All Chapters of Accidentally Married: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
685 Chapters
Branch One Hundred and Ten
Jessica was startled awake by Roselle gently pushing her back and forth. "Young lady?" Roselle said when she saw that eyes shot open."Did you sleep here?" Roselle asked. "Yes I did," Jessica said yawning as he stood up. Roselle did not expect Jessica to be very honest about the situation. She heard from Angel about the dining table situation yesterday. Everyone knew that their marriage was based on some sort of contract and not love so it was not a shock when they had so arguments. "I think you need to leave the space as those in charge of cleaning the area are about to start," Roselle said. "Okay then" Jessica replied followed by a yawn. She must have not been able to sleep well seeing that her yawn would not stop. Roselle began to walk away when she saw that Jessica was now awake. "Roselle" Jessica called as she walked away. "Yes young lady," Roselle said stopping in her tracks and turning back to her. "Did you put this blanket over me yesterday or this morning?" Jessica ask
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Branch One Hundred and Eleven
Jessica had the meal ready in only three portions. The kitchen staff began to walk on eggshells around her. It was obvious she was angry with Xavier because she paid no attention to his meals. Jessica served the table with Dawson, Genevieve, and her breakfast and then went to get them. Three of them sat down and began to eat but no one asked about Xavier why he wasn't having breakfast with them. Xavier came downstairs and entered the dining table area to see that there was no meal for him. "Come have a seat, the chef would soon be done preparing your meal," Jessica said a snicker following her sentence. "I would not be having any breakfast" Xavier announced loudly. "Oops, what do we do? I already instructed him to make a healthy and full breakfast for you" she continued in her earlier tone. "Someone else can have it," he said now getting irritated. Not only did she leave him out of breakfast plans now she was trying to ridicule him in the presence of his family too. "I remembe
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Branch One Hundred and Twelve
Feeling very uncomfortable Xavier rushed his food and stood up without a word. He could not believe that this woman whom he picked up when she was stranded at the front of the courthouse would turn his family away from him. Jessica was still sitting on the table downing her meal when her phone rang. She looked down at it and it was an unknown number. Afraid that it could be Burke again she let it ring and then she got a text from the number after the line got cut off. 'Hello, Mrs. Delgado I am James and I am the realtor. Me. Delgado said I should show you some houses. Would today work for you?'Jessica froze for a moment as she read the text. She felt a kind of warm feeling in her heart. Was he still this considerate of her? After all the stunts he pulled the last night? He remembered his promise to help her find a place for her business even after what he did. Was he being considerate or was he rubbing it in her face that she was poor? She stood up and excuses herself from the tabl
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Branch One Hundred and Thirteen
In Jessica's ears, his words sounded smug and like he was bragging. She was not ready to go back and forth with him. "I have no idea and that is the reason I called you," Jessica said gritting her teeth. Her plan was to now live a quiet life at the mansion. She would avoid him at all costs. She was going to ignore his existence but he had somehow made her speak to him in less than twenty-four hours. "It's my apology" Xavier confessed. He figured that there was no reason for him to make sarcastic comments that might offend her. He was in the wrong and he should make it right. Xavier's direct answer threw Jessica off. Just less than two months ago he had had difficulty with speaking talk less of apologizing now. Was he finally growing up? Was it her influence? Was it that he was just maturing on his own?Jessica had expected a snarky and sarcastic comment so she was prepared for a war but since she did not get it she was now confused on how next to proceed with the conversation."Je
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Branch One Hundred and Fourteen
Xavier threw his phone onto the car seat beside him. His plan to apologize and make it alright with Jessica just seemed to go down the drain. His phone began to ring again. He thought it was Jessica so he picked it and saw it was Brian calling him. He sighed and connected to the bluetooth speaker before answering the call. "Mr. Delgado," Brian said when Xavier picked up the call. "Yes, how can I help you?" Xavier said his voice smug. "Are you not happy to hear from me?" Brian teased. "Why would I be happy to hear from you?" Xavier answered back. "What do you want?" he added. "Jason Jameson is in town" Brian announced. "He is in town? He did not inform us about this trip" Xavier said complaining. "Apparently, he wanted to give you a surprise," Brian said sighing out loud. "Go pick him up at the airport then," Xavier said. "Well, he asked for you" Brian replied. "Why?" "I can't tell, but where are you now? I would meet you halfway and we can go get him together" Brian said.
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Branch One Hundred and Fifteen
Jessica pulled up Leslie's number and the other woman gladly picked up because she had been unconsciously waiting for her call. "Hello, lady Delgado" Leslie teased as she picked up the call. "If you have to address me like that then I might be uncomfortable with you," Jessica said leaving downstairs to her room upstairs. "It's a joke. Just a joke" Leslie responded clearly to the air. "What did I do to deserve such a beautiful call from you this morning? Do you want to go shopping some more?" she added. "Yes," Jessica said to the shock of Leslie. Leslie had concluded that there was no way that Jessica was a woman if she hated shopping that much. She was a good sport while shopping but one could see that she was not enjoying herself as one would think. "Seriously? Shopping? I would go get ready immediately and we could meet" Leslie said cutting off the phone before Jessica could clarify that it was a business building shopping. Jessica pulled the phone away from her ears and then
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Branch One Hundred and Sixteen
Jessica picked Leslie up at home and told her about the reason she was going shopping. "So you mean to tell me that the reason I got all excited was because we were going to pick up a building?" Leslie asked. "Yes," Jessica gets all excited. "So dresses and shoes don't excite you but the thought of owning a building for business does?" Leslie asked again."Yeah, excuse me," Jessica said pulling out her ringing phone from the bag and picking up the call. "Hello," Jessica said. It was the realtor. "I am on my way already where should we meet?" she asked him."Let's meet at Light Avenue," James said. "Light Avenue?" Jessica said shocked. She did not expect that her business might be located in one of the busiest and biggest business districts of their town. "Yes ma'am," James said. "Or would you prefer someplace else?" he asked. "No it's fine" Jessica answered quickly. "Okay then I would be in the Celeste agency building," he said. "Okay, Light Avenue" Jessica responded before
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Branch One Hundred and Seventeen
Jessica, Leslie, and James were driven around by Ivan until they got a place that Jessica both loved and thought that the rent was reasonable. "Are you ready to sign the papers now or would you want to discuss with Mr. Delgado first?" James asked pulling out the document file from his bag. Leslie had countless times told Jessica that the price of the place was a chicken change compared to the wealth of the family she was married to. "I would sign it now," Jessica said. She felt uneasy about signing such big documents but it was an investment. She would work ten times harder and pay him back before they went on with the divorce. There was no way she would free-load off him. "Do you by any chance know a good decorator who also does construction? I would like to redecorate and do a little construction work with the place" Jessica asked as she penned down her signature. Xavier was the one paying but her name was on the contract. She felt proud of this moment. A dream that seemed imp
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Branch One Hundred and Eighteen
"Baby, do you think we would get the money today?" Emma asked pulling on her jacket. She was going out for lunch with her friends. She was going to brag about her wedding to them and she needed to be sure they were going to be using the venue she chose. If she bragged and they later did not use the venue it would be a shame for her. "I can not promise but I would try to make sure I get it soon," Burke said holding her hand. "Soon? When is it soon? Do you want me to be embarrassed in front of my friends?" Emma asked. "What do your friends have to do with this? I am the one who you are getting married to and I don't care where and how we do it. I just want to marry you" Burke said. "You don't care about my friends or my reputation? What would they say about me? I settle for the crumbs of Jessica." Emma said with spite. The reason she went after Burke was that she could not stand that Jessica was happy. She just hated her and wanted to keep her in check. "You would get that money a
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Branch One Hundred and Nineteen
Jessica hurriedly stands to her feet with the coldness of the drink poured to her lap dripping down her gown to her bare body. Jessica looks up to see the fuming face of Emma at her. Why would Emma do what she just did? They never had any major argument to say she was doing this for revenge. "Oh my God Jessica," Leslie said rushing to her skirt region with all the wipes she had gotten from her bag. "Why would you do that?" Alicia said turning to the girl who had her face red and full of anger. Emma takes a step back when she realizes that no one here was going to take her side. She was a low life here and she should not have done that. She wondered why and how she did that. She did not know what came over her. "Why?" Alicia said taking a step closer and holding her by the shoulder. Emma is dumbfounded. She does not know what to say. Should she say that Jessica stole her life? The life was never hers, to begin with. "Er....m.. mm" Emma murmurs and stammers as her finger goes up
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