All Chapters of The Mafia's Pet: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
184 Chapters
MIA" I'm getting a divorce."Those words ran in my head over and over again. I felt bad for Alina and Angelo. I so wanted to help them because it was clear that they both loved each other very much but just a victim to their circumstances and Angelo needs to find a way to bond with his wife otherwise he's going to lose the most precious thing in the world.She left very early this morning for her shoot, making me doubt if she told Angelo. She didn't leave without bidding me good bye though but I knew that she didn't bid her husband good bye.But why would she say goodbye to a person that she wants a literal divorce from. I didn't want that to happen to them because I knew that all they needed was just a good conversation to keep them going.I decided to talk with Marco since he was friends with Angelo and maybe he would be able to talk some sense into him and then he would try to save his marriage. I knew Marco wasn't the type to believe in love or marriage but I'm sure that he must
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MIA" We have to find her, we have to fucking find her," Angelo yelled, in full furstration.I could literally feel his pain and just what he was going through. I knew that it wasn't easy for him even though I was extremely worried about her and wanted nothing to happen to her, u could never imagine anything bad happening to her.He paced around the room as Lucas types faster and faster on his laptop, trying to track down her location. " Have you gotten any sign of her?" He impatiently asked.Lucas shook his head in response but that only made me mad that he thrashed Marco's table. " Hey, hey!" Marco yelled. " I know that you're in deep pain but just calm the hell down, we're going to find her so there's no need for you to vent your anger on my table."Angelo had to breath in and out a couple of times, trying so hard to regulate his breath and also calm down his nerves. I actually felt for him and for some reason, I wanted to comfort him but I knew that I couldn't." I've gotten a tr
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MARCO" I'm going to kill that mother fucker if he ever thinks of touching or doing any shit with my wife," Angelo said. I didn't even try calling him down because I knew exactly how Angelo was and it was just going to be of no use.I was still trying to figure out why Lucien would use Alina against her. He must have figured that she was an easy target since it was easy to get to her rather than Mia who was always indoor.I felt for him a little especially knowing just how insanely in love he was with his wife. They had the kind of forever in love type of relationship which I definitely don't foresee and think it's for the weak which he's clearly proving right now.He couldn't take it to heart that his loved one just got kidnapped but that was one thing about this business and endurance is the key. If there's no endurance then it's better to do away with a loved one.He kept on ranting and ranting till I got fed up and had to shut him up. " I'm pretty sure that she's not dead plus it'
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MARCOI've never actually felt so sorry for someone in such a long time and right now I was feeling sorry for Angelo. I knew just how much he loved his wife and it will be killing him right now that he can't find her. I decided to do away with my shit and just go talk to him.I went up to his room and knocked a few times but no one answered.I figured that he was probably still mad at me and was clearly trying to ignore me but I wasn't going to give up because all I want right now is to clear this up once and for all.I knocked again but yet no reply. " Angelo," I called, trying to sound calm. " I know you're in there, I just want us to talk and stop acting like we're some highschooler, we're already passed that dude."He still didn't answer and I kept knocking, repeatedly on the door. I couldn't take it anymore and if there was something I hated more than anything, it was the silent treatment." Come on dude, you gotta learn to grow up," I opened up the door but surprisingly he wasn't
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MARCO" Why did you kill him?!"He looked at me with a smile on how face while I had to bear the pain and torture of looking at Angelo's body literally seas murdered in cold blood. My fist clenched together ready to kill Lucien." He was getting on my nerves so I just decided to let him off plus he was so easy to trap unlike you all I had to do was just play the emotional care on him," he said.I didn't even pay attention to whatever he was saying because all I had in mind was how i was going to make him pay for what he did and how well I was going to make sure to torture the hell out of him." You wanted me right? Why the hell did you have to kill him? If you weren't such a coward who couldn't face me you thought to vent your anger on him," I tried making him angry.It was working because the next thing he did was get up off the chair that he sat on looking at me with so much anger. "I don't give a shit about you, in fact there's nothing I want more than to see you dead and your hea
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MARCOThe doctor was busy attending to Alina. I've never felt so scared for someone before and the thought of having to tell her that her husband is actually a dead man now was killing me. I couldn't bring myself to say it and was even thinking of dumbing it all on Lucas.When Lucas found her– I told him to try to track her while I used that opportunity to distract Lucien. He was such a fool not to doubt or get suspicious and that was how it was very easy for me to get Alina out.My heart clenched so hard knowing that he was gone and she's here all alone with me trying so hard to figure out a way to tell her. I never imagined that I would actually be so scared of something in my entire life.My body kept shaking just at the thoughts just then Lucas arrived with a news that I suppose was bad. " Boss," he greeted, standing very firm and tall in front of me." What's up?" I asked him as he handed me a file that contained the activities and work Kate has to do with Lucien.I told him to s
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MIA*THREE DAYS LATER*It's been three days now and within these three days, I haven't even seen a sign of Alina. She refused to come outside of her room and I could clearly understand that she was in great grief. She couldn't get over the death of her husband, I felt bad and just wanted to find a way to make her feel better.She's been locked in her room for days; not talking to anyone or even taking her meal. I have to pass it through the small fire space below for her but I doubt if she even took a bite out of it.I knocked each day, trying not to give up on her. I didn't understand the full pain that she was going through but I could clearly understand that she was not happy and I know for sure that she might just go ahead and do something harmful to herself.I passed her door again but this time I didn't move all the way to my room. I just stood there with so many thoughts running through my mind debating on whether or not to knock on her door and let her know that I care about h
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MIA"She….she what?" I asked again to confirm because it was seeming as if I might need new hearing aids." You heard me right, she lost her baby," he said.I stumbled back a bit as Marco made forward to catch me. I couldn't believe it, she's been longing for a baby with Angelo and now she has lost both Angelo and her baby. I felt bad and felt like the worst kind of friend for not even trying to understand the pain and sorrow that she was going through. I didn't make any enquiries and didn't realize that she was going through the worst kind of pain." Are you okay?" Marco asked, as I slowly released myself from his grip.I tried composing myself but couldn't deny the fact that I was still in shock trying to process down what he just said to me. " Are ….are you sure?"He nodded in response and it was like my heart tore into a million pieces just after that piece of information. I couldn't help the tears that rolled down my eyes, it was hard to stop then and just what I was feeling ins
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MIA The doctor was yet to come out of the ward which sent me right into panic mode. I was so scared and wished from the depths of my heart that I could be in there with Alina and try my best to comfort her but sadly I'm not allowed to go in there.I was panicking right now because I knew that she might not make it. She looked so pale as if her blood dried up completely, I felt like such a bad person for not trying harder.Why the hell did I have to depend on Marco, waiting for him when I knew exactly the kind of person he was and now I'm here and the one feeling very guilty. I should have just gotten one of the guards to break down the door maybe then we wouldn't be in this mess.I saw the doctor coming out of her private ward and we both ran to meet him." Doctor, how is she?" I asked, preparing myself for any sought of bad news he had to tell." She's fine," he said and we both heaved a big sigh of relief." But she's still very weak and needs rest. I would send the nurse to attend
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KATEI had to make sure that I executed this plan well otherwise Lucien and you wouldn't get what we want but what is most important is that I get what I want and part of getting what I want is using things that are beneficiary for my benefits.I knew about how Lucien killed Angelo but didn't care until it occurred to my mind that I could actually use it for my advantage. U could actually try to make her think that I'm on her side and use her as my little pawn in this game.No one would have to know, not even Lucien. She would be my ticket to getting rid of everyone including Lucien because he's starting to prove that he's not worthy of running the empire with me.He's nothing but a lying and cheating scumbag who only fucks around with useless women. I thought that it was better for him to have a taste of his own medicine and there was no better way to do it than getting revenge.It may look like backstabbing but he deserves it and revenge is best served cold. I would use this to my a
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