All Chapters of The Boss Bride : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
81 Chapters
Chapter 41
I stare at him, trying to process his words, trying to make sense of what he said. "What do you mean he didn’t make it?" I throw the covers off, jump out of bed. "Who did you speak to? Maybe they are lying. He made it out of the water. Of course, he did. He had to… You, yourself, said that he’s not easy to kill, that he had a hard head, remember? He has to be alive. He can’t be dead."Carlos shakes his head, "I’m sorry," he murmurs, "Fab announced it at a meeting of the family. He is taking over temporarily as Capo.""No," I shake my head, "no, no, no, it can’t be true." The world tilts and my vision narrows as black spots creep into my periphery. I blindly reach behind me, find the edge of the bed, and sink back down. "Please, no. Not A…Alessio ." My voice breaks and tears flow down my cheeks. I cover my face in shame.I killed him .How could this have happened? How could I have killed my…own husband…the possible father of my child? The only man who’s ever touched that part deep ins
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Chapter 42
Violet I stare at the window of the car thinking to myself that I am actually attending my husband funeral ,I can’t believe I was a murderer. In front of me are the steps to the church and next to it, and tucked a little to the side, is a small chapel, which is where the wake is being held, apparently.I toy with the wedding ring on my finger ,then cover it with my palm,It’s the last piece of Alessio and I am never letting it go . "You don’t have to do this, you know." Carlos’s voice cuts through my thoughts. I turn to find him staring at me, a concerned look on his features. "I do." I bite the inside of my cheek. "Thanks for bringing me here." "I would have come in with you…but—" "No, that’s fine." I clutch at the edges of the thin black veil that covers my face. "This is something I need to do myself." He looks as if he is about to say something, then stops himself. "Good luck," he murmurs as I push open the door of the car and step out. A gust of wind whips my hair about my
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Chapter 43
Alessio "Hello, Beauty." I bare my teeth, and her body trembles .Her gaze widens and color drains from her face. "No," she shakes her head, "No, no, no." "Yes." I allow my smile to widen, "Oh, yes, my darling wife." "It can’t be." Her voice wavers and her chin trembles. She looks like she has seen a ghost, which of course, is what I am to her now. It should be almost comical. I should enjoy just how terrified of me she seems to be, except…The throbbing pain at my temple where she had smashed the oar into me insists that she is real, and standing in front of me, arm outstretched. Tears glisten on her cheeks. She opens and closes her mouth, grows even more pale. She pulls back her arm and I swoop my hand out and grab her wrist. She sways; her eyes roll back in her head. Her legs seem to give way and she slumps toward the floor."Che cazzo!"I growl as I sit up, then leap over the side of the coffin. I catch her before she hits the floor, then pull her into my arms as I sink to the f
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Chapter 44
Violet Anger rolls off him in waves, and the hair on the back of my neck rises. I stare up into his blue eyes and shiver. There is no trace of the man who had fucked me. Or of the man who had married me.Who had made pancakes for breakfast for me. This man is closed up and hurting. He is furying at me . At the world. He is wounded, and not just from the physical hurt I had caused him. It’s the fact that I had run away from him. That I had taken the little bit of empathy he had begun to show me, and turned it against him. I had left him…had insulted him, had ground his ego underfoot as I had run away from him… With the help of his brother, who had also betrayed him. It probably convicts his brother doubly in his eyes.I chew the inside of my cheek, "I… I know you are angry with me Ales, but—""You know nothing." His voice is low, so hard… So harsh that a shiver runs down my spine. He is shutting down, taking any emotions that he may have once shown me and shoving them so deep down that
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Chapter 45
Violet I stiffen, turn to stare at him over my shoulder. He holds my gaze as his features take on an impenetrable look. I have come this far. I can do this. If this is the only way to get through this, then I am going to let him screw me in the arse. I wince, then steel myself. Tip up my chin, and shake my head. "No," I say in a firm voice, "I want you to take my arse. I want you to buryyourself inside my—" He pumps his hips and breaches my backhole. Oh, bloody hell. I dig the heels of my palms into the ground, grit my teeth against the strangeness of the sensation. I won’t lie, it’s painful, and weird…and feels unnatural… It feels like… I have something up my arse… Which I do. I swallow down the stupid giggle that bubbles up. Jeez, that’s what comes of having a stupid sense of humor. It takes me by surprise at the most inconvenient of times. He grips my hips, and I sense him stay still as he allows me to adjust to his size. Then he reaches around and cups my breast. He tweaks my n
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Chapter 46
AlessioI lean back in the chair in my office at Venom. By rights, I should be out there in the room that my crew and I use whenever I am here. But that hit to the head did a number on me. Because I refuse to take the painkillers, the pain is a constant heaviness behind my eyes. And the last thing I want to face is the constant throb of the music that pulses through the nightclub. I bring the glass of whiskey to my lips, then hesitate. I am taking antibiotics… And the doctor had warned me not to mix alcohol with it… But f*ck that. You only live once… And right now, I need something to take refuge in. Considering I just disowned my darling wife…I had called her my whore… And that look of absolute shock, and confusion...and sadness on her face…Merda,it had almost gutted me. I tighten my grip around my glass, then bring it to my mouth and throw back the contents. The whiskey burns a path down my throat. It hits my stomach and heat explodes in my gut. Too bad it doesn’t fill the emptiness
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Chapter 47
Alessio"You are thinking about him, aren’t you?" Fabian voice interrupts my thoughts."It’s okay to share your concerns with us." His lips curve, "We are family, after all. It’s what we do. We talk, we air our worries, we support each other.""That’s what I thought about Carlos then see what he did."Silence descends, then Alessandro straightens to his full height. "Take that back," he growls. "Everyone in this room is here because they are concerned about you.""I don’t f*cking need it," I snap. "Speaking of, I am tired of this emo shit. Why the hell don’t you guys get the hell out of here?"No one moves. They stare at me, with varying degrees of sympathy.Merda, that’s all I need, my own family looking on as I fall apart in front of them. To think, I had sworn never to appear weak in front of them. I stare down into the depths of my empty glass, "Che cazzo,I need a refill."Fabian steps over to the bar. He leans over, grabs a new bottle, then walks back to my desk. He opens the bott
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Chapter 48
My core clenches. My nipples bead. Shit, all I have to do is think of him and I am already dripping. Also, because that jerk had denied me my orgasm. Honestly, how dare he? If he thinks he can continue to do that to me… Well… No way, am I standing for it. He has to come to me at some point. Unless... he's f*cking someone else? I curl my fingers into fists.Still, that little encounter in the chapel had confirmed that he wants me. So why had he not escorted me back? Why had he left it to Seb to do so? TheAlessio I have come to know is so possessive, so primal in his ownership that, no way, would he have allowed anyone else to come near me, let alone hand me over to another man’s care, even if it had been only for a little while. I hunch my shoulders, stare at the horizon…Unless…what I had done to him, had really broken down the trust—tremulous as it had been—between us completely. Unless he really doesn’t consider me as his wife anymore. No, not possible. He’s not someone who would le
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Chapter 49
Violet"How dare he!" I pace back-forth-back across the floor of my bedroom. How could he do that? After Isabelle had told me what he had scrawled across my lower back I hadn’t been able to believe it. She had finally procured another mirror from somewhere in the house and had held it behind me so I could see in the mirror over the sink exactly what he had scrawled on me.As*hole! What a f*cking bastard! How the fuck could he do this? "Aargh!" Anger spikes my veins. Adrenaline laces my blood. I glance around the room, looking for something to break, but can’t see anything handy. Damn him. Bet he purposely put me in this room because there’s nothing to vent my anger on. I need to do something… Anything…to give vent to this frustration inside of me.Why the hell did he do this? Is he that angry with me? Not that I don’t blame him. Guess I’d be very cheesed off if someone had smashed an oar into my head, and then left me to drown... But he’d pushed me to it.He kidnapped me first. Surely,
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Chapter 50
Alessio What in the name of theSanta Madre Mariais she doing? I look at at where she’s positioned on her knees, her fingers still clasped around my cufflinks and linked together in front of her. Her mouth is open in that perfect 'O' that invites me To bury my fingers in her hair, hold her in place as I take her in the mouth. She holds my gaze, those green eyes beseeching, pupils dilated enough, breathing ragged enough to indicate that she’s turned on.This Lady was my perfect match ,she was bossy and a total freak like me .She made me so pleasured as I watches her chest rises and fall ,her nipple pebbled against the tiny T shirt that stretches on her chest .She is so hot .The orgasm slams into me with the force of a thirteen-millimeter bullet. My balls draw up and I come, shooting my cum across her face, in her mouth, across her hair, her breasts. She licks off the white ropy strands without breaking the connection of our gaze. And f*ck me, but this woman… She is going to be the dea
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