his hand with a desperate grip, her fingers digging into his wrist. Her determination to prevent him from plummeting into the depths below shone in her eyes.The rest of the team, realizing the gravity of the situation, rushed to Selena's aid. They formed a human chain, each member locking arms with the next, creating a lifeline that extended toward Selena and Levi. With a collective effort, they began to pull Levi up, their muscles straining with the weight and urgency of their mission.The sheer determination and unity of the team were palpable as they fought against the relentless pull of gravity. They knew that Levi's selfless act had saved them moments ago, and now it was their turn to rescue him from the abyss.The seconds felt like an eternity, but with unwavering teamwork and unwavering resolve, they slowly but steadily began to lift
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Chapter 78
Chapter 78 • • • • • • • • • • • • •Stepping through the doorway, the team experienced an immediate and profound transformation. It was as though they had just crossed an invisible threshold or a powerful forcefield. The atmosphere around them shifted dramatically, and the world they now found themselves in was nothing like the one they had left behind.Outside the gateway, they had faced enigmatic creatures and cryptic challenges, but in an instant, they had entered a realm that defied explanation. The air was different, charged with an energy they couldn't quite comprehend, and the surroundings had transformed into a surreal landscape.It was as though they had entered a whole new world within a world, and the mysteries of the Land of All That Liveth awaited their discovery. With Sebastian's condition growing more critical, they pressed forward, determined to find the answers and the cure they so desperately needed."Quickly, this way," Evelyn urged, guiding Levi, who carried the
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Chapter 79
Chapter 79• • • • • • • • • • • •Levi's eyes widened with fury. "You sold her out?" he growled.The old man chuckled. "Well, it's a business, young man. And a good one at that."Selena stood there, shock and terror written across her face. She had unwittingly become the center of a dire situation, and the weight of the consequences pressed heavily upon her."This seems bad," Sebastian's voice cut through the tension as he slowly rose from the bed."So fast," the old man muttered in astonishment, his greedy intentions momentarily distracted by the unexpected turn of events."It can't be... Are you alright?" Levi asked Sebastian in disbelief, his eyes wide with amazement and confusion."I'm perfectly fine, brother," Sebastian replied, his voice steady despite the surreal turn of events."Enough of the talk... Get them!" The old man's greed overcame any rational thought, and he issued the command. In response, an assortment of grotesque creatures began flooding into the room, their men
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Chapter 80
CHAPTER 80• • • • • • • • • • •Selena's voice quivered with shock as she surveyed the room's transformed chaos. "What happened here?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief.Levi, urgency in his tone, responded swiftly, "Let's get out of here first. I'll explain everything on the way." He reached out, gently assisting her to her feet, and together, they hurriedly exited the crumbling building. The air was thick with tension, leaving a trail of unanswered questions lingering between them.Once outside, an eerie normalcy enveloped them, the peculiar community functioning as if untouched by the chaos within. Selena couldn't fathom how the bizarre residents hadn't heard the desperate screams and pleas of the creatures she had torn apart.As they hastened toward the gate, a sudden confrontation with a guard halted their escape. Simultaneously, a resonant announcement echoed from unseen speakers surrounding each complex. "The last descendant of the Moonlit Pack is among us," declar
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