All Chapters of Accidentally Married: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
685 Chapters
Branch One Hundred and Thirty
Jessica sat up straight when she knew Xavier would be far away from the house. She removed the blanket from her and looked down at her dress. It was stained and she hoped she would be able to get the stain off it. She entered the closet only to discover that her clothes were no longer there. She entered back into the room and stared at her suitcase by the door. She planned to leave the room as soon as she had gotten home. Xavier's warmth today and consideration made her feel strange about leaving the room. If she did not leave it would mean she was fickle and did not have a mind of her own. If she left it would mean she did not consider him after all the help she got. She was confused. She was sure she needed an opinion that was not hers. She looked at her bag on the chair that contained her phone. She pulled it out and stared at the screen. She has multiple missed calls from Leslie, Burke, and an unknown number, and then some text messages. She got to know that the unknown numbe
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Branch One Hundred and Thirty One
"Hit me with your question," Leslie said when she heard the distress in her friend's voice. "You know how Xavier is?" Jessica asked. She wanted to justify her actions by telling herself that Xavier was at fault and she did nothing wrong. She only tried to avoid the situation but then it got worse because of his attitude."Oh boy who doesn't," Leslie said rolling her eyes. "So we argued yesterday and I decided to move out of the room we share..." "You two share a room?" Leslie asked citing her off shocked. "Yes, we do. Back to the main point" Jessica continued "And none of you have made a move on the other?" she asked. "Yes, that is correct. Can I ask my question?" she continued. "Wow, I can't believe that. The two of you are attractive so it makes no sense" Leslie continued. "Leslie, back to the main point," Jessica said with a stern voice. It was not a matter of why they did not find each other attractive. It was a matter of what she needed to do at that point. Should she hol
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Branch One Hundred and Thirty Two
Jessica unpacked her suitcase and changed into something comfortable for bed. She has a rather long shower to wash away the sickness from the drink that she wore all day. As she entered back into the room she met Roselle dropping a tray of food to the table. "What is that?" Jessica asked startling the woman. "Oh my God young lady you startle me," Roselle said her hand going to her chest. "You startled me. I did not expect to see anyone in her when I came out of the bathroom" Jessica said back. "The young master asked that I deliver a meal for you tonight," Roselle said. Jessica felt her stomach feel funny when she heard the meal delivery was Xavier's idea. It was not the first time that he cared about her dinner before. If one could look past his excesses and impossible personality she was a gem underneath the rough surface. "Thank you," Jessica said as she felt a smile climb up her face. She walked to the table where the meal was placed. Roselle watched her and could not help
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Branch One Hundred and Thirty Three
A huge smile climbed up Dawson's face. Ever since he left the hospital this was the first of its kind news. "What do you mean?" Dawson asked. It would be wrong for him to jump to a conclusion without knowing what it was about. "It seemed like something went wrong when they went out today but the young master came home carrying the young lady in his arms. Her dress was stained ad if something poured on it" Roselle said. She was happy to be the one to bear and deliver such great news. She would be elated if the young master finally finds someone who he can love. "What about that scene tells you it's a great time to send them both away? They need to be closer before we can send them away. Xavier was probably just extending a helping hand to her" Dawson said disappointedly. "That's not all," Roselle said. " When Xavier was leaving I saw hearts shooting out of his eyes as he spoke about the young lady. He was gentle and compassionate too" Roselle said. "Hmm!" Dawson said as he signed
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Branch One Hundred and Thirty Four
"Hello Roselle, I never thought I would hear from me again. You did not reach out when I stopped coming to the house" Leslie said as soon as she picked up the call. "Hello Lady Leslie," Roselle said pulling the phone from her ears and putting it on loudspeaker. "I told you I am not a lady I am just Leslie. Can't I be just Leslie to you?" Leslie asked with a cute voice. "You are just Leslie that's for sure," Dawson said with a chuckle in his voice. Hearing her voice rose his spirit in a kind of way. Her cheerful attitude was contagious even over the phone. "Oh Dawson, the whole Delgado family abandoned me when I married Brian. Was it because I no longer loved Xavier?" Leslie asked. "Of course not. I repent I would call you more often now" Dawson said. "Can we ask you questions about today?" Roselle asked the question cutting off the long talk. "I am all ears," Leslie asked. "What happened at the cafe that made you go to the police station?" Dawson asked taking the lead. "Don't
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Branch One Hundred and Thirty Five
"Oh yes the honeymoon," Dawson said calming down a bit. He was angry that a mere man dares to harass a member of the Delgado family but he could not deny that maybe that strange girl had helped put Xavier and Jessica together. "What do we do Chairman?" Roselle asked. "I think I need to send Xavier to Aurora Haven to meet Ethan Ramirez," Dawson said. "Who is the?" Roselle asked. "Ethan Ramirez is one of our greatest investors and he is keen about family. He was the one who pushed my son into an early marriage. He only works with family men and women" Dawson replied a smile climbing his face. "So if the young master wants to go see him, he has to take the young lady along too?" She asked. "Yes or else he would not invest in any of Xavier's future businesses," Dawson says giving himself a mental back pat for thinking of such an idea. "I think that's a fantastic idea, Chairman" Roselle said. "Let Xavier see me immediately after he gets back," Dawson tells her. "The earlier we set
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Branch One Hundred and Thirty Six
"Do we need to have this meeting at this time?" Jason was ticked off after being quiet for a long time. "I thought you called me so we could have the meeting," Xavier responded. Jason's call had pulled him away from spending more time with Jessica but Jason said it was because he wanted to go to a nightclub. "I called you so you could take me to a nightclub to have a nice time but here you are pulling up numbers and statistics that I don't want to hear about now" Jason responded in a high voice. "You know I don't know any clubs and I don't go to nightclubs so how could you call me for that?" Xavier asked annoyed. He hated that the time he spent with Jessica got cut short. The reason he felt angry he did not know but he wanted Jason to feel some kind of pain too. "You should have called Brian or any of your female friends from your last visit" "I broke up with them" Jason answered. "All of them?" Xavier asked shocked. "Yes all of them" He answered back. Xavier shook his head
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Branch One Hundred and Thirty Seven
Both Brian and Jason stared at Xavier as he looked at his phone with a huge smile on his face. It was such a rare and weird circumstance that they both did not know what to do. Xavier did not smile and even worse he hated taking messages and calls during meetings what changed that? Xavier looked at the message from Jessica and felt content. It read 'Thank you got your consideration today. I had fun. You were really of great help.'That simple message was enough to fill him with so much warmth and bring a smile to his face. "Xavier" Jason said tapping the table that separated them. Xavier snapped out of the trance and lifted his head to look at both men who were staring at him. He looked down at his phone. He needed to reply to show he wasn't rude and also liked the time they spent together. Not mind the heavy stares he was getting from both men he typed his reply to Jessica. "I am really interested in what is making him smile," Jason said to Brian who nodded in agreement. "I ha
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Branch One Hundred and Thirty Eight
"I would ensure to introduce you two at the party," Brian said.If Jessica was capable of drawing a smile out of Xavier then she was worth meeting. "Are you both having fun?" Xavier asked gritting his teeth. It showed that Jason and Brian were making fun of him. "I don't think I have had such great news in a long while. Did the Mr. Stuck up find love?" Jason asked. "Love? Who is in love?" Brian asked. "He just has a wife, it doesn't mean he is in love" he added to which Xavier nodded with so much vigor. "Eei, if he smiles because of a text from her then it's love" Jason countered. "What do you know about love?" Brian asked. "You had your first love at twenty-six" he added teasing Jason. Jason was a typical bad boy and he went to clubs and had what he called a nice time with girls. During his last visit to Chiachester City, he saw Alicia Gates for the first time since they left the university and he could not deny that she looked beautiful. More beautiful than he remembered. He
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Branch One Hundred and Thirty Nine
After Xavier, Brian, and Jason finished their meeting it was already almost sunrise. Xavier drove Jason back to his hotel. They needed to rest up so they can be in time for the business launch that evening. "Young master, you are welcome" one of the staff greeted when she saw Xavier walk in tiredly with his hair scattered. Jessica heard the conversation in the kitchen. She was tempted to go out to have a look at him. She wanted to see him and tell him thank you in person. "Where is Jessica?" Jessica heard Xavier tell the staff. "She is in the kitchen preparing breakfast" she responded. "Thank you," Xavier said walking towards the kitchen. He had wanted to see her since he left home. Maybe he just wanted to know how she was doing. That is what it had to be. Jessica heard him walk toward the kitchen and she quickly tried to fix her hair and act as if she was busy even though she was waiting for the muffins she had put in the oven. "Why are you up so early?" she heard his voice.
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