All Chapters of Reborn- His Scarlet Moon: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
119 Chapters
Sherry's POV- Locked doors
I arrived at Sarah's place , over burdened by my troubles, hoping to find comfort in the company of my friend. But as I walked towards the door, I noticed that the house was locked. This was very unusual, as Sarah always kept the door unlocked for me.Infact she didn't need to lock because she didn't have anything inside, that was her joke. I tried calling her, but there was no answer.Her phone kept going to voice mail. I turned,feeling more upset than I had arrived there feeling.Just as I was about to leave, I heard a loud explosion outside.I ducked with my hands over my ears.Then hurried to the front to investigate what had happened. As I stepped outside, the bright orange glow of flames filled my eyes, and a wave of heat rushed towards me. I gasped in horror as I saw that Ryan's car had crashed into a nearby tree and was now engulfed in flames.I looked at my keys. I had definitely locked it and parked it properly! Was his car as supernatural as him? Did it have it's free will?
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Sherry's POV- Club
I looked down at my plain and unremarkable outfit and knew that I wouldn't be able to get into the club looking like this. I needed to transform my look, and fast. Without a second thought, I began tearing and folding my clothes, trying to give myself an instant makeover.I started by ripping the hem of my shirt, creating an asymmetrical edge that exposed just a hint of skin. Then, I tore off the sleeves, leaving me with a sleeveless top that showed off my toned arms. Next, I took my scissors and began snipping away at the neckline, creating a deep V that was both sexy and daring.For my pants, I rolled up the cuffs to show off my ankles and give the illusion of longer legs. Then, I tore off a strip of fabric from the bottom of the pant legs and used it as a belt, cinching in my waist and creating a more flattering silhouette.With a few final adjustments, I stepped back to admire my handiwork in the polished door of the club entrance. I looked like a completely different person, with
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Sherry's POV- Kidnapped
I stumbled through the dark alley at the back of the club. Didn't want to risk taking the main door in case the cops were still looking around. My vision was blurry and my mind hazy from the alcohol. I just wanted to get out of there for the moment, away from those men who had made such disgusting advances towards me. But as I made my way through the alleyway, I feel that I was being followed.My heart started to race as I turned around and saw those two men from the club walking towards me. Panic set in as I realized they were indeed following me. I tried to quicken my pace, but my legs wouldn't cooperate, and I stumbled again, nearly falling to the ground."What's the matter, baby? Can't handle a little fun?" One of them sneered, and I could feel their eyes on me, making me feel dirty and exposed. " Stay away from me... " I tried to yank the hand of the one who tried to touch me. Tears started to form in my eyes as I tried to back away, but they closed in on me, blocking my path.
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Sherry's POV - Virginity
I was still under the influence of anesthesia at the moment but my senses were not fully off, and I was vaguely aware of what was happening around me.The two men that had tugged me in into that black car were gone. I had feared that I might have woken up in their bed being violated and humiliated, in my nakedness but thank goodness that was not the case. I was still moving around. I could feel that I was being carried from one vehicle to the other, but I was unable to move or speak. It was a harrowing experience because I felt what was a comparative sense of relief. As I was being carried, I could hear the sound of footsteps and voices, but they sounded distant and muffled. It was as if I was in a dream state, and everything was happening in slow motion. I tried to open my eyes, but they felt heavy, and I couldn't see anything.Suddenly, I felt a jolt, and I heard a voice say, "Watch your step, guys. Let's not drop the package." It was a male voice, and he sounded concerned. I wante
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Sherry's POV- Sold
I slowly opened my eyes, and it took a moment for me to realise that I wasn't on a bed anymore. Instead, I was lying on a cold, hard floor in a dark room. Panic set in as I tried to move, but my hands and feet were tied up tightly. I couldn't feel anything except the cold metal around my wrists and ankles. My heart started racing, and I tried to scream, but my voice was barely a whisper.As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I noticed that there were other girls in the room with me. They were tied up just like I was, and some of them were badly beaten, with visible bruise in that darkness. I could hear their shallow breaths and their soft sobs. Fear and confusion took over me as I realised that I was not alone who was kidnapped. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out, hoping for a response. Silence was the only answer. "What's going on? Why are we here?" I yelled again, hoping that someone would answer.One of the girls next to me spoke up, her voice trembling with fear. "I don't know
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Ryan's POV- saved
I ran out. Literally ran to the spot where my car had crashed. " What happened? Where is the girl? "I barked at the officers where were still on guard at the spot. My mind disoriented as I looked for her. I couldn't believe what had happened. My car had crashed, and Sherry was missing. My heart was about to leave my chest and my hands were shaking, and my mind was racing. I had to find her, no matter what it took. " She was sitting right here but then she sneaked out. We have been trying to trace her as well but with no success. ""Get everyone on the phone," I shouted to my men who joined me just then. "Tell them to drop everything and start searching for Sherry. I want every resource we have, every contact we know, every favor we're owed. We'll leave no stone unturned until we find her."They nodded, looking a bit intimidated by my intensity. "Right away, sir." Then turning towards the officers, they asked, "Do you have any leads, any clues?"They shook their head. "Nothing ye
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Sherry's POV - repulsion
I left Ryan behind and walked into my room and locked the door behind me with a bang. That feeling of safety in my own little haven was so fulfilling. But as soon as I sat down, all the memories flooded back, hitting me like a ton of bricks. The trauma I had faced was too much to bear, and I felt like I was suffocating.My heart was racing, and I could feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes. The memories were like a never-ending loop, replaying in my mind over and over again. I tried to push them away, to distract myself, but it was like trying to ignore a storm raging inside my head.The way they had man handled me, their lewd touch and stares, their vulgar words and the exploitation that I barely escaped. I felt helpless and trapped, like there was no way out of the darkness that had consumed me. The fear, the pain, the sadness – it was all too overwhelming. My hands were shaking, and I could feel my whole body trembling.It was like I was reliving the trauma all over again,
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Ryan's POV - Hello father
" Hello father! "I tapped the bluetooth headset to take his call as my eyes soaked in the pleasure of watching Sherry walk slowly inside her room. " What made you remember me in the middle of your busy schedule? " "Stop smirking big boy! "His dusky voice made me smile even more. " How did you even know that I was smirking? " I grinned. I called him father, but for the world he was Henchman, the dreaded mafia king. He cut and slayed like it was his workout and the thing was, he exactly looked my old man, my biological father, whom I had killed. Yes, that's right, I killed my own father once, the one whose approval mattered to me more than a God's blessings or console. But that's another story. At the moment, I was the adopted son of his human lookalike Don. I happened to save his life one rainy afternoon. He was about to get stabbed and I chewed the flesh off his attacher's neck. That apparently impressed him to death. He became hell bent to take me in as his heir because he w
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Sherry's POV- Next day
My eyes suddenly shot open as I sat up. My lungs were feeling very heavy and my heart was racing like in a marathon. My mind took a little while before adjusting to the surrounding when I finally understood that I was in my room, on my bed. I strained out of the window to find that the horizon was laced with faint sunlight. Was it already, evening? How long had I slept? I pulled my phone out to check the time and to my surprise, found that it was the next day. Very early in the morning. There were parts in my body which still hurt. I tried massaging those spots a little before moving side ways in the bed and then getting down. It was better when Bellow used to sleep with me. Sleeping alone was nice but it didn't feel like that way tonight. I craved company. I pulled out the phone and dialled Sarah's number again. I knew she would answer with a cuss word if she received the call, for waking her up so early in the day. But I couldn't reach her. Her phone was going into voicemail
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Sherizad's POV- Back home... past
The moment I entered through the unguarded front gates, I knew something terrible had happened even before knowing what it was. As I walked further inside, there was a crowd concentration, specially towards the central location . Initially I had to shove through them but as soon as they turned back and saw me, they shifted and made way for my passage. Their silent stares were giving me the creeps. It was then that I realised that the crowd was mainly around my father's place. I broke into a run. I didn't stop before my legs automatically braked and then collapsed into a fall. It was my father. He was on the ground. There were bite marks all over his body with a distinct stab wound at his heart. " Father... " I crawled towards him on all fours and picked his dead up on my lap. " Father... Father wake up. Why are you sleeping here like this? "My hands were shaking and my words faltered as my lips trembled. I couldn't bring myself to accept the fact that was laid wide open infro
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