All Chapters of The Boss Bride : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
81 Chapters
Chapter 51
Violet He prowls toward me and I stumble back. He closes the distance between us even as I try to evade him. Which is stupid. I mean, I am the one who initiated this bizarre scenario, and here I am, trying to escape him. Why is it that since I’ve met him, all I’ve seemed to do is run from him as he’s tried to chase me, I do not fear him; I do not. My back hits the wall of the bedroom and I squeak. Jesus, so much for my pep talk.He pauses in front of me, and my heart hammers in my chest.One side of his lips kicks up in that smirk I hate…and love…and can’t resist. My body spasms.A plume of heat seems to spool off of him and crash into my chest. I gasp. My throat dries. The strength of his dominance is a tangible presence that pushes down on my shoulders and pins me in place. I want to shove at him, raise my knee and bury it in his groin, kick him in the shin and try to escape him, but my arms and legs seem to be frozen in place. My fingers tremble and my toes curl as he leans in clos
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Chapter 52
Violet I open my mouth to ask, then gasp when he pulls out of me. He pushes forward again, and this time, sinks his deeper inside of me. He’s filling me up, cramming himself into me, throbbing inside of me... It’s so real, so vital, so full of the kind of energy that had attracted me to him in the first place. A groan trembles up my throat as he pauses again, allowing me, once more, to accommodate him. Once more, the pain fades away and a trembling starts up somewhere deep inside. Moisture beads my core, slides down my inner thigh. I glance up at him, find his attention is focused on my face as he begins to move. He pulls out, then thrusts forward and impales me with enough pressure that my entire body jerks. He retreats, then lunges forward, buries himself inside to the hilt, and hits that spot deep inside of me. He always f*cks like he’s throwing the weight of his entire body behind his action, like his very life depends on just how deeply he can ram into me, like his soul is urg
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Chapter 53
Alessio I pace the length of the conference room in my office above Venom. How dare she question me about my actions? What right does she have to make me feel sorry about what I did? I will not regret it. She deserves it. She is mine to do with as I want, after all. I will do what I want to her, and she’ll damn well take it. After that scene last night Beauty, had returned to my room, picked up her clothes, then stomped out. I had almost called out to her and told her to stay, but thankfully, for once, my brain had won the war over my dick… Okay, not really. My c*ck had wept to see her go, and I hadn’t stopped myself from watching the sway of her butt, or the flow of her hair down her back as she had marched out without a word. I had gotten dressed, then decided to get the hell out of there. I hadn’t wanted to spend the night in my own house. If I had, nothing would have prevented me from going to her room, throwing her down on the bed, and rutting into her… That’s the only word fo
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Chapter 54
crunch down the rest of the biscotti, then drain the last of my espresso. My muscles relax, and whether it’s the effect of the baked good or the coffee… Or perhaps, a combination of both, I don’t know, but I feel almost human."So, what are you guys doing here?" I glance between them, "Don’t you have enough work to take care of? Do I need to rebalance the systems and make sure you all get more to do?""Whoa!" Alessandro blinks. "You don’t remember?""Remember what?""You,fratellone,who never forgets a work gig. You don’t remember why we are here?"I blink around at them, "I still remember all my work appointments—""Except why we are here?" Fabian smirks."You guys going to spill it, or what?""May I?" Alessandro glances at the rest of the guys, who nod."Go right ahead," Fabian acquiesces. "Enlighten fratellone,here, about what has slipped his mind completely.""Enough with the f*cking drama." I scowl. "The hell are you guys trying to imply?""That you are right." Alessandro tilts
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Chapter 55
Violet He left me. Yet again, he hadn’t let me come. Well, neither had he come, to be fair, and then, he’d left. I know because, after I’d gone to my room and showered, I had marched out and back to his room, which had been empty.I had walked down the stairs, headed to the living room, found it also empty. So was the kitchen…. Apparently, he’d left… And he hasn’t returned. Guess he has no intention of coming home anytime soon. I had come to the kitchen, after smelling the coffee and toast and hash browns searing on the griddle, and for a second, I had thought that it was Alessio … But sadly, it wasn’t. I finished my breakfast on my own, and wandered around the house, before finding my way back to the library. I had lingered there, picking out more strategy books likeThe Princeby Niccolo Machiavelli—of course, he’d have Machiavelli in his collection—Meditationsby Marcus Aurelius,A Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategywritten by someone called Miyamoto Musashi who had bee
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Chapter 56
Alessio I yank her even closer and she digs her elbow into my side. My body nstantly jerks in the need of her . Hasn’t she realized by now that any hint of violence from her only turns me on? Maybe it’s why she’s tried to kill me twice, and both times, the connection between us has only grown stronger. What the hell? Why hadn’t I realized this before? That the more she tries to hurt me, the more I want her. The more she wants to push me away, the more I need her. The more she tries to prove to me that she can do without me…the more I want to imprint myself on every pore of her body. "And you are—?" Beauty holds up her hand. "Leaving," I snap at the same time that Nikolai walks around the table to take her hand in his. "Very pleased to meet you…" He tilts his head. Beauty laughs. "Violet" she murmurs, "call me Violet." "A fitting name for the woman who has brought the Capo to heel." He kisses her fingers and every muscle in my body goes on alert. "Relax, Capo," Nikolai drawls, "
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Chapter 57
Vilet The ring, which had refused to come off my fingers all this time, had finally slipped off in there. Maybe it was a sign that he’s right? Maybe I had been wrong to come back for his fake funeral?He had written 'whore' on my skin, and I guess he really meant it. He doesn't really want me. In fact, he’d rather let me go than admit that he feels something more than hatred for me. Hell, thestronzois half in love with me. Only, he doesn’t want to admit it. And hell, if he hasn’t converted me to using Italian words in my vocabulary in a matter of weeks. I have only known him for a fraction of my life, and already, it feels like he is a part of me in a way that nobody else has ever been before. Why am I still so attracted to him? Someone who is a psychopath…and a criminal…probably, a murderer.I draw in a breath and my lungs burn. I stomp down the steps of the nightclub, past the bar on the ground floor that has two bartenders restocking the shelves behind the bar. I reach the door, p
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Chapter 58
AlessioDamn it ,I shouldn’t have let her go. I snatch up the ring that she had flung down on the table. I close my palm around it and the edge of the diamond seems to bite into the flesh of my palm. Shi*, what was I thinking, letting her leave like that? I slide the ring inside my pocket, then pull out my knife and flip it, catch it by the handle. I stare at the polished blade. The edge of which I had sunk into her skin when I had carved the mark of my possession of her.Was she right? Did I do that because I wanted to own her? To make her mine. To have her as my wife to cherish, to protect, to love… No… Not that. I am not capable of that emotion. No, my feelings for her are already way more complex than that. If I had asked her to stay, if I had given in to the temptation she is... In that gorgeous dress which had clung to her like a second skin, outlining the thrust of her breasts, the curves of her hips, and pulled tight across her thigh... I would have never been able to let her g
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Chapter 59
Alessio I fold my arms across my chest, "I am going to find whoever did this, and when I do… I am going to destroy their entire bloodline. Every. Last. One of them."Neither Fabian nor Alessandro contradict me."There are only two gangs who would dare do this," Massimo murmurs. "It can’t be the Bratva because we’ve struck a deal with them. Which leaves—""The Kane Company." I roll my neck from side to side "Would they dare come right into my territory and do this?""They attacked you on your turf." He’s referring to an incident a few months ago when four unarmed men had attacked me. I had managed to overpower them, and even brought two of them in for questioning. One of them had swallowed poison and died, the other, I had knifed. We hadn’t gotten much from either of them, but it stood to reason that it was the Kane Company who were behind both incidents."They are the only ones with enough gumption to attempt something like this."Alessandro scratches his chin. One of his eyes is h
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Chapter 60
VioletI squeeze my eyes shut and prepare for impact. I crash into something hard. Solid. The shock smashes through my system. I groan. This is not going to be pretty. Am I going to look like one of those people who jump from a height and ends up splattered over the sidewalk? Not that I have seen any in real life, thank God… But I have seen enough movies to know it’s a gruesome sight.The ground under me moves… Huh? I snap my eyes open, stare down into blazing blue eyes. Gone is the coldness, the remote look he had worn when I had last seen him. This man is angry…livid with the kind of rage that vibrates off of him and slams into my chest."You jumped." he growls, "you f*cking jumped.""It was only from the second story, besides I…I didn’t have a choice."Debris rains down on us and Michael steps aside, his movement so graceful I can only blink as he stares up. I don’t take my gaze off of his beautiful face as he growls, "Who the f*ck is up there?""One of the men who kidnapped me."His
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