All Chapters of Accidentally Married: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
695 Chapters
Branch One Hundred and Sixty
"It was James," she said when she saw his judging eyes. "James the Realtor" she added when he did not move. "I know who James is. Haven't you signed the papers?" he asked. "I have," she said turning back to pick out a dress from none of the racks. "So why were you on the phone for that long then?" he asked. "Di I need to report to you who and who I am talking to?" she asked feeling a sense of annoyance. It's not like he had apologized for what he did but now he was here asking her questions to which she did not understand. "If you have nothing to hide then you would not be angry about the question," he said pressing his lips tightly together. "I have nothing to hide from you and I do not owe you an explanation," she said facing him. How dare he try to act like a person who cares when he had been doing the opposite of it all this while. "You should answer the question so I don't misunderstand," he said calmly. "You can misunderstand for all I care. There is no way I am spilli
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Branch One Hundred and Sixty One
Jessica had never had the opportunity to visit the very popular Chiachester International Airport before and she marveled in awe at what she saw. The only way she could have seen an airport before was if watched it on the television or the internet and those things were not her interest. "Mr. Delgado, I am glad to see you again. You haven't gone on any business trips in the last four months" a man with the name tag of Jack spoke to Xavier as he entered the waiting area. "Is the plane ready?" Xavier asked not returning the extensive greeting made by Jack. "Yes, Mr. Delgado we have fueled and are currently prepared for take off. Let me take you to the waiting room" Jack said leading them. He led them past the normal boarding center which was very rowdy and full of people. The announcer's voice echoed through the whole room as they passed by. Jack stopped at a door that had a tag with the letter body written, VIP BOARDING AREA. "You can go in. If you need anything do not hesitate t
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Branch One Hundred and Sixty Two
The wait at the room was not all that long soon Jack was back and escorted them to a plane. As soon as Jessica entered inside she realized it was a private plane. 'You did marry a billionaire' she said to herself inwardly. She knew she married a billionaire but moments like the limo on Friday and the restaurant he bought without thinking about it and now the private plane made her realize that she was truly not on the same level as he was. If they did not meet at the court house she might have had no way to ever meet him to enter his cycle. Xavier went in and sat on one of the chairs in the plane and put on his seat belt. There was a seat opposite his and Jessica walked slowly to him. She cleared his throat to grab his attention. "Eem can I sit here?" she asked shuffling between her feet. Since she had never flown before she was nervous and since it seemed like he was the only one to be on the flight with her she had no choice but to ask for his help. "Sure," he said gesturing
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Branch One Hundred and Sixty Three
"Wake up," Xavier said shaking her a little. Jessica stirred in her sleep and then suddenly her eyes shot open. "Where am I?" she asked wiping the drool that had now consumed her face. "Aurora Haven," Xavier said looking outside. The plane had come to a complete stop almost thirty minutes ago but Xavier had quietly dismissed the crew as he then proceeded to watch her sleep peacefully. "Oh we are here?" she asked with a sense of excitement. At first, she thought of leaving Chiachester City after the divorce. She knew that that might be the only way she would survive the criticism. But after she got the restaurant the thought of leaving her dream behind because of a little criticism was hard to bear. She knew that she might not be able to see any other place outside Chiachester if not for such an opportunity and hence her excitement. "You're happy?" Xavier asked like her emotions were something strange. "Although I do not want to impose on your business meeting, it still feels ni
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Branch One Hundred and Sixty Four
Jessica knew that she had no choice but to play along. This was not for her to catch feelings but it was for the Delgado family to have a renewal of their contract. Xavier walked slowly with his hands and Jessica intertwined. He stopped in front of Ethan and smiled. "And you just be Xavier," Ethan said. The young and standing beside Ethan dropped the placard and ran over to stand beside them. He bowed his head. "Allow me to escort you," the man said raising his head. Ethan Vegan walked ahead and Xavier followed suit. "Your bags have been safely put in the car," the young man said as they walked. "Thank you," Jessica said turning her head to the man at the back. The man felt elated. Someone thanked him. In his line of work, it was quite rare for a boss to thank a staff as sweetly as Jessica had done. "I am glad to serve you," the man said coming to stand in front of them. "I am Micheal and I will be your guide throughout your stay here in Aurora Haven. Mr. Ramirez had prepared
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Branch One Hundred and Sixty Five
Jessica freed herself from Xavier's grip and moved to the kitchenette she opened up the refrigerator to meet it filled with everything and anything one could think about. "We are to make our meals ourselves?" Xavier asked out loud. "You do not like it? I think it's a very good idea" Jessica said closing the refrigerator and then opening the cabinets one by one. Cereals that she had never seen before, instant noodles and other types of instant packet foods and spices lined the shelves. "I love the view," she said when she looked out the window that was over the sink. There was a nice beach with a speed boat on the deck. "Glad to see you love it here," Xavier said sitting on the couch made available in the room. "I did not...." she started but got cut off by him. "Plan it? I know you've said it more than enough times now and I believe you so don't say it again" Xavier said. "I guess it is good to see you happy after being down for so many days. It's like you never recovered from
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Branch One Hundred and Sixty Six
"What are you doing?" Jessica managed to find her voice with him leaning in so close. Her nose caught a whiff of his cologne and it was as if she should bury herself in the nook of his neck and get intoxicated with the scent. "I did not know you felt that way" he murmured slowly his eyes falling to her lips. She cleared her throat as his eyes darted everywhere in the room except at him. She wanted to lab in and place a kiss on his lips. How would he react if she did that? "Men kept complimenting all evening but you..." she trailed off when her eyes caught his intense gaze. "I did not think I needed to assure you of your beauty," he said his voice very low. She darted her eyes everywhere his eyes on her were making her uncomfortable. "At least I thought you knew that" he added in a lower voice"Can you stop staring at me like that" she muttered clearing her throat. "Why?" he asked his lips going up in a smirk."You may argue that you've never dated before but you know how to do t
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Branch One Hundred and Sixty Seven
"I would love to" Jessica standing up. "I think I should take a shower first before we go. I'm feeling very sticky" she added going to her suitcase to pull out a dress. She was glad she brought something that could be likened to a sundress at least she could wear that on the beach."Take your time, we aren't in a hurry" Xavier responded to her. Jessica entered the shower and turned in the water. As the water hit her body she began to wonder about the attitude of Xavier since they got there. He had held her hand even though they couldn't see Ethan again and he only let go when she pulled away. And then now what he displayed just a moment ago. 'Was it possible that he is falling for me? Or is he pretending?' she asked herself as the cool water penetrated her skin. After a nice warm shower, she changed up and came out to stand in front of him. He looked her up and down before standing up. "Let's go," he said grabbing her hand. "Are you not going to take a shower too?" she asked him
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Branch One Hundred and Sixty Eighty.
Jessica and Xavier spent a little more time at the beach having little conversations with no depth whatsoever. "It's getting dark and the biting insects are coming out already," Xavier said standing up from the sand and stretching his hand to her. She did it and he pulled her up. When she was up on her feet she was so close to him that their noses almost touched. She had the urge to hold his face in her hands and plant a kiss on his lips. She shook her head to clear the thoughts and took a step back. He held her so she doesn't get far from him. "Shall we?" she asked clearing her throat and shaking her head again. Why was he doing this to her? It was like it was on purpose but he still looked innocent as ever. When she was with Burke she always had self-control over things like this but with Xavier, it seemed like she wouldn't be able to trust herself with the decisions she made. "Yes we shall," he said taking her hands to walk her back to the mini condo. "Why do you keep holdin
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Branch One Hundred and Sixty Nine
Xavier pulled from Jessica and moved to the bathroom. Jessica stood there feeling her legs grow weak she barely made it back to the couch. What was that interaction now? And why did it happen? She was so sure he was going to kiss her considering the lowness and deepness of his stare. His voice went down several octaves she was sure he could not go any further. "Why did you do that just now?" Xavier murmured to himself as he stood watching his reflection in the mirror. A smile unknowingly crept up his face. He entered the shower and had a long cooling one. He felt his muscles relax and he felt better than before. He came out of the bathroom to meet Jessica busy in the kitchen. He stood at her doorframe and began to watch her as she went back and forth to the kitchen. Why was she so good at what she did and why did she look good while doing it? She turned back to pick something at the kitchen island and was startled to see him starting directly at her. She raised an eyebrow at him
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