All Chapters of ENSLAVED TO THE HEARTLESS MAFIA: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
155 Chapters
Chapter 131
Flora's tone was icy as she delivered her thanks before adding, "And now I really want you to stay out of my relationship with Tiger, I won't go easy on you next time.""Are you trying to intimidate me at this very moment?" Enzo asked"If that is how it appears to be, then I won't deny it...godfather." After giving a quick bow, she got up and left the room.She hurriedly left Enzo's apartment as soon as she could...It took her by surprise when she saw almost the entire clan gathered in front of the apartment."What the heck is going on?" She reflected before turning around to see Enzo also approaching."What exactly are you up to?" Flora askedEnzo flashed a grin and took a few steps forward while holding a crown in his hand."I hereby proclaim Flora to be the Clan Queen with immediate effect." Everyone was shocked when Enzo said it.Flora's eyes became very large.Enzk drew nearer to her and carefully positioned the crown atop her head."Everyone, bow to your lady boss," He command
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Chapter 132
While they continued to kiss, Tiger lowered her out of the bed in a gentle manner. Flora made the first move to remove his jacket.They were in the middle of a passionate kiss when they were startled by the doorbell. Tiger broke off the embrace and said, who’s there? "Boss." Then they heard Damon's voice and Tiger got out of bed.He left the bedroom and went into the hallway.Damon walked over to him as soon as he appeared.Damon invited them both, saying, "Godfather wants you and the boss lady for dinner in his flat.""Okay" Tiger repliedDamon gave a bow and then exited the room.When Tiger entered the room again, Flora was still sitting on the bed, waiting for him.Tiger advised Flora, "You should get dressed, Godfather wants to have tea with us," and Flora groaned in response.She mumbled, "Not now," before grabbing Tiger and kissing him passionately as if her life depended on it.Tiger broke the kiss"Are you serious? Should we disregard what he says? He grinnedFlora responded,
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Chapter 133
He mumbled something to the effect of, "I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight if you're not beside me," and then he kissed her once more.They climbed onto the bed together, and Jack drew her closer to him while wrapping his arm closed around her. Their faces are very close together.Jack smiled and remarked, "Your eyes are very pretty."Piper leaned her head against his chest and remarked, "You have such a pleasant aroma."Jack gave her a kiss on the head and then closed his eyes.**** NEXT MORNING>TIGER'S SUITE ****"Wow, Madam Zilla. Flora remarked to the cook as she entered the kitchen, "You are the best.""I can pick up the scent everywhere," Flora remarked as she took a whiff.Please come back so that I can prepare a meal just for you. Thank you. Flora was dragged out of the kitchen by Madam Zilla, who laughed the whole time."Hi Momma" Diva calledShe was very preoccupied with her doll play at the time.Flora greeted Diva with a warm smile and immediately picked her up
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Chapter 134
**** SEFAN'S CLAN >NIGHT ****It wasn't the typical Friday night party because the clubhouse was extremely lively at the moment. It's totally bizarre and out of the ordinary...Everyone having funKeep an eye out in particular for Tiger and Flora asFlora teased him by leaning her waist against him and rubbing her ass against his dick in an alluring manner.She whirled around to face Tiger and immediately encircled her arms around his neck.She mumbled under her breath while kissing his lips, "Let's go to the room."Tiger' smiled"Am I that impossible to resist?" He was teasing.Flora rolled her eyes as she asked, "Are you coming or not?""I wouldn't dare decline" Tiger grinnedThey departed the clubhouse in the same vehicle and proceeded together to Tiger's suite.As soon as they entered the bedroom, Flora immediately planted a passionate kiss on Tiger's mouth and began to passionately kiss him. Almost instantaneously, she undid his belt and touched his dick.She pulled away from the
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Chapter 135
"Promise momma you will be a good girl," Flora said as she held Diva, who is beginning her new school today. "Today is your first day at school," Flora reminded Diva."I promise momma," Diva saidFlora halted, then turned her attention to the two guards who were following them.They bowed immediately after I spoke.She said, "I will drive her, and you two can follow in another car." I will drive her."All right, boss" They did so once more, and Flora helped Diva into the car, after which she got in herself and drove off.The security personnel and driver also followed in a separate vehicle.**** ROOFTOP ****The voice of Ariel came from behind and said, "You're here."After turning around and locking eyes with her, he quickly turned his head away and ignored her as she got closer.Ariel greeted him with a friendly smile and sat down next to him.Nathan muttered, "I want to be alone," without looking at her. "I want to be alone."Ariel said to him, "You still look heartbroken," and she
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Chapter 136
"Wait.....seriously?? Simply in this manner? Are we not going to complain about this?" Ariel spoke upDiana said, "I told you she's not worth it, she has no idea what we're talking about here,""Stop thinking with your pussy, I'm sure she knows what she's doing." Piper snorted and then left the power room with an annoyed expression.Everyone else stepped aside as well. Diana and Ariel"I find it hard to believe that they all accept her at the same time; are they blind?" The laugh was on Ariel."I simply cannot believe that I am going to carry out her instructions."Diana let out a sigh.**** ENZO'S APARTMENT ****"Justin Flakes is a deranged drug lord; what kind of scheme have you concocted this time?" While Enzo was showing them the picture of Justin, Jack questioned him about it.Enzo expressed his happiness that the two of you knew each other, saying, "I'm glad you know him, we had a deal, and it should be carried out tonight.""Tonight? Why will you enter into such agreements wit
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Chapter 137
Erin stared down at Flora."At last, I'm able to comprehend you entirely in this form, Flora. I heard that you are now the boss lady and your godfather sounds incredible." Erin smiledFlora nodded"I'm going to guess that you have someone who is responsible for delivering all the information about us." In her words,Erin laughed and said, "How clever!""But it's too bad for you that you won't survive to find out who the culprit is because I'm going to put an end to you right now.Erin said"Seriously? You're so sure about it" Flora chuckled"It's not your fault, but I've always wished for your demise."Erin flashed a sly grin before hurling the knife she was holding in her hand in a frantic motion in the direction of Flora's eyes.Flora avoided it right away, but while she was doing so, Erin already had a good position behind her and gave her a powerful kick in the back.Flora is now laying on the ground.She muttered an expletive under her breath while glaring at Erin, who smirked at
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Chapter 138
"Flora!" When Flora heard her name, she immediately came to a stop."Jasmine," she said, and she called her right away to give her a hug.Jasmine moaned, "I missed you," while Flora chuckled to herself."Please forgive me...""I know you're busy, boss lady....wait....what happened?" Jasmine reached out and touched her chest."Oh, no worries. I'm good. Don't be concerned about how I am "Flora saidJasmine advised her friend to get some rest, saying, "I saw Piper earlier as well.""Goodnight," Flora said and walked awayWhen she arrived at Tiger's suite, she found Damon already there."Finally," he beamed with a smile before bending his knees.Flora guessed that no one was home and Damon responded that Diva was in her room. "I guess no one is in," Flora said.Flora smiled and said, "You can go, thank you for waiting."Damon gave her a knowing nod before moving to open the door for her to enter.She went straight to Diva's room after entering the building.She was sound asleep while cra
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Chapter 139
**** JACK'S SUITE ****Jack was about to clean his wound; he had sustained a minor injury on his left arm earlier in the fight.The door unexpectedly opened, and there was Madam Zilla standing there."Are you okay?" Concerned, she inquired further.Jack, who appeared to still be in shock, finally caught up to the present."Oh, Madam Zilla. As you can see, I am in good health "He displayed a grin.Madame Zilla took a seat next to him and gently patted him on the arm."It's quite deep," she mumbled with disappointment in her voice.Jack couldn't figure out what was wrong with her and just stared at her in bewilderment."I am fine," he said in a measured tone.After removing the first aid kit from Blade, Madam Zilla began providing medical attention to him.She mumbled, "You should always be careful," to herself.Jack comforted his friend by saying, "You Don't Have to Feel Sad, I'm Fine."After finishing, Madam Zilla gave a satisfied nod.She ran her hand through his hair."I will prepar
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Chapter 140
**Bri and Addison continued their stroll in complete silence.Addison couldn't help but sneak peeks at Bri every second."I...." "I...."They were both talking at the same time and pausing after each other."You first," they would tell me back in the day.Addison muttered, "I will go first then," and Bri nodded in agreement."Who do you have in mind as being the spy?" When she inquired, Bri heaved a sigh.She mumbled, "I have no idea," which caused Addison to bite her lips.She mumbled, "I just don't want to believe it's someone no one will ever imagine it to be," as though she couldn't bring herself to accept the possibility."So..what do you want to say?" It was her question."Is it true that you have no recollection of anything that took place on Friday?" Bri asked " "Oh... I'm sorry, Bri, did I just do something insane? Is that the reason you've been avoiding me all this time?" Addison asked"It's irrelevant anyway, given that you can't remember it. I seem to be the only one here
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