All Chapters of REVENGE OF THE CONSORTIUM HEIR: Chapter 11 - Chapter 17
17 Chapters
CHAPTER ELEVEN; Choas during meeting
CHAPTER ELEVENMIRANDA'S POVThe atmosphere abruptly shifted as an air of anticipation enveloped the room, drawing every eye towards Alexander and Jackson. The sudden reaction from the two individuals caught everyone off guard, and a hushed silence descended upon the gathered crowd. Whispers began to circulate as people exchanged curious glances, attempting to unravel the cause of this unexpected response.As the murmurs grew louder, the room fell into a heightened state of intrigue and speculation. Just when curiosity reached its peak, a commanding voice cut through the growing commotion. My grandfather, a figure of authority and respect, stepped forward, demanding attention and bringing the room back to order.With a deliberate pause, he spoke, his voice resonating with a sense of gravity and importance. He announced that I, Miranda, to the surprise of many, is the long lost heir to the consortium. The words hung in the air, momentarily suspending disbelief and prompting a collecti
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CHAPTER TWELVE; Jackson's plot
CHAPTER TWELVEMIRANDA'S POVAs I stood in the dimly lit room, my heart raced with anticipation and fear. My eyes were locked with Alexander and I could feel a thick tension hanging in the air. The atmosphere was suffocating, and my senses were on high alert. Despite the conflicts that threatened to tear us apart, I couldn't deny the magnetic pull I felt towards Alexander.Our love had blossomed against all odds, but secrets had woven a tangled web around us. I knew that there was more to Alexander's act towards Jackson than met the eye. His eyes fueled my curiosity and deepened the conflict within me. I couldn't help but wonder what he was hiding.As Alexander spoke, his voice was strained with a mixture of longing and regret. "I never meant for things to get this complicated," he said. "But there are things I can't tell you, Miranda. It's for your own safety."His words only added to the confusion and fear that I felt. How could I ignore the warnings when my heart yearned for him? I
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CHAPTER THIRTEEN MIRANDA'S POVMy heart pounds in my chest as I make my way through the dimly lit corridors of the old mansion. Shadows dance on the walls, creating an eerie atmosphere that matches the turmoil in my mind. I can't shake off Jackson's words about my parents' death, somehow linked to Alexander's parents. Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, I've resolved to confront Alexander head-on.Accompanied by two guards, we head straight to Alexander's mansion and find him in the study, poring over old books and documents. The room is filled with the scent of aged leather and dust. My footsteps falter as I enter, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination."Alexander," I call out, my voice echoing in the silence. "We need to talk."Alexander glances up from his work, his piercing blue eyes meeting my gaze. There's a flicker of surprise in his expression, quickly replaced by a guarded look. He closes the book he had been reading and leans back in his
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CHAPTER FOURTEENMIRANDA'S POVAs I left Alexander's mansion, tears streamed down my face and my heart felt heavy with uncertainty. I knew I needed answers, no matter the cost. Determined to find them, I decided to pay Jackson another visit.Upon finding Jackson, I could tell he was startled by my grim expression. I spoke with a steady voice, "I've been to see Alexander. I told him I needed answers about my parents' deaths, and that I intend to find the truth."Jackson's eyes widened as he apologized, "I may have spoken out of turn, Miranda. I apologize for upsetting you with what I said."I interrupted him, "Don't apologize. I deserved to know. I want to know everything - what you know about how my parents died, and how the Hale family is involved."Jackson hesitated, his face filled with conflicting emotions. Finally, he nodded and said, "Come inside. I'll tell you what I know. But promise me - you must keep an open and objective mind. The truth may be hard to believe."As I followe
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CHAPTER FIFTEENALEXANDER'S POVAs the masked figure disappeared into the night, I knew that our quest for the truth had just become even more dangerous. My mind raced as I tried to make sense of what had just happened. Who was that person, and what did they want?I turned to Miranda, who was trembling with fear. "Are you okay?" I asked, taking her into my arms.She nodded, her face pale with shock. "I just can't believe this is happening. It's like we're in the middle of a nightmare.""I know," I said, holding her tightly. "But we can't give up now. We have to keep fighting, no matter the cost."Miranda looked up at me, her eyes filled with determination. "You're right," she said. "We can't let this stop us. We have to find the truth, no matter what."I nodded, feeling a sense of pride and admiration for her bravery. "We'll do it together," I said, taking her hand. "No matter what happens, I'll always be by your side."As we made our way back inside, I couldn't help but feel a sense
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CHAPTER SIXTEENMIRANDA'S POVAs we left the Hale mansion, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. My mind was reeling with everything we had just learned - the blood magic, the murders, the Hales' twisted sense of justice. It was all so overwhelming, and I didn't know what to do next.Alexander's hand was warm in mine as we walked back to the castle. I could sense his own turmoil, but he remained silent as we made our way through the streets.When we finally arrived at the castle, we were greeted by a familiar face - Henry, my grandfather's trusted advisor."Miranda, Alexander," he said, his face grave. "We need to talk."I nodded, my heart pounding with fear. Had the Hales already taken action against us? Were we in danger?Henry led us to a private room, away from prying eyes and ears. As we sat down, he spoke again."I've been doing some digging," he said, his voice low. "And I've uncovered some disturbing information about the Hales."My heart leapt at the words. "What kind o
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CHAPTER SEVENTEENMiranda's POVUpon our return, my grandfather wasted no time in organizing an emergency meeting with the highest stakeholders in the company. To him, this was the first step in preventing the consortium from being ruined by an anonymous person who had sent a threatening letter to my grandfather during our absence.As I stood before the stakeholders, I could feel their eyes fixed on me, awaiting my speech. "Greetings, everyone. I assume you are all aware of the recent change in leadership of this consortium, which has been passed down to me by my grandfather," I began, pausing momentarily to glance at my grandfather, who nodded in encouragement. "Apologies for the delay," I continued, looking around at the stakeholders, my gaze lingering on Alexander, whose eyes were strangely fixated on the floor as if lost in thought. "Mr. Alexander, I urge you to snap out of your daydream and refocus your attention on our important discussion. The growth of the consortium depends
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