All Chapters of Accidentally Married: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
693 Chapters
Branch One Hundred and Fifty
Jessica stared at his hand. She was confused about what to do. Seeing that he had called Xavier by name that must mean he was close to him. She did not want another unsuspecting and innocent man to feel inferior and embarrassed because Xavier decided to do so. "Aren't you going to accept my handshake?" Jason said with a smile. He wasn't pissed that she was not taking his hand. Wasn't it normal for a girl to feel uncomfortable shaking the hand of a man she just met for the first time? Jessica slid her hand into his only halfway and removed it within a split second. A laugh escaped Jason's lips. "Hasn't your husband told you about me?" Jason asked. "Why would I need to talk to her about you?" Xavier asked his eyebrow going up. "Because I am your best of friends and business partner. I have helped you make a lot of money here in Chiachester and also in Crescent Bay""You aren't my best friend. I don't have friends" Xavier said squaring his jaw. "Oh you hurt me deeply," Jason said
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Branch One Hundred and Fifty One .
They stood and chatted for a few more minutes before Xavier announced that he needed to show his wife to the other business tycoons who were in attendance. Jessica had a hard time bonding and speaking with them. No matter how hard she tried she could barely find a common ground on what to talk about. She saw them turn their nose up when she could not make comments on their political stands or economic analysis. "Finally some peace," Jessica said as she plummeted into the seat beside Leslie. "Isn't it a fun thing to do?" Leslie said in a mocking tone. "Very fun," Jessica said teasing her back. She took the glass on the table and downed the water in it. "Easy or you would have to go to the toilet often," Leslie said as the cup dropped down on the table. "I think I needed that," Jessica said yawning a bit. "Hey ladies" a strange man walked up to the table. Leslie rolled her eyes when she saw him. "What's he doing here?" she murmured as he sat down "What am I doing here? I was in
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Branch One Hundred and Fifty Two
Jessica was thrilled to be meeting with Chef Liston. She has always dreamt of meeting those high-end chefs and clients and some how she might not have ever met them if she had not come the way of Xavier. "I am a huge fan," Jessica told Liston. "I did not recognize you because of what you've done with your hair," she told him. "Oh well I like to experiment with it" he answered with a smug expression. He loved the attention that he was getting today and more importantly, it was from a beautiful woman like her. "I am a chef too. I will be opening my restaurant soon and I will be sure to send you an invite" Jessica tells him excitedly. He was a celebrity chef and if he happened to endorse her everyone would want to flock there. Maybe this was the greatest publicity she needed. "Oh wow, a food artist? You don't look like one instead you look like a fashion icon" Liston commented. "Oh well I think you are taking it too far" "If you would be sending me an invite I guess we need to ex
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Branch One Hundred and Fifty Three
The rest of the party went by in a blur. Xavier Brian and Jason had not left the table they had been at all night. They sat down there going on and on about the business they were looking to establish. Somehow to Jessica, it felt like he was just trying to avoid her because of their earlier reaction. Although Jessica had said she would get drunk she did not think it would be possible until the cup touched her mouth.She drank until she could not stay upright anymore. She was slurring but she could not stop talking and drinking."Why did you drink so much?" Leslie said in a fake cry. "Did I drink?" Jessica said in a series of stammers between her words."Yes you did" "Oops," She said and then ended her sentence with a giggle. "What's wrong you with?" Leslie asked confused. She pushed her head that kept going down. "Stay still," she said removing the cup from her hand and putting it on the tray of the waiter that was passing by. "Have someone clear this table please" she added and
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Branch One Hundred and Fifty Four
Xavier stood up reluctantly and walked slowly to the table. To be honest he knew Jessica was angry at him and that was part of the reason he stayed away all night. He did not want to worsen the situation. Also, how was he supposed to handle a drunk person? He had never had to do something as such before. He had been drunk and he was taken care of by the bartender and the drivers. What should he do? He sat in the chair beside Jessica and held her hand that was pointing to the table. She looked up angrily at the hand that held her finger. The expression on her face softened when she saw that it was him. "You," she said with a hiccup. "You are my husband" she added with a toothy grin. "Yes, I am" Xavier whispered."Come closer," she told him. He moved in closer to her and she beckoned on him to come closer with her hands. She cupped her mouth with her hands and put it close to his ears. Her breath on his neck and ears sent shivers down his spine. He wanted to pull away but strangel
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Branch One Hundred and Fifty Five
"You are no fun," Jessica said blowing raspberry to his face. He had successfully taken her out of there before she could do anything further to embarrass herself. It was a rare occasion for a person to get drunk and not do anything embarrassing. "I am very sure you will thank me tomorrow," Xavier said holding her in place. She had not been able to stay in one spot since they got outside. Being drunk made her restless unlike her usual calm and collected stance. "Xavier," she said retching her guts out. "What?" Xavier asked when he saw her face. He was afraid that she would throw up and worse of all it might be all over him. "I want to go home," she said suddenly. He sighed in relief when he heard her request. After all, it was not that she needed a place to like urgently. The limo drove up and stopped in front of them. The chauffeur opened the door and Xavier did a lot of work to get her into the car. She sat down with her side and waited for him to get inside. The door close
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Branch One Hundred and Fifty Six
Jessica sat up straight and felt her head pounding. How did she get there? Last she remembered she was downing a cup of a very expensive red wine that she did not bother to learn the name.She looked around the room and realized that she was back in the same room that she swore never to come back to. She looked down and saw that she was alone.As she tried to stand up she felt a sharp pain course through her whole head. Why did she drink so much when she was unsure if she could handle it? She had always been a conservative girl so she did not know what her tolerance level was like. She hated the pain she felt in her head and body. "Oh shit" she murmured as her hand went to her head. Her eyes darted to the clock on the wall and it read past 10. How long did she sleep for her to be waking up way past the time for breakfast? If she would be making anything she would only be able to meet up for lunch. Although she woke up very late she still wanted to lay back down and have a bit more
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Branch One Hundred and Fifty Seven
Dawson was on the phone with Ethan. He knew that shipping them both there would not do the trick of bringing them together. His grandson was stubborn and closed off. His granddaughter-in-law would not make a move because of the distance that Xavier had put between them. They needed a push and Ethan was the perfect man for the job. "You only call me when it is time for investments. I thought we were friends Dawson?" Ethan says with a teasing voice. "And you answer every time" Dawson continued. Silence ensued on the phone before both men burst out laughing. They were the ones who took the small companies or their grandparents to greater heights. They were buddies and confidants. "Do you feel better? Are you coming to Aurora Haven? I hated that I had to interact with your secretary the last time" Ethan expresses with a gruff in his voice. "I am afraid I can't make it this time also. It is a bit difficult for me to travel such a distance in this state" Dawson explained. "So you are
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Branch One Hundred and Fifty Eight
"Ahhhh" Burke heard a scream from the kitchen. He hurried out of the room to the kitchen where Emma was seated on the small dining table in the kitchen. Her phone was on the table and her hair was all over the place with tears in her eyes. "What is it?" Burke asked worried as he walked in haste to her. "What is it?" he asked again which led to began a full-on sobbing. She did not respond but cried as if her life depended on it. "Why are you crying?" he asked again holding her close to him. His eyes shifted to the phone on the table and saw a picture of Jessica and her husband smiling for the camera. "How is it that I settled for you?" she asked in between sobs. "How is it that I lost Jessica?" he asked in a murmur. "What?" Emma asked when she caught a whiff of what she said. "How is it that I lost Jessica to a jerk like him?" he repeated. She was the one who assured him that Jessica would always be there for him. She assured him that she would forgive him even if he did not
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Branch One Hundred and Fifty Nine
"We will be going on the trip tomorrow," Xavier said as he came out of the closet to meet Jessica in the room. Jessica suddenly remembered that she had promised Dawson that she would accompany Xavier on his business trip. "Oh, how many days are we spending there?" she asked. She had to ask so she could pack accordingly she did not want to over pack or under pack. "What is the weather like too?" she asked. She did not want to be careless. She was supposed to be the wife of the richest man in the city she would at least act like one once. "In Aurora Haven, it is cool this time of the year and we should spend three days at most," he said. She nodded and moved to the closet. She could have her bags ready so she doesn't delay him. It's not like she wanted to go but she would try her best not to get on his nerves. As she passed by him she remembered her interaction with him on Friday. It was Sunday and she had not seen him since the party. She turned to face him and his eyebrows wen
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