All Chapters of Accidentally Married: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
695 Chapters
Branch One Hundred and Seventy
They had the meal and when they came to the bottom of the pot Jessica stood up with the pot in her hand. "You can get ready for bed while I do the dishes," she said walking to the kitchenette. "Wait," he said almost in a shout. Startled she turned around to face him. "I'll do the dishes," he said walking up to her and snatching the pot from her hand. "Wait I can't let you do that," she said standing in his way. "Why? Because you think I can't do it?" he asked his eyes twinkling. "Have you ever done the dishes before?" she asked him. "No I have not but it shouldn't be that hard now should it?" he asked walking to the sink. "Doing the dishes is a part of the meal preparation" she told him following behind. "Why don't you just rest and I do the dishes? Isn't it just this one pot?" he asked holding her hand and walking her back to the room. "Stay put" he added walking back. Jessica stood and watched him work. It was a rare situation as she had never seen him do anything of such b
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Branch One Hundred and Seventy One
"Wait," Xavier said holding her hand before she could move to the couch. "We can share the bed," he said trying to convince her. He was not convinced either but there was no way he would make her sleep on the couch. He could not and did not want to do so either so they had to share. "We have been sharing a bed so this should not be a problem" Xavier added. "Yes we have but that bed is a queen-sized bed while this is something you see at dormitories" Jessica explained. "I'm sure you can not fit into the bed alone. The bed would not be enough for you alone so I'll take the couch and you can sleep on the bed" she added. The recent turn of events made it more difficult fit her to be so close to him. She knew that if they were so close she would not be able to sleep and she would have improper thoughts all night. "I'm sure we can find a way around it," he told her. How could he allow her to sleep on the couch? "And if you insist that we can't share then I guess you have to sleep on t
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Branch One Hundred and Seventy Two
Jessica stirred in the bed continuously. Her body was waking her up but her mind wanted to rest since she was on something that seemed like a vacation. For what they would eat she can whip something up quickly before Xavier goes for the business deal. They would most likely be leaving the premises by the next day so she was going to sleep in and then take a walk around later that day. Her body alarm did not fail her as she felt the urge to stand up. Frustrated she sighed and opened her eyes. Her eyes flickered open for a moment and she saw Xavier's face so close to hers. She admired his features. She agreed that if she had been approached by such a competent and handsome man she would have agreed to marry him. "So beautiful" she murmured trying to stand up. She was pulled back to the bed by a strong hand. Startled by the turn of events her eyes widened and met with Xavier's eyes that came open. "Whhh...aa...aa.. ttt are you doing?" she said when she found her voice. "I thought y
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Branch One Hundred and Seventy Three
"What what what?" Jessica said rushing back to stand by his side. "Ethan just said he has to travel out of the city for an urgent meeting and would be back by the weekend meaning we can't leave until he comes back," Xavier said in a groan. "So we are stuck here for a week?" Jessica asked as her mind began to comprehend what was going on. For some reason, she had a feeling that everything was preplanned. The way Dawson had the sudden urge to visit Ethan and the way he acted at the airport. Bringing them to this little vacation house that looked like a cottage instead of housing them in his mansion or a hotel. It was as if the house was small on purpose and the whole scenery too. Dawson was the one who put everything together. A laugh escaped her lips and Xavier turned to face her. Was the current situation funny? Was it funny to her that he would need to leave his work for a while a week just to get a major investor to reinvest in their business? "Oh don't get me wrong," Jessica
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Branch One Hundred and Seventy Four
"Oh Hello Dawson," Jessica said cheerfully over the phone. "Jessica how I miss you""And I miss you too," Jessica said. She did miss him if she was being honest. His sarcastic comments and remarks flew all over the place. "Is the phone on speaker?" he whispered like he was ready to reveal the world's dangerous secret. "No" "Okay then, I know what Xavier called to complain about. Ethan is not around and you might have to stay there for a few more days" Dawson said. Jessica found herself howling inside. She recalls Dawson telling her to go on honeymoon a while back. She did not know he would take the matters into his own hands. "Do you have a special assignment for me?" she asked him with a smile on her face. "Oh yes, I do. It is a honeymoon for you so utilize it very well and maybe you can bring home a great-grandchild for me" she added. "And don't you dare say you can't do it" he added stopping her protest before she could get it on. "I can't do it" she said. She could not do
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Branch One Hundred and Seventy Five
"Are you ever going to come see me in Crescent Bay?" Jason asked Alicia who had escorted him to the airport. After the launching party, Jason had helped Alicia wrap up and then they had spent the next couple of days with Jason trying to throw his charm around hoping that she would fall for him. She had decided to give him a ride to the airport since his business partner and friend were not in town at the moment and Jason blessed Xavier in his heart for taking the trip at the moment. "Well maybe if I get the opportunity to partner with someone there I might be visiting soon," Alicia said.Of course, she wanted to go to Crescent Bay and not because of business but she wanted him to invite her over. She wondered how he was yet to ask her out. She sensed his growing affection for her and the way he threw his charm around. Even if he were not doing anything intentionally to make her fall she had already fallen deeply for him and all she waited for was the question from him and she was
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Branch One Hundred and Seventy Six
"Oh well, would you look at that?" Xavier commented holding his phone and looking down while walking to the kitchen. He had gotten off the phone with his grandfather and he was currently scrolling through the trending news. At least one thing he was grateful for was that the place still had good reception. "See this," he said tapping Jessica on the shoulder. She sighed and turned to him. "Yeah?" she said her eyebrow young up. He eyes fell on the phone screen and a scream escaped her lips when she saw it. "Has this been going on or is this a recent development?" she asked. "Recent" Xavier answered promptly. "I saw the sparks fly during the launch but I never thought they would get together so soon," Jessica said. "We all knew that Jason had a crush on Alicia but who would think that Alicia too?" Xavier said in amusement. "I guess people do not like to show you different sides to them and if you look hard enough you might see it," she said looking up at his face. His eyes came u
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Branch One Hundred and Seventy Seven
"Haaa" Jessica screamed as she stood to her feet. The plate in her hand dropped to the floor and shattered. She took a couple of steps backward and stood as she watched him in amusement. "What?" he asked as he stood up watching her stand there with extreme shock on her face. She turned to move when he shouted for her to wait. "Wait, you don't want to get injured by the glass," he said walking cautiously toward her. "Stop!" she screamed when he was barely three more feet away from her. "I'll clean this mess and get a new plate" she added. She was going to act like nothing happened because it did not. His mouth just barely grazed hers and she knew it was a mistake. As much as she would have lived for it to be true. She knew there was no way he was attracted to her. "Let me handle it," he said not giving her a chance to respond before he moved to the kitchen. He came back armed with a broom and a dustpan in hand. He dropped them to the ground and lifted Jessica. As she felt her leg
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Branch One Hundred and Seventy Eight
"Yes you did," Jessica said her voice going up several octaves. She felt as if Xavier was trying to play the victim when she had been kissed with her consent. "I apologize," Xavier said suddenly. "For?" she asked. At that point, Xavier just wanted to know how her life felt and hence what he did but from the expression on her face and the tone of her voice, it was obvious that she did not like it neither did she take it lightly. "Kissing you," he said. Ever since he had taken her to the beach he wanted to spend more time with her and since they had this holiday they did not plan for it would be easier for them to get closer. He did not need to ruin the atmosphere by doing anything like that again. "It's just that we were talking about kissing and I was reminded that I hadn't had my first kiss too" he added. 'It was his first kiss. Chill Jessica. There is no need to be so mad and upset about it' she told herself. Seeing him look so vulnerable like a child made her just wave it o
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Branch One Hundred and Seventy Nine
Xavier stood on the porch outside as he watched a man dressed in a black suit come out of a white convertible. He bowed to him and walked towards another car that was waiting for him. "Who is there?" Jessica asked as she pushed her way out and to where Xavier was standing. "No one," he said coming down and towards the parked car. He went to the passenger side and opened the door. "Let's go," he said gesturing to her to get in. "I have to get my things," Jessica said rushing back in. If she was going to leave this comfort then she needed a few things. She put all she needed into the bag and went out. "Where are we going?" she asked as she entered. Xavier did not answer instead he closed the door gently and jogged to the driver's seat. He entered and put on his seatbelt. "Your belt," he said when he saw Jessica make no move to put on hers. "Where are we going?" she asked again. "I told you already. Aurora Haven is the perfect place to try out new meals and not worry about a thing
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