All Chapters of Reborn- His Scarlet Moon: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
119 Chapters
Sherry's POV- Father
As I stood there, gazing at the enormous painting hung on the white wall, I was transfixed by the sight before me. The painting was of Ryan in a stunning medieval outfit, complete with a doublet and hose, his hair long and flowing down his back.He stood tall and proud, gazing out with a confident expression on his face. Behind him, was an mountainous backdrop that looked ancient as well. It stretched out, with rolling hills and misty mountains in the distance. The colors were rich and vibrant, with deep blues and greens that seem to come alive under the soft light.As I looked closer, I noticed the intricate details in the painting. The folds of Ryan's clothing were meticulously rendered, with each crease and fold captured in perfect detail. His shaft glinted in the light. Was it the light of the sun or the moon? Because the backdrop was vivid and clear but the orb in the sky looked white and luminous at the corner of the sky.An interesting painting indeed. I was so engrossed in ob
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Sherry's POV- Back home
We walked back from the room my father was in towards the elevator. The doctors had also come in explained to me how my father was doing. They had to inject him with sedatives to calm his nerves. I saw him doze off to sleep and then Ryan lead me forth. We didn't talk at all. Not even in the elevator. It seemed to go up instead of going down this time. The door opened at the roof of the structure where I saw a luxury chopper, already waiting with the pilot inside. Ryan jumped inside and then lend me his hand to help me get it. It was my first time in a helicopter basically but it didn't give me any thrill. There was too much happening inside my head. "Are you okay, Sherry?" Ryan asked me finally with what seemed like a concerned look on his face."Yeah,I am fine.Just a little worried about my dad," I said shrugging my shoulder. To my surprise,Ryan suddenly put his arm around me and pulled me close. "I'm sure he'll be okay, Sherry. He's in good hands at the hospital.Don't worry to
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Sherizad's POV- Up North... past
As we walked towards the North chief's tribe,further up North we looked around in disbelief. It was as if a dark spell had been cast on this land, rendering it barren and deserted. I could feel the tension in between our bodies as we approached the main walk leading to the Northern tribe."What happened here?" I asked, finally breaking the awkward silence that had taken over. "I don't know," Tristan replied, trying to keep his own fear at bay as he saw me nervous. "But we need to be careful."As we walked further, we noticed that even the birds and bees were nowhere to be found. It was eerily silent, except for the sound of our footsteps crunching on the dry earth.Ryan spoke up, his voice low and urgent. "We need to find out what's going on here. We can't just keep heading in the middle of all this knowing how abnormal everything is around here. There might be no way out."I nodded in agreement. "Let's keep moving outside the perimeter."As we got close enough to get a view of the t
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Sherry's POV- What was his problem?
Sitting in the house and fidgeting with my fingers was no use. Ryan slept that night with Rose again and I could hardly get any sleep. I sat outside in the sun as the morning came wondering what I would be doing for the rest of the day since Ryan had forbidden me from going anywhere outside of the house. It meant I was exempted from my duties at his various outlets, namely, his office, bar, restaurant etc. I smiled as Bellow brought me a cup of tea along with a biscuit in his hand. " Thank you, little handsome man. "I patted his head as he smile shyly and then went over to the store house at the backyard. Within a minute he brought out a load of gardening equipments. " What are these for? " I stood up from my spot and walked over to him, to ask. He showed me the flowers that needed tending all around the place. This was a nice opportunity to get myself some work. An empty head was one's worst enemy, that was what my father always said. " Did Bellow pay you to do this? "I had
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Ryan' s POV- Care
Periods? Another human trait that confirmed that she was not the she-wolf, I loved and hated so much. Then what was it that this girl had? The forces that once eradicated an entire tribe were at play again. What did they have to do with her? I had to know. It seemed like she had feelings for me at some points but when I tried checking it by using Rose, she just kept giving me blanks. Was I, then wrong? I stood there, burning the skin on my palm in the candle light, with which I had hit her. My skin would grow back within minutes but I need to feel the pain." She is sleeping Ryan. You know you can stop doing that in front of me! "I had sent Rose to check on her. She looked feeble because of loosing so much blood. Rose pulled me towards her and pressed herself onto me. I moved her with my other hand. She was barely dressed in her miniskirt and off shoulder top, so low that her nipples threatened to burst open any moment. That was what Sherry had chosen for her . It infuriated me
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Sherry's POV- Something in his study
I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my lower abdomen as I drifted off to sleep. But as soon as I did, I found myself,surrounded with the eerie darkness that had over taken the train compartment before. It was misty, with shadows flickering in the corners of my vision. I felt a chill run down my spine as I realised I wasn't alone."Who's there?" I called out into the void. But there was no answer, just the sound of my own voice echoing back at me.It felt like I was gliding my way in and out of that space when suddenly a figure appeared before me. It was the same shadowy and indistinct form that I had seen before and this time,I could feel its malevolent presence. "You shouldn't have come here," it hissed in an unearthly voice, and I could feel my heart rate skyrocketing."What do you mean?Where shouldn't have I had come? What is this place? " I demanded, trying to sound brave even though my voice was shaking.The figure just laughed, a sound that sent shivers down
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Sherry's POV- Another world
A strange sensation coursed through my body, like a jolt of electricity.I felt like I was becoming weightless and disoriented. It was as if the world around me was spinning, and I couldn't get my bearings. Then, with another jolt, I was transported to another world.I was literally vomited out on another land. It was nothing like I had ever seen before. Everywhere I looked, I saw a barren wasteland stretching out as far as my eye could see. The sky was a deep shade of purple, and the air was filled with a strange energy that made the hairs on my arms stand on end.As I took in my surroundings, I realised that I was completely alone in this strange new world. There was no sign of life anywhere, no animals or plants, just endless sand and rocks.I didn't have the courage to take a walk at the beginning. I looked at my hands. To my surprise, my wound had already healed. I slapped myself hard and then pinched my skin. Was this an extension of that spooky dream that I was dreaming? Wer
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Ryan's phone was ringing for consecutive number of times, without stop.He did look at it but then pressed the silent button and put it back in his pocket. It was Rose. She was possibly bugging him with an apology but he wasn't in the mood. He stood at the dock.His sunglasses on as the sunlight kissed his handsome face. His arms folded as he watched the shipment being unloaded which was being held by the custom officers. "Is Patrick's package ready? "He asked the middle aged man in-charge of the port. He nodded, " Yes, sir, already on the way. "" Good, and what about the custom officer? "Ryan questioned. " He has been reunited with his family. He looked pretty grateful to find his son whole. " The man chuckled, " Sending his bloodied T-shirt along with a random severed hand, indeed did wonders in pursuing him. That idiot perhaps didn't even look at the hand properly, just imagined that it belonged to his only son, from the tshirt. "Ryan pulled the man by his shoulder and shook
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Sherry's POV- His true form
I lost the measure of length and breath of time. It seemed like I had been there forever, endlessly. I wrapped my arms around myself as the sands around me twirled and danced, pulling me further and further down below, somewhere. At this point, I had given up struggling and was kind of ready to meet my end very unbothered by the mysterious circumstances that had lead me to this mysterious place.Then something flickered infront of me, like the mica in sand, flickers in the sun. A flash crossed my mind, a vision floated in like a memory of a distant past. I saw myself in the woods, surrounded by trees and the scent of earth. And there was Ryan as well standing beside myself.We had some weird attires on, very unlike the ones I was used to seeing. It seemed like we belonged to an era that was by gone. "Sherry," his voice whispered low and husky as he nuzzled up my shoulder, "I've been waiting for you."I felt a rush of warmth and desire flood through me and I couldn't resist him, not w
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Sherry's POV- realisation
I stumbled out of Ryan's grip, my knees buckling beneath me as I took in the devastation of the situation. The sand slide had ripped through the desert like a hungry monster, leaving destruction and debris in its wake. But somehow, miraculously, Ryan had managed to find me in the chaos.However, now it was gone. Just like his first and claws had. We were back in his study, the boys staring and gaping at our site. And everything else seemed to be normal. But the hell was it? My world had turned upside down. Nothing made sense. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice strained with concern.I couldn't speak. My throat felt like it was still coated in sand, and my eyes burned from the grit that had whipped around me. But even more than the physical discomfort, I was overwhelmed by fear.Because I knew the truth about Ryan. I knew what he was.I was an eyewitness. "Sherry, talk to me," Ryan said, his hand on my arm as I stood there staring at him, blank, expression less. I pulled away from
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