By:  Prince Writes  Ongoing
Language: English
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"Either you resign peacefully, or we will force you to step down," the voice warned. "And I am saying it again, I am not giving in to your demands," I replied confidently. ---------------------- The very moment Miranda ascends as the new consortium head, she started facing unrelenting foes whose aim is to terminate her life and take over the consortium. However her determination to unearth the truth about her parents death and seek retribution unveiled a deep hidden secret that shakened the entire Consortium. Will she succeed or will her enemies triumph?

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17 Chapters
CHAPTER ONEMIRANDA'S POVMy heart pounded like a drum as I approached the colossal AD company's building, my hands trembling with fear. The Owner's notorious reputation for being merciless made my blood run cold, and I knew that confronting him would be a test of my bravery.Taking a deep breath, I shut my eyes and uttered a desperate plea, praying for a miracle. But as I stepped into the opulent hallway, my hope began to evaporate. The atmosphere was thick with apprehension, and I could sense a thousand pairs of eyes on me, each one more menacing than the last.The other candidates' eyes were like sharp daggers, piercing through me with an intensity that made my skin crawl. This was my one shot to prove myself, to make a name for myself in this cutthroat competition.As I took my seat, my palms slick with sweat and my forehead beaded with nervousness, the tension in the room was palpable. I could feel it weighing down on me like a heavy blanket, suffocating me with its pressure.The
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CHAPTER TWO FLORA'S POVAs I drove towards the office, my mind raced with thoughts of Alexander. I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been gnawing at me since he demoted me for having an affair with Bob. I knew I had to confront him, but I didn't want to do it at work. So, when I saw his car pull into his mansion, I knew this was my chance.I took a deep breath and approached the grand entrance. But as I reached out to ring the doorbell, I saw something that made my heart skip a beat. A strange beautiful lady rushed out of the house, colliding with me. She apologized and hurriedly got into her car, leaving me standing there in shock.Who was she? And what was she doing in Alexander's mansion? My mind raced with possibilities. Was she his new lover? Had he brought her here to rub salt in my wounds? I had to find out. But as I tried to make sense of it all, a sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks.My fingers trembled as I punched in Felix's number, my heart
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CHAPTER THREESECRET POVMy heart raced as I spoke into the phone, "Boss, we have a problem. We missed her."Silence lingered on the other end before he barked, "What do you mean you missed her?""Do you have any idea how little time we have left? . You need to find her and eliminate her before she discovers the truth about herself. Or else..."My palms grew sweaty as I struggled to respond, "It happened so fast. But we won't give up. We'll track her down.""Your words better be true," he thundered, "or you'll both face my wrath." My boss's voice boomed with fury, leaving me on edge as I wondered what consequences awaited me if I failed.The line then went dead, leaving me with a sinking feeling in my stomach. We had to find her, no matter the cost.MIRANDA'S POV Flora's threat echoed in my mind, my heart raced with fear. But Alexander's words offered a ray of hope, a flicker of light in the darkness of my thoughts.Little did I realize that my first day on the job would be a descen
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CHAPTER FOURMIRANDA'S POVAs I read the letter, again the next day my heart raced with anticipation. What secrets could be hidden within its pages? My mind raced with possibilities, each more tantalizing than the last.Suddenly, I knew what I had to do. I had to call the number and uncover the truth. My fingers trembled as I dialed, my heart pounding with excitement and fear.When the person on the other end answered, my breath caught in my throat. They spoke in hushed tones, promising me a revelation that would shock me to my core.But there was a catch. They insisted on meeting in person, under the cover of darkness. It was the only way to ensure that the truth would remain hidden no longer.As I hung up the phone, my mind raced with questions. Who was this mysterious stranger? And what secrets did they hold that were so explosive, so life-changing, that they required such secrecy?I knew only one thing for certain: I had to find out. And I would stop at nothing to uncover the trut
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CHAPTER FIVEMIRANDA'S POVThe man in the black mask towered over me, his eyes glinting with an unknown emotion. My heart raced as I struggled against the ropes that bound me to the chair."Please calm down, please," he said, his voice low and menacing. "I just have to do what I did because I really want you to know the truth about who you really are."My mind raced as I tried to make sense of his words. Who was I? And why did this man think he had the right to kidnap me?"And must you kidnap me before doing that?" I demanded, my voice filled with rage and anger.The man's eyes narrowed as he leaned in closer. "I am very sorry, Miss Miranda James Owens," he said, his words dripping with sarcasm. "But it had to be done."My blood ran cold as he spoke my name. How did he know who I was?"By the way, I am not Miss Miranda James Owens," I said, my voice shaking with fear. "It's really obvious you are mistaking me for someone."The man chuckled, a cold, humorless sound. "Never," he said, h
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CHAPTER SIX MIRANDA'S POVWith my eyes tightly shut, I whispered desperate prayers under my breath as the car hurtled towards my unknown destination. My mind raced with thoughts of what horrors awaited me at the doorstep of my so-called grandparents, whose true identity remained shrouded in mystery.As the journey dragged on, my heart pounded with fear and anticipation. Every passing moment felt like an eternity, and I wondered if I would ever reach my destination alive.Suddenly, the car screeched to a halt, jolting me back to reality. My eyes snapped open, and I found myself standing in front of a looming mansion, its dark windows seeming to stare back at me with a sinister gleam. What awaited me inside? I could only imagine, and the thought sent a shiver down my spine.As I stepped out of my car, a man in a dark suit hastily opened my door, sending shivers down my spine. I tried to shake off the uneasy feeling, reminding myself of my determination to uncover the truth. The man wh
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Chapter Seven
I found myself in a perplexing situation as I attempted to leave the confines of my house. To my surprise, my grandfather's guards blocked my path, acting on his explicit request. It was evident that my safety was their primary concern, though the reason behind it remained elusive. Feeling a mix of frustration and curiosity, I retreated to my room to process the overwhelming information that my grandfather had revealed.The weight of my newfound responsibilities as the heir to the family consortium and the shocking revelation of my parents' cold-blooded murder weighed heavily on my mind. Thoughts swirled as I grappled with the unimaginable truth. Amongst the jumble of emotions, one name resurfaced in my thoughts repeatedly - Ethan, my father's most trusted friend.A determined resolve began to take hold within me. If I wanted to unearth the truth behind my parents' tragic fate, I needed to start my investigation with Ethan. After all, he was intricately intertwined with my father's li
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Chapter Eight
After extensive persuasion, my grandfather eventually relented and granted me the long-awaited permission to embark on my professional journey. However, there was a significant caveat to this newfound freedom – I was to be accompanied by a constant entourage of four guards, diligently shadowing my every move. Admittedly, I found this arrangement rather unsettling, as it impinged upon my sense of independence. Yet, I comprehended the necessity of this precautionary measure, which stemmed from a harrowing incident in my past where I found myself relentlessly pursued by unidentified adversaries.While I couldn't deny my discomfort with this new pattern and style of life, I resolved to abide by my grandfather's rule, understanding the genuine concern he held for my safety and well-being. It was a bittersweet compromise, as I longed for the autonomy to navigate the world without the constant presence of guardians. Nevertheless, I acknowledged the importance of conforming to this arrangeme
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Chapter Nine
ALEXANDER'S POVI was taken aback by Miranda's unexpected willingness to cover the cost of the lost item in my office. Based on the research I had conducted on her, it was clear that she couldn't even afford a modest sum of five hundred dollars. Yet, here she was claiming that she could easily pay for a loss valued at over three thousand dollars. I couldn't help but draw some conclusions from this puzzling situation.I arrived at the conclusion that either Miranda was concealing her true financial status or she possessed something valuable that she was keeping hidden. It was difficult for me to fathom how she could suddenly possess such a significant amount of money if her financial circumstances were as I had previously believed.Intrigued and slightly suspicious, I resolved to dig deeper into Miranda's background. I wanted to unravel the mystery behind her unexpected declaration and understand the truth about her financial capacity. There were too many unanswered questions, and I co
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Chapter Ten
MIRANDA'S POVMy heart pounds in my chest as I step into my office, my breaths coming in rapid succession. Finding my way to my chair, I settle down in an attempt to regain my composure and make sense of the whirlwind of emotions that have overtaken me. The vivid memory of our passionate kiss refuses to fade, playing incessantly in my mind like a captivating film reel. I scold myself mentally, berating my own weakness for giving in to Alexander's advances.In a bid to regain control over my thoughts, I make a conscious decision to redirect my focus towards a pressing work project. However, despite my best intentions, concentration eludes me. My mind remains entangled in a jumble of emotions, unable to shake off the enchanting allure of our shared romance. The lingering sensation of our connection pulls at my senses, rendering my efforts to concentrate futile.My inner struggle intensifies as I wrestle with conflicting desires. On one hand, my professional responsibilities demand my at
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