All Chapters of ENSLAVED TO THE HEARTLESS MAFIA: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
155 Chapters
Chapter 141
Piper and Flora looked at each other and exchanged glances."Everything is on you, boss lady; you're responsible for paying the bills."Piper smirked"You're exactly right," Jasmine chuckled."Oh my God, you really thought this through, did you? I have no money" The laugh was on Flora.Piper mumbled, "That's an insult to Tiger if the boss lady doesn't have money," as she watched the two of them interact."Hey, hey, I've got some cash, is that cool? They laughed as Flora said, "Come on, let's go," and they left."Oh my gosh, I wish every day was like this, with no worries and nothing to do but have fun." Jasmine heaved a sigh.Piper shook her head as she said, "It's too bad it's a different reality.""I can't wait until I get my hands on that damn spy; I'm going to destroy him." While Jasmine scoffed, Flora couldn't help but laugh.Piper expressed her confusion by saying, "I wonder who the fuck she is.""Guys, do we have a boy or a girl here?" Jasmine askedFlora sighed and responded,
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Chapter 142
**** TWO DAYS LATER>POWER ROOM ****"Are you getting anything?" Piper askedBri let out a sigh and shook her head in response."I believe these individuals are employing a spy from outside the clan; however, despite the fact that I have listened to her voice numerous times, I am unable to identify it," Bri said."Can I listen?" Piper inquired, and Bri responded by handing her the headphones.It was utilised by Piper, and the recording was played by Bri."This was her very first trip, but she's actually a member of this clan," Piper murmured under her breath as she continued to listen."The voice isn't familiar to me either; do you think it could have been manipulated by someone else?" Piper askedBri mumbled, "Yeah, definitely someone good with computers just like me," as she looked at the other person.Piper let out a sigh and took off her headphones."The situation is complicated, and in order to complete our mission, we need to find the spy. She remarked that "We can't continue to
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Chapter 143
She wailed as someone thrust a sharp knife into her stomach. She tried to protect herself by holding her stomach, but another person stabbed her in the back, and she was forced to the ground.She started bleeding profusely after that.She breathed in deeply and let out her breath before rising once more; all of a sudden, she felt a surge of new strength."I can see that you are not going to give up.""She doesn't want to die peacefully, which is typical of sefans," someone said. Another one of them said, and everyone laughed.They were taken aback when the battle resumed, as Piper had the audacity to steal a sword from one of the opponents."If I were you, I would leave this area as soon as possible." She muttered, retreating a step as they continued to pursue her.They all ran once more in her direction after hearing one of them say, "Get her."She was gaining the upper hand, but the pain in her stomach was already getting to the point where she couldn't stand it, but she didn't care
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Chapter 144
When he arrived at Piper's room, he was panting heavily and had left the flower bouquet he had purchased for her in the car. He had gotten out of the car and started running away from the vehicle.Nathan was still crying when he approached her, and Tiger was attempting to console her. Madam Zilla's eyes were red, which was obviously caused by her crying, and Jasmine was standing to one side of the room.Additionally present are Bri and Athena.When Jack saw the body lying on the bed, covered in a blanket, his shoulders sagged.He quickly moved closer to her and removed the cover that had been covering her face. He could feel his heart breaking into a number of pieces, which he was sure wouldn't be able to be repaired anymore. His body became heavy as he saw how badly she looked at the moment, and she was already turning blue. He was sure that he wouldn't be able to save her.The first signs of tears appeared in his eyes.Even though he was suffering from a pounding headache, he had so
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Chapter 145
**** BLACK AXE ****.As soon as the three entered the clan, everything became chaotic almost instantly. They continued killing anyone who tried to stop them, and within a few minutes of their arrival, the ground was covered with the bodies of those who had been killed.They went their separate ways as more people arrived.'Destroy them all,' that word kept on ringing in Flora's head as she shoved Piper's sword into the eyes of the guy he was fighting. Flora was fighting them with every ounce of anger that she had inside of her.He let out a terrified scream, and Flora slashed the sword across his stomach, killing him instantly. It appeared as though she had gotten rid of all of them up until Erin showed up."I can't believe you would dare enter this establishment!" She yelled angrily as she pointed the gun at Flora and stood over her."How dare you put your hands on my dearest companion!!!!!!!!" Flora yelled back at Erin and jumped, then she threw a kick towards her hand, which cause
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Chapter 146
"What exactly is going on here?" When I asked Jason, he came close to grabbingJasmine originated from themOne of them retorted, "It came to light that she is the agent,"and a huge grin spread across Jason's face.He looked at Jasmine, but she avoided his gaze by turning away."J.....Ja... Jasmine??" While he was watching them, he called.She was dragged away by the guards.Immediately, Jason walked away while continuing to look confusedHe moved closer to a few of the other members of the gang."Have any of you heard rumours about who the spy is?" Heasked, holding out hope that they would respond with something different."It ended up being Piper's friend, Jinx," was the response. Raymondsaid, and Jason let out a loud sigh."Is it possible that this could be true?" Darrel muttered and Jason came perilously close to losing his footing.Seth immediately grabbed his friend and said, "Chill out, dude." before he had a chance to fall**** NIGHT ****This time around, the clan did not
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Chapter 147
**** JACK SUIT ****Jack quickly drained what was left in the whisky bottle into his mouth and then tossed it onto the table, where there were already many other empty bottles. He moaned as he did so, hot tears still rolling out of his eyes despite his best efforts to prevent them.Madam Zilla, who had been observing, slowly approached him in a more intimate manner."Jack....."Before she could say anything, Jack muttered, "I hate myself.""I feel like dying" He addedMadam Zilla tapped him on the head and said, "Stop talking in that manner."No matter how many times I say it, she's not beside me anymore. I don't think I will ever love anyone again, I don't deserve that shit called love," Jack said. "I should have told her before this happened, I should have confessed to her, she has always wanted to hear me say that word to her but it's too late now.""Stop claiming that only certain people deserve to be loved; everybody does,"Jack said, "I don't think I can fall for anyone aside
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Chapter 148
"Please...stop blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong. Jasmine deserves everything you did for her. None of this is your fault, all right?" Tiger pleaded everything you did to her." Flora noddedAfter Tiger had given her a peck on the head and started rubbing her back, she began to feel better.Tiger posed the question, "How about we go on a holiday?""Are you on holiday?" Flora enquired."Yeah, we should spend some time together away from the hassles that are going on here, what do you think?" Tiger asked."It would mean the world to me, but what about Diva?"After that, we'll be able to bring her with us, said Tiger."Her school......"Flora, Tiger told her, "She also needs this holiday," and "You need time alone to heal up so don't decline." Tiger also told her, "Don't worry about Diva; it's not like we are leaving forever.""Then," the speaker continued, "what about the banquet?""We respect our members a lot no matter what," Tiger muttered as an explanation for the event's postp
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Chapter 149
As was to be expected, she was laid to rest within the clan, and as he made his way towards the garden, his heart began to race. It was almost as if he could hear her voice speaking to him; undoubtedly, he had not gotten over her yet, and he had never given it a thought that he would ever get over her. It was as if he could hear her voice speaking to him.The birds were singing sweet songs from the trees, and when he finally reached the cemetery, he carefully set the flowers down on the headstone before walking away. Regardless of how busy he is, he never misses an opportunity to bring her flowers.When he realised he was on the verge of crying once more, he turned around and started walking away. "I love you," he mumbled with a sigh before staring at the grave for a considerable amount of time while becoming lost in thought. He pulled out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket and was about to light the cigarette when all of a sudden, an arrow appeared out of nowhere and flew past
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Chapter 150
**** JACK SUIT ****When Madam Zilla entered the suite, she discovered Jack smoking heavily. Frustrated, she let out a sigh of exasperation and moved closer to him."Ryan, I thought you promised to reduce the amount that you smoke, you promised me," she said to him. "I thought you promised."Before addressing her, Jack let out a sigh and dropped the cigarette he was smoking into the ashtray."Why are you even here in the first place?After sitting down, he questioned.You did talk to her, right?" The question was posed by Madame Zilla, and Jack looked up."Who?" He asked"The young lady who had Piper's appearance."Jack mumbled, "They are twins," as he looked at them."So you met her," Madam Zilla saidJack responded, "Yeah, I did, and she's......interesting.""What exactly are you pondering?" Madam Zilla inquired, and Jack gave a curt nod in response.Jack mumbled, "I don't want to think about it; seeing her face brings more pain than joy," but he couldn't help himself."Even if
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