All Chapters of Accidentally Married: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
696 Chapters
Branch One Hundred and Eighty
Jessica certainly did not expect that question and was too stunned to answer. "I am sorry if I offended you. I was just curious" Xavier said in a haste. "No, it is not that you offended me. It's a question I have never gotten before" he told her. "Do you want to share?" he asked because it seemed like there was a story behind it. "Well at first when my mom died she left me with my alcoholic and debt breeding aunt who used up all the insurance money and then she put me in an orphanage home" Jessica began. She loved how attentive he was and how he looked at her. "Well in the home we were mostly maltreated and our punishment for any misbehavior was us going days without any food," she told him. She was sure that Xavier had never heard of anything like before. "And then after a while, I grew accustomed to not having food daily which resulted in an eating disorder for me. I had a hard time recovering. That made me take an interest in the cooking line" "All that happened to you?" Xav
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Branch One Hundred and Eighty One
Xavier spoke on the phone for a few minutes before he went back to meet Jessica sitting on the bed. "I see that you are awake now. You were sleeping so peacefully" he commented as he went to pick up a bottle of water. He came back and gave her an opened bottle. "Thanks" she murmured as she took off the cover and gulped down a large amount. "I really needed that" "Why don't we order something in?" Xavier asked returning to his laptop that was set down on the table. "Order something?" she asked slipping the cap of the bottle back and yawning a bit. "Yeah like pizza or chicken?" he said and she scrunched up her nose. "Or Chinese" he added seeing she did not like his suggestion. "We had chicken all day and I do not feel like having anything with flour in it," she said standing up and walking to the kitchen. "Don't you worry I would make something extremely delicious" she said before stopping halfway and turning to face him. His eyebrow went up as he saw her face. It was a mixture o
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Branch One Hundred and Eighty Two
Jessica got the grill up and running as Xavier stood in a distance watching her set it up. She began to grill the meat. "See I told you that nothing could go wrong with grilling," she said as she flipped the meat on the grill. The aroma of the meat filled the atmosphere and Xavier almost admitted out loud that she was almost nearly perfect in all she did. She did them well and he almost had no complaints at all. "It's so boring here why don't we have a conversation" Jessica suggested. "About what?" he asked taken aback by her suggestion. "Anything you choose something" she replied as she poured some spices on the grilling meat. "I am bad at things like this" Xavier after a long moment of silence. "I don't know what to say," he said in a whisper. "Should I take the lead then?" she asked removing some of the cooked meat from the fire. "Yeah sure I am sure you would be better at it than I would," he told her. "Let's play a game then" she suggested and he nodded. He had nothing t
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Branch One Hundred and Eighty Three
"Arghh" Jessica screamed. Xavier dropped the cups to the table and rushed to stand beside her. "What was that?" he asked taking her hands on his and looming over it. "I was not looming but I think the oil and spices from the meat dropped to the fire causing it to flare up" she explained. She asked him to trust her that she would not get hurt but here she was with a burning wound on her hand. "Let me get the first aid box but sit here first," he said leading her to the chair by the table. He left her hand and dashed inside to search for the box. He found one right by the kitchen exit door took it in his hands and sprinted out to meet her. He silently cleaned the surface and put ointment on it. Jessica was expecting the I told you so but it did not come so she settled her mind. Maybe he was not that petty after all. "You are pretty good with burn wounds. Did you have a lot or did you help those who had wound burns a lot?" Jessica said when the silence was getting to her. "Jason w
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Branch One Hundred and Eighty Four
Xavier rushed to the grill. "How do I turn this off" he asked fanning on the flames with his hands. "You have to cut off the air on the grill" Jessica responded coming close. "Stop don't come close. Tell me what to do and I will do it" Xavier shouted before Jessica could get to where be stood. "Okay first it is an electric grill so you have to turn off the flame with the knob on the side" Xavier nodded and did what he was told. "Okay then close the hood and remove the plug from the wall" she instructed and he did so. "Oh thank goodness that could have started a fire," Xavier said with a sigh and Jessica nodded in agreement. "See grills are dangerous," he said walking to stand before her. "If you say so Mr. Delgado," she told him. Silence fell between them as they both shuffled on their feet. "There goes our dinner" she murmured breaking the silence. "It's fine I guess we can have cereal or something else" Xavier murmured. He did not mind because they had a lot to eat at lunchti
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Branch One Hundred and Eighty Five
Jessica sat still waiting for him. She knew he was done trying to clean up after her so she should just cooperate at this point. "I brought the things you would need for the meal out," she said. Xavier stood opposite him the island separating them from each other. Although the island was thin enough for her to climb over it was still a barrier between them. "Okay," Xavier said rolling up his sleeves. Jessica looked at his arm and she gulped hard. It would be a hard task for her to control herself while watching him. She has to do it or else she might have to eat cereals and not be able to satisfy her cravings. "What do I do first?" Xavier asked. He watched her as she shook her head trying to get him out. 'What could she be thinking?'He tapped the island separating them to call back her attention to him. "What do I do first?" he asked again when her eyes flew open. "Wash the veggies I brought out," she said pointing to the carrots and bell peppers alongside other greens. "Again
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Branch One Hundred and Eighty Six
"What what what?" Xavier asked startled at her sudden movement. "I think I want to go to the bathroom" she lied and moved to the bathroom. "How do I complete the meal?" he shouted after her. She opened the bathroom door and peeped outside to him. "Use YouTube. Search for stir-fry pasta" she said and closed the door back. She stood in front of the mirror with her eyes wide open. "What are you doing?" she said in a hushed whisper. "Was the break up with Burke not enough heartbreak for you? How can you go ahead to fall for him? Yeah I know he looks like a handsome irresistible character but how can you think of falling for him" she continued in the same voice intensity and tone. She bent her head to the sink and splashed water on her face to wake her up. "Come on Jessica Penelope Delgado" she caught herself calling herself Delgado. She staggered back from the mirror. "In less than a year he would have moved on from you and you would have to forget him no matter how hard you fall f
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Branch One Hundred and Eighty Seven
Xavier got the phone ready and put out it on the island. Jessica could not deny but it looked good and she could not wait to taste it so she could know what it tasted like. "Can we still have the wine?" she asked pulling out the cutest face she could muster. "You still want to drink," Xavier asked shocked at her request. "If we have nothing to do then I guess having a cup or two would not hurt one bit" she explained trying to make her case. He looked at her intensely for a while. She was right there was nothing wrong with the low alcohol-content wine he had brought out earlier. "Okay ma'am," he said setting the cups on the island with the meal he had prepared. He poured some wine into both cups before he came to sit beside her. "Should we eat here?" Jessica asked when she saw him faking his seat. "I guess we can do so if you are comfortable with it," Xavier said. There was no need for them to travel all the way to the couch just to eat and this served as a good table for them.
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Branch One Hundred and Eighty Eight
"It's so obvious that something is wrong. How would you want to throw away perfectly good food just because I said it tastes like a famous chef's food." Jessica said standing up and standing in his front. "Nothing is wrong. I just do not feel like eating this anymore" "Well, I do feel like eating it. This might be the only meal my husband would make for me" Jessica blurted. Her hand went to her mouth and she became wide-eyed. 'What did she just say and what?' "Your husband?" Xavier sod his back still to her and he thanked his stars for that. His face had turned so red it was spreading to his ears. "Errrmmm. That's not what I meant" Jessica said blabbing away trying to justify what she had just blurted without thinking. "I do not think there is anything wrong in what you have said. I am your husband after all. If you insist then we can have the meal" he said clearing his throat and dropping the food back to the table. Jessica pulled the plate to herself and began to hurriedly ea
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Branch One Hundred and Eighty Nine
"But I'm not sad about the divorce. I might lived a loveless poor marriage with Burke had I gotten into the marriage with him. It is at least good if I have my lifelong dream come to pass" she continued staring into space. "I am sorry that because of me others would refer to you as a divorced woman," Xavier said. Maybe he did not think it through at the beginning. Maybe living together won't be a bad idea. They could be together and then she would not have the need to be ostracized out of the society after her divorce. "You do not have to worry about me. I am good with anything I get for now" Jessica said resuming back to her meal. "I must actually confess your meal is very well made. Would you make breakfast tomorrow too?" she asked as she watched him stand up at the table where he was working. He came back with a notepad and pen and dropped the notebook in her front. "Write down things you wanted to do in your perfect marriage and I would do it for you. I might be unable to giv
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