All Chapters of The Luna Who Wants Everything: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
98 Chapters
4. Zena
After ditching Maddox I headed down into Shadowlands. I have secret little rucksacks of clothes stashed everywhere. I basically bought around twenty sets of leather jackets, underwear, black pants and vest tops and deposited them all over the place over the past few weeks. You won’t catch me running about in someone else's hideous old clothes. Being a little bit naughty, I charged the cost of my kits to Shadowlands alongside all the other bits I bought for Cillian and Matilda’s packhouse renovations, wardrobe and Luna Ceremony clothes. It could be called a service fee for all the running about I did sorting them out with such a beautiful start together. Cillian now should have fresh thoughts of Wodness Brook in his head, enough to make sure when Freya gets there tonight he knows exactly where to send her. There are clear rules about just how much one can reveal about an upcoming choice in the road. Sometimes I stray and say more than I should, but not for much longer. My last few d
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5. Zena
I did the right thing returning to the North. Definitely. No desire to head back to Alpha Cillian’s camp just to see what pushes Briss’s buttons at all. How did I never notice him in all our previous interactions?/He has his shirt on/ Sybil answers sharply. Well perhaps he wants to think about giving them up. He’d get so much more attention. /Only from shallow people like us/ Sybil countered. My wolf can be mean but I love her cutthroat ways.Anyway, I returned to the Coven of Seers. Not just because I don’t have any sodding choice in the matter either. It is because signing myself whole-heartedly to Padgett’s wizened tutelage prevents me from indulging in any more foolishness with Maddox. Or thinking about Cillian. Or Briss and his taut, rigid back muscles, narrowing down to his hips.I think I have a problem.A clean break. That’s what’s need. I don’t want to string Maddox along, or burn in eternal embarrassment through Cillian. I most certainly don’t need to start up something n
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6. Briss
A couple of weeks after my near miss with Zena, I found myself standing at the war front with Alpha Cillian and Zeke. My fellow Beta has been acting differently since he took Luna Freya to the safe house. Even I’m not trusted with its location. We stand together, looking at the maps, the huge collection of paperwork and letters that threaten to engulf Cillian. I wonder if it is worth telling him that he should just follow his own instincts. He is trying to micro-manage a war via stationary. He has the authority, the training, and the men willing to fight for him. But then I don’t have that kind of relationship with him. Zeke could probably tell him that, but he’s too wrapped up in his own world. At least he doesn’t look as angry as usual. His dark eyes haven’t had a sparkle of life in them in the whole time I’ve known him. Apparently, he was the life and soul of the party once upon a time. That sounds a hell of a long time ago looking at the way he stalks around like the Grim Reaper
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7. Zena
I can’t decide which is the weirder occurrence. The fact Padgett blatantly knew I was going to land in a pit or that Briss is the man to save me from it. /At least it wasn’t Maddox/ Sybil suggested we slowly climbed up the slender trunk like a monkey. I don’t know if Briss thinks I weight the same as a fairy, but this tree is creaking like it could go at any time. Annoying he was right about the shirt too as the smaller branches and twigs scratched up my legs and arms.“Shit I’m short,” I groan in frustration. I’ve spent at least ten hours in this hole now, I can’t face another minute longer. I look up, finally able to see his face properly. He was merely shadow and noise above before. Now I see his serious, studious face looking down at me as he lays down and offers me his arm.No smile ,no wise-cracks or puns about the situation I’d found myself in. Even so when his rough hand clamps around mine I felt something. It wasn’t sparks, there’s no mate-bond going on here but he felt it t
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8. Maddox
Over three weeks on the bloody sidelines. Abandoned. Doing nothing more interesting than watching Luna Genevieve mope around arm in arm with Luna Helena. Alpha Alexander keeps to his library. He holds constant meetings, getting me to ferry paperwork around Silver City as he tries to arrange support for NIkolai at the front.So it is a demotion. I’m reduced to an onlooker. Beta Shane, the leader of the home guard detachment, clearly doesn’t want me on the roster. So at night whilst the guards pace and keep an eye out for wolfsbane toting assassins I’m struggling to sleep.All the while, there isn’t a trace of Zena. Nearly all of our encounters happened at this castle. I keep expecting to catch her jasmine scent and see a flash of black hair vanishing around a corner, but nothing happens.She’s probably gone back up to the North. Hiding among her own kind whilst blood is shed. She never elaborated on what that really meant. She'll tell me one day, I'm sure. Stop being vague and let her
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9. Zena
You’d have expected us to go at it full pelt. Two charged up, deranged sex monkeys on heat. But it turns into something else entirely. Of course, that initial tension, especially being touched while blindfolded, left my skin burning.As his fingers worked some insane magic on my body, placing the perfect pressure inside whilst massaging my swollen clit to my breaking point it felt so different. For a start my focus didn’t float away. I lost control but never awareness of who I was with. It was dreamlike. A bizarrely perfect, synchronised dance. It shouldn’t be anything other than sex. Fucking. Screwing. Basic desire satisfied. We should be like ships in the night. Ships that make the other explode half a dozen times before dawn before pretending it never happened the next time we run into each other in Cragstone.But it’s not.Briss is quiet and thoughtful. I’m brash and careless. Oil and water. But with my legs still shaking from the way he deftly unravelled me, his large hands spre
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10. Maddox
In the melee of people leaving, the lights vanishing from the fighting venue, I lost track of Finn, Zeke, Freya and their bikes. It seemed they got separated at some point, or at least didn’t travel the same way. By the time I finally caught up with them, forced to painstakingly follow bike tracks in the mud like a damn boy scout, pure carnage was breaking loose. A large log cabin, every window blazing was under attack. A window suddenly smashed as wolves, possibly even hybrids, tore towards Finn. He snapped the neck of one whilst stamping down the throat of another. Turns out Finn is wasted down here, he should be at the front.I lingered, masked in the dark of the tree line. There was no sign of Freya, unless she’d been given the equivalent of wolf-steroids and was one of those attacking FInn. Nothing except the metallic tang of blood and howls of pain filled the air. Because somehow Finn, the giant lump was still taking on these wolves in human form. /He doesn’t have time to sh
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11. Zena
Waking with a start, blinded by hazy sunbeams I instantly started worrying. Had the cosy, intimate night I shared with Briss an illusion?His sleeping body wonderfully displayed as he rolled over. Shaggy black hair falling in awkward tufts across his forehead. Coupled with a sharp jawline and high cheekbones that could have been carved from marble, there's just something about him.I planted a soft kiss on his cheek, inhaling that deep, earthy scent and clambered to my feet. Standing by the near-dead fire that ratcheting sensation around my heart clamped down tight, stopping me in my tracks. My past habits involve always being the first one to bail. I’ve certainly never spent the night curled up in a guy's arms. But I don’t want to bail. Not this time. So I walk, but gather up dry wood from the forest floor instead. For once, I’m going to be around. Briss will wake up to a hot fire, maybe he has some more food left, or just boil some water for drinking. I hum a little song to myself
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12. Briss
Would she have even believed I only asked for my Fate in order for her to see that I am a decent man? It was meant to prove to her I am more than the idiot who grabbed her, kissed her, promising just one night.I’ve found this strange, surprising happiness and then gone and blowtorched it with my own foolish stupidity. We had something. Sat together, my hands on her perfect slinky body, drowning in those grey eyes. Why did I have to ask? Why couldn’t I trust my own feelings?I don’t even care about my future. Well, it would be good to know I don’t die in the war, obviously. What I was hoping, in a stupid, foolish plan was that maybe she might see us together. I imagine she’s terrified of how strong the sensations between us are. I am too.I could barely breathe when she stripped off my shirt in front of me. I had to either kiss her or have a heart attack. Same when she reappeared this morning. Another few seconds and she’d have seen me drop to my knees. All the strength was fleeing m
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13. Zena
I have a routine established for dealing with the wave of guilt that usually occupies me after dropping a guy. Just like Maddox, head north. Like the guys before him, I run away and retreat. It’s never stung like this before.I dropped in on little Phoebe Kharkov first. I stopped by one of my hideouts and got dressed. Best to not approach young people in a near-naked state. She was playing by herself by the tyre swing on the outskirts of Cragstone. I had a hunch she will be there, seeing as so many visions of Zeke and Cillian’s past revolve around this place. Still a young teen her face is wide and innocent, her coppery hair wild and messy with her dark eyes keen and focused.“Do you know who I am?” I ask, leaning against her tree, trying to look cool as she spun in slow circles back and forth. She sized me up, as brutally as only a child can do, her face scrunched up.“You’re Alpha Cillian’s friend. You helped him save Matilda.”“I’m Zena, yes.”“You’re a Fate?”“Working on it. Nearl
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