All Chapters of The Mafia's Pet: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
184 Chapters
I woke up only to see Marco's eyes lingering on me. I immediately jolted from the bed as I got creeped out by the way he was staring at me. I've never seen him look like me like that and why the hell would he look at me while I'm asleep?I was completely freaked out by his sight but he had a smile on. I was naked since we had sex last night. I tried using the blanket to cover my body but he was quick to pull it away from me." Master," I called but he didn't care. I was all naked and raw in front of me.I didn't know why even despite the amount of sex we've had, I still feel shy when it comes to being naked right in front of him. It just makes me feel somehow." What's there to hide? I've seen it all, haven't I?" He teased with a smirk on his face.I couldn't help but blush hard. He was making me feel so embarrassed right now and silly me was getting turned on by his words. He was one of a kind with his words." Aren't you going to work today?" I tried changing the topic.He laughed s
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MIAIt took some time for the feeling to wash over me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I could have never guessed that they were together. This was all new to me, I didn't even know what to do but just sat there with my mouth opened wide in agape.Isabella sat beside Marco making me shift my gaze away from them. I don't have to care because she mentioned her ex but I would have never guessed that Marco had been in a serious relationship.He certainly didn't look like the kind of guy who would succumb to a relationship. He was that type of guy that didn't commit to relationships but I just didn't know why I was caring so much about it. There was nothing between us anyway." How're you, Marco? Long time no see," she started, breaking the silence." I didn't expect to see you here and I thought that we would never cross paths again," he said. I didn't expect him to say that because it was rude and outrageous." Well, I came to town and happened to meet your lovely sister. She in
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MIA" First love?" I asked as curiosity filled me more and more.She nodded in response and adjusted herself well on the bed. I was curious, I wanted to know more about what she meant and if she meant what she was saying." You have got to be kidding me. I never knew that a man like Marco would have a first love."I was still taken aback by this shocking discovery that I just made. I would have never guessed in a million years that Marco was actually with someone." I know," Alina said, amidst laughter. " I couldn't believe it when Angelo told me to."I was still finding it hard to believe that there was once upon a time when Marco was actually in love. He was like that stone-cold-hearted guy who showed no one mercy.My mouth opened in pure awe, still trying to process this piece of information." I could never have guessed she was his first love. I just thought that she was one of his many girlfriends," I told her.Alina burst out laughing so hard and clapping her hands together. " I
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MIAIt's been three days now since Isabella's stay here and these past three days haven't been any different. We haven't even seen each other much. I didn't know whether to worry about that or be grateful that I hadn't set my eyes on her for these past few days.My stomach started gurgling, making me head to the kitchen. I needed something to eat otherwise I was going to die of pure hunger. My head was starting to spin due to the extreme hunger that I was feeling.I made my way to the kitchen and surprisingly enough, I met Isabella there. I was a little bit stunned because I didn't expect to see her there. I didn't know that rich girls also liked to cook.She was making what I didn't even know how to pronounce and was so focused on it that I had to turn my attention to her to watch whatever she was doing but she didn't notice me.I didn't want to disturb her, rather I wanted to find my way to the fridge to get something to eat or maybe even just a sandwich because that would make thing
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MARCOThe door opened revealing Isabella, I didn't know why part of me somewhat wished that it was Mia. Ever since the night of my birthday, I haven't been able to get her out of my head. It was as if she caught me up with a spell.I couldn't deny that I was getting attracted to her but after showing so much genuine care for me everything that I had thought about her immediately flew out the window and was stunned by her humbleness.I just wanted to be with her and for her to get to know me. It was getting far beyond what I had expected and it was also getting really hard for me to control. I couldn't stop thinking about her which was making me warm up to her.Isabella made her way over to my desk. I didn't bother paying her any attention. I didn't even look up from my desk to look at her, Rather I just pretended to be paying attention to my work.She placed a plate on my desk then a familiar smell hit me. It was my favorite French cuisine and she knew just how much I liked to eat it
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MIAI heard a knock on my door. I wasted no time in trying to appear normal and look fine. I didn't want anyone to know that I've been crying for a while now. My face was so obvious which made me put a little makeup on it.The knock became more and more persistent and I wondered who the hell it was that was ready to break down my door. The person didn't seem like he was leaving anytime soon though leaving me no choice.I wasn't applying makeup, making me wish I had Nelly around. Even if I was going out on an event with Marco he would hire specialists and professional makeup artists to work on my face.I looked in the mirror for five seconds and once the knock set me off, I decided that it was better to answer rather than keep the person waiting." I'm coming, I'm coming," I immediately yelled. I only applied powder on my face trying to look very natural and not too much.I opened up the door but was surprised to see Marco. He was all dressed up and I had to say that he looked very del
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MARCO The outing was kind of good and it was like a way to get to know Mia more and kind of get along with her. I've been having these weird and really strange feelings whenever I'm with her, suddenly having the urge to be with her or kiss her.I thought it was just one of my cravings but looking at it now, I realized that they were so much more than that despite how I tried controlling it and myself it's becoming very hard." Are you going to stop staring at me? People are watching," she snapped me back to reality.This was exactly what I was talking about. It was like there was this there was a force pulling me into it and forcing me to just stare at her. She's just become the center of action whenever I'm with her." But you're so beautiful, it's hard for me to take my eyes off you," I told her.She immediately blushed at that..I loved just how I had so much effect on her, it was like just my words could make her go on cloud nine and just looking at her was turning me on." Sorry
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MIAI didn't know if it was just the atmosphere but I felt Marco rather secluded and isolated. He didn't even pay me any attention . I thought that perhaps I'd done something wrong.He didn't even bother to talk to me back at the restaurant. He was rather more quiet than usual just when I thought that we were finally getting along with one another but rather it was all just my fantasies.I thought that perhaps he wanted to get to know me more and my imagination even went as far to think that maybe he was starting to like me but it was obvious that he wanted to use me to relieve his boredom.He was so concentrated on driving that I kept contemplating on whether or not to start a conversation with him. I didn't want to get him mad knowing just how much he had a bad temper and that was something that I wasn't ready to face.I had doubts in my mind about talking to him but decided to go ahead with it hoping that it was worth the risk. " Is everything alright?" I finally asked.He didn't r
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MIAI didn't know if it was just the atmosphere but I felt Marco rather secluded and isolated. He didn't even pay me any attention . I thought that perhaps I'd done something wrong.He didn't even bother to talk to me back at the restaurant. He was rather more quiet than usual just when I thought that we were finally getting along with one another but rather it was all just my fantasies.I thought that perhaps he wanted to get to know me more and my imagination even went as far to think that maybe he was starting to like me but it was obvious that he wanted to use me to relieve his boredom.He was so concentrated on driving that I kept contemplating on whether or not to start a conversation with him. I didn't want to get him mad knowing just how much he had a bad temper and that was something that I wasn't ready to face.I had doubts in my mind about talking to him but decided to go ahead with it hoping that it was worth the risk. " Is everything alright?" I finally asked.He didn't r
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MIAI woke up only to find Marco by my dude. This was actually the first time I'm seeing him by my side, sleeping so very peacefully. I couldn't help but admire his body structure as he slept beside me.His facial structure was definitely one that was enough to behold. He just had it all that I unknowingly bit my lip watching him sleep. He was definitely some kind of entertainment for me and there was no denying that.I slowly traced my hands over to his face. I could stare at him all day without ever getting tired. He was definitely a heavenly gift that needed to be beholden. To think that girls were crazy for falling for him.He was just that good and perfect and smooth with entirely everything that he does. I didn't even know for how long I stared at him because I was extremely captivated by his presence.He stirred in his sleep making me guess that he was about to wake up. I immediately slept back, pretending like I was asleep. I didn't know why but I just didn't want him to catch
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