All Chapters of Lycans King Fated Mate : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
95 Chapters
Chapter 81
Chapter 81• • • • • • • • • • • • •As they all gathered to embark on their journey, Evelyn exchanged heartfelt goodbyes with Olgo before stepping into the awaiting car. With a sincere tone, Olgo conveyed his concern, urging Evelyn to prioritize safety on the road."Stay safe out there, and please extend my warm regards to your husband," Olgo emphasized, his genuine care evident in his parting words. As Evelyn settled into the car, the resonance of Olgo's well-wishes lingered, reminding her of the cherished connections that spanned beyond the immediate moments of departure."Absolutely, Olgo," Evelyn replied with a reassuring smile, choosing not to burden him with the details of the situation on her mind. As the car started to pull away, she waved to Olgo, the bittersweet mix of farewell and unspoken concerns hanging in the air. In the confines of the moving vehicle, Levi at the wheel, Evelyn contemplated the delicate balance between transparency and protecting those we care about.C
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Chapter 82
Chapter 82• • • • • • • • • • • • •After hours of navigating the winding roads, the weary travelers eventually arrived at their destination—an enchanting cabin nestled in the serene surroundings. This cozy retreat, owned by Evelyn, proved to be conveniently close to the complex where Selena's father was confined. The anticipation and tension lingered as they approached the cabin, their refuge for the impending challenges that awaited them in the pursuit of securing Selena's father's freedom.With a determined tone, Evelyn gestured to the group, her hand signaling towards the inviting cabin. "Alright, everyone, let's get inside," she announced, a sense of urgency underlining her words. The metallic click of the key turning in the lock echoed through the crisp air as Evelyn deftly unlocked the door, bestowing upon them the long-awaited passage into the refuge within. The creak of the door hinges accompanied the feeling of anticipation, granting them entry into the sanctuary that would
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Chapter 83
Chapter 83• • • • • • • • • • • • •As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the surroundings, Evelyn returned. With utmost care, she slowly opened the squeaky door, a quiet hope lingering in her heart not to disturb anyone. To her sheer amazement, she discovered them all peacefully asleep, each in their own comically awkward positions. It was a moment that held a mix of surprise, relief, and a touch of amusement as she observed the slumbering figures, creating a scene that was both endearing and lighthearted."No big surprise there; I'm practically exhausted," she muttered to herself, fatigue evident in her voice. She proceeded wearily towards the shower, each step carrying the weight of the day's weariness. The anticipation of warm water cascading down her fatigued body held a promise of comfort, a small respite in the midst of her tired journey.The water gently cascaded over her weary body, its comforting touch becoming a cleansing embrace. As it flowed, it c
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Chapter 84
Chapter 84• • • • • • • • • • • • • •Sebastian's voice echoed with anguish as he stood defiantly before the pack's gate, the weight of despair etched across his face. "Satana!" he cried out, a plea laced with desperation, his companions mirroring the intensity of his emotions.Levi bellowed at the top of his lungs, "Come out here, old man!" The resonance of his voice reverberated, carrying a challenge filled with a mix of boldness and impatience.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •The door creaked open, unveiling Satana seated sternly behind his desk in the office. "What is it?" he inquired, his expression firm, directing his attention to the attendant who had burst in unannounced. "You should have a good reason for barging in like that," he added, his face conveying a blend of authority and curiosity, demanding an explanation."Your son, and the others," the attendant began urgently, their voice carrying a hint of urgency, "they're at the gate.""Sebastian? He's alive?" Satana exclaim
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Chapter 85
Chapter 85 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Having just thrown down the gauntlet by challenging the pack's strongest warrior, Levi and Sebastian were acutely aware of the colossal task that lay ahead. The anticipation weighed heavily on their shoulders as Satana, the pack leader, had declared a meeting to be convened by dusk. The resonance of footsteps echoed through the gathering crowd, creating a palpable tension in the air as pack members filled the meeting square, their expectant faces reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern.Each step towards the meeting square felt like a journey into an impending storm. Levi and Sebastian exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the enormity of the situation. The challenge they had issued wasn't merely a test of strength; it was a rebellion against the established order, a daring move that had repercussions echoing through the entire pack.As they approached the square, the murmur of hushed conversations surrounded them, creating a l
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Chapter 86
Chapter 86• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Levi and Sebastian, their bodies drenched in perspiration after an arduous workout, wearily trudged towards the welcoming sanctuary of the pack house. The weariness of physical exertion lingered in the air as they sought solace in the promise of a rejuvenating shower. The cascade of warm water provided a comforting release, washing away the strain of their exercise and revitalizing their fatigued muscles.Emerging from their individual sanctuaries of steam and refreshment, Levi and Sebastian reconvened in the familiar haven of their hangout room. The dim glow of ambient lighting accentuated the camaraderie that awaited them within. As they opened the door, the room seemed to come alive with the laughter and chatter of their companions, creating an atmosphere brimming with familiarity and connection.As Selena gazed into Levi's eyes, curiosity etched across her face, she inquired about the progress of his training. Her words hung in the air, a
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Chapter 87
Chapter 87• • • • • • • • • • • • The dayThe much-anticipated day had arrived—the pivotal moment when the fate of the pack hung in the balance. In the heart of the arena, pack members congregated, their collective energy charging the air with anticipation. The ring stood in silent readiness, poised to witness the unfolding spectacle. Excitement rippled through the crowd, each member on edge, yearning to discover the identity of their future alpha. The atmosphere crackled with a wild intensity, the palpable tension hinting at the imminent showdown. All eyes fixated on the ring, and the air buzzed with the electric promise that the revelation was just a breath away."Breathe calmly, you've spent the last weeks training the hardest you've had in your entire life" Evelyn said her comforting words echoed through the air, a gentle reminder to breathe steadily amid the nervous anticipation that hung thick. Weeks of relentless training had forged a path to this very moment, a pivotal junct
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Chapter 88
Chapter 88• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •A resonant echo lingered in the air as the bell's metallic chime reverberated through the arena, signaling the commencement of the bout. Yet, an electrifying stillness enveloped the ring. In a tense tableau, the trio of men remained frozen, caught in a suspended moment of anticipation, each locked in their formidable attacking stance.The crowd, a collective pulse of anticipation, held its breath in a symphony of silence. The sea of faces in the stands mirrored a mosaic of emotions—excitement, suspense, and a shared yearning for the impending clash to unfold. As the seconds ticked by, the air seemed to crackle with an energy that transcended the physical realm, an unspoken agreement that the arena was on the verge of witnessing something extraordinary.In this tableau of anticipation, the fighters' stances spoke volumes. Tension etched across their faces, a canvas revealing the internal calculations and the unspoken dialogue between combatants.
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Chapter 89
Chapter 89• • • • • • • • • • • • •The symphony of panting and heavy breathing reverberated through the arena, an audible testament to the endurance being tested. Sebastian and Levi, their bodies glistening with sweat, stood locked in a heated confrontation. Across the battleground, Satana, visibly weary, fought to rise to his feet. The relentless struggle had unfolded for the past three hours, a grueling marathon of determination and resilience.Sweat dripped from every pore, staining the canvas of the fighters' efforts. The air hung heavy with the scent of exertion, a tangible reminder of the physical toll exacted by the protracted battle. Each breath expelled was a testament to the effort invested, the arena echoing with the rhythmic cadence of their collective struggle.Sebastian and Levi, both marked by the physical toll, faced each other with a mix of exhaustion and indomitable spirit. The shared commitment to the fight had forged a bond between them—a silent understanding that
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Chapter 90
Chapter 90• • • • • • • • • • • • •In the aftermath of the chaotic events, Sebastian's plea sliced through the air, laden with desperation. "Levi, do something," he implored, his voice a quiver of anguish as he cradled his father's form in his trembling hands. Tears streamed down his face, a silent testament to the profound grief that gripped his heart.Levi, once a pillar of strength, faced the heart-wrenching reality before him. "Sorry, he's gone," he uttered, the weight of sorrow etched in his voice. A solitary tear, a poignant teardrop, escaped Levi's eyes, marking an acknowledgment of loss and an expression of the profound emotions coursing through him.In the somber scene, the arena transformed into a theater of mourning. Sebastian's grip tightened, a futile attempt to hold on to the slipping moments. The air seemed heavy with grief, the silence punctuated only by the stifled sobs and the echoes of the emotional storm that raged within.The profound loss, encapsulated in the d
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