All Chapters of The Mafia's Pet: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
184 Chapters
MARCO" What do you mean by he got away?" I yelled over the phone." I need you to find him within five minutes or else you're good as dead."I hung up on the call and ran my hands through my hair. I was more frustrated than before and now this was just adding to my pressure. I remembered my dad talking about giving this to my sister.I couldn't let that happen otherwise I would lose my importance and respect would be gone. It's not a new thing that a woman rules the mafia, especially a woman like my sister who seems capable and has been wanting to dethrone me for a long time.I checked my phone for the fifteenth time hoping that I would get an update on the book but there was none and it only drove me crazy. I specifically told Lucas I wanted him to call me back within five minutes and he's taking longer than usual. " You look calm," I heard a voice which belonged to Katie.This was the last thing I needed right now. What was she going to do here anyways? She's probably heard the new
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KATEI shrugged at the plan that Lucien told me but then again it was the only way to deceive my brother and make sure that I take what's rightfully mine. I should take what should have been mine a long time ago.I was so happy when dad finally threatened him with his position but that couldn't guarantee if I would take it because I knew how smart marco was abd just how quickly he could solve any problem so the best thing I could do was to obstruct him from dealing with this one to be able to convince my dad.I was going to be meeting with Lucien today at the hiding spot that I had prepared for him. I was the one who helped him escape after negotiating with some of Marco's men even though I knew Marco would find out about them soon enough but they weren't any of my problems.The only thing I had in mind was how I was going to be able to use Lucien to my advantage. He was my core target right now to get what I want because it wasn't easy to get Marco ti where he is right now so I had t
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MARCO" Are you fucking kidding me? You want me to go ahead and trust Kate and of all the people you expect me to take help from Kate?" I questioned him. " I'm not that desperate, Lucas," I scoffed.It was getting annoying with the whole Lucien situation and I'm trying to figure out the right way to get rid of him once and for all because he's literally putting my position at risk.I kept pacing around the room, trying to figure out the best solution for this." I called you here so that you could help me not invoke stupid ideas," I scolded.He looked down at the ground with his hands wrapped behind his back. I was more annoyed with what he was doing and thinking that he could help me by pitching in any good idea was just a waste of time." I…I just thought that if we discussed it with her then maybe she would be willing to help us and now that she already is, I think we should make use of this to our full advantage," he explained.I couldn't believe the gibberish that he was spitting
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CHAPTER 54MIAThese were the kind of days that were awkwardly silent and I could just feel the grief in my heart. Notwithstanding the fact that it was not my problem but I just couldn't help but feel bad.Ever Since our sex in the study, I haven't even seen a glimpse of Marco. It was as if he got more and more busier and also more secluded to himself. It's not like he's always had time but this time around, I could sense that there was a lot more going on with him.I would see him on normal days in his study working his ass out or just randomly cursing at someone who I supposed to be Lucas or one of his men. He seemed more stressed out than usual and I couldn't help but just feel for him.I so much wanted to comfort him and try to make him feel better but at the same time I knew that I couldn't be of much help. I just wanted to try to take away his troubles even though that seemed almost impossible on my path but I just so wanted too.Taking all the thoughts out of mind. I decided th
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CHAPTER 55MIAHe didn't push me away which was kind of surprising to some extent because I knew just how brutal Marco could be. He definitely didn't hug me back rather he just sat there slowly enveloping himself into my embrace.I felt somewhat good that he didn't push me to the ground making me fall off my butt because I knew just how Marco was and the fact that he was giving in meant a lot that even I could explain. I wanted the moment to last forever.I wanted to be lost in his arms and also to just make him feel so much comfort. I knew that I couldn't take away his troubles but at least I could try to make him feel better, I could try to make him understand that I'm here for him and whatever he's going through." You have five seconds," he suddenly said. I immediately removed myself from the hug, composed myself in the best possible way I could think of and also tried to avoid his gaze that was clearly plastered on me." You seem to have a lot of guts now, huh?" He asked. I was c
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MIAIt was still so surreal and kind of hard to believe that I would be going out with Marco. I didn't know whether to call it a date considering the fact that he's not like any type of romantic guys I know plus he's just taking me out to places I don't even know.I kept pondering over what to wear because it felt as though I had no outfit in my closet. I just wanted to look my best especially knowing the fact that Marco is an important figure to the society and I wouldn't want to taint his image.My clothes didn't feel too suitable for the outing even though it could just be a restaurant that we were going to. But what if it was a fancy restaurant and I'm dressed too casual?.I couldn't take any chances especially the fact that this would be my first outing with a guy especially with w gut like Marco. I decided to call who I knew could help with the fashion emergency.Nelly appeared in my room within a short period of time with a kind of worried look on her face. " What's up Mia? I h
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MIAI was so glad that I had worn a very formal dress otherwise I would have just embarrassed myself thinking that it was going to be a very normal and casual date. My hands were clinged to Marco the entire time as I was still trying to get used to the whole casino situation.It never occurred to me for once that I would end up coming to a casino one day and I've always imagined it to be rough and men assaulting women but to my surprise this one was rather calm and a little like a party.It was still exactly how a casino is portrayed to be with drugs, alcohol and girls also wouldn't be complete without the game but it was kind of different in this way which makes it much better.I wasn't really at ease but also I couldn't let it show because this was my first outing and the last thing I want to do is to screw it up. Marco led me to a game table where a couple of ladies were staying there with their men—I suppose." Marco, longest time man," a blonde hair guy who looked about the same
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MIA" Isabella?" He called with shock clearly written on his face. I didn't understand what was going on here but the next thing I saw was a smirk plastered on her face.She didn't look shocked or surprised to see Marco, rather it was more as if she was expecting to see him and he was unaware that he would meet her." Long time no see Marco," she said. I didn't feel as though that greeting was sincere and the tension between us three was rising but I only had questions in my mind and what all this was about." What…what are you doing here and why are you with Mia?" He asked, furious that we were together.She came close to me and wrapped her hand around my shoulder but all I did was stiffen by her touch and couldn't even move, it was as if I got frozen. " Mia and I are just having a little girl chat," she told me. " Isn't that right Mia."I didn't know why she was pinning this on me because now he was only going to be more furious and I couldn't deal with Marco whenever he was furio
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MIAI checked the time and found out that it was already eight o' clock in the evening. I didn't even know when u fell asleep but it was due to Marco's hot spanks, he said ur was some kind of punishment for me for talking with Isabella who I pray that I never ever have to see again.She was the reason why I'm facing all this and it only made Marco more cold towards me. I knew that we could never have a relationship but I thought at least that we were going a little farther only for it to get jeopardized by this stranger I don't even know.I managed to get off my bed and sluggishly walked into my bathroom to take a bath. I didn't have any interest in going downstairs but I needed dinner which was the reason why I would be going.After managing to take a shower, I changed into a simple jogger and shirt with a top bra underneath, also making sure to pack my hair into a rough bun since I had nowhere to go.I realized that for the first time since I moved here, Nelly didn't come down to
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MIA*THREE DAYS LATER*"That meal was so delicious, I really enjoyed it, you're such a good chef," Alina complimented Nelly. I couldn't believe just how well we've bonded in the past three days despite the fact that she was rich.It's not like that was going to change anything but I always imagined rich ladies to be so sophisticated and rude but she is literally the opposite of my imagination and frankly I'm excited to have her with me." That's just a little," I jumped in the conversation. " You should also try some of her signature dishes, you're going to love it Alina and since you'd be here for a while I'm sure you will get to taste it."I smiled at her but all of a sudden her smile disappeared. I didn't understand what was happening because for a minute there she was so happy and now she's just quiet and looked a little zoned out." Alina, Alina," I called, getting her back into reality. " Is everything ok? You were gone for a while there," I said but she covered it up with a smi
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