All Chapters of The Luna Who Wants Everything: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
98 Chapters
14. Zena
The equivalent of a mental gust of wind shattered the image of Maddox, collapsing into dust before my eyes. Mumbling as the image settles, I feel the pressure of Padgett’s stare. “It is Luna Matilda…Beta’s Naomi and Leona…and…oh Goddess. All three are pregnant. They all have huge bumps. They must be ready to give birth around the same time. It's not Cragstone though …no it's a dark grey room. They don't look happy-""DO NOT GUESS!""I see nothing else, just a grey room and the three pregnant women oh!” as the vision disintegrated again.A new image surged forward. I smell trees mixed with metal. “I’m in the forest. I think…no it is definitely Shadowlands camp. I’m walking forwards."I force myself to look down at the hands of the person whose vision I’m claiming. Olive skin and a scent of red wine. I’m in Zeke’s head. He’d kill me if he knew I’d ridden his future. “There’s blood everywhere. There’s…there’s some men crying. Tents are down. Some are burnt. There has been an attack. The
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15. Briss
I was right to tell Matilda my escorting days are over. There was only a couple of days difference between taking her for a quickie with Cillian and Zeke receiving that note. Of course I was panicked, same as Zeke. If Cillian had been murrdered along with half the army then we’d all be fucked, my wavering alliance to Shadowlands the least of my problems. So while Zeke took on the whole journey with his olive-skinned face pale and washed out, mine was tense with frustration. It feels like strings are being pulled that I have no idea about, dancing over a hole. Zena springs to mind, but then she always does. The jasmine-scented dagger between my ribs. Whilst the blonde Riley and everyone else ran about like headless chickens trying to put together the pieces of the attack I stood and breathed in. If Cillian had been killed the men would need a leader. And it isn’t me. I don’t have the respect of the pack like Zeke. I don’t want it either. So I turned to Zeke instead, my voice low an
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16. Zena
“I’m not your fucking distraction,” he says. How the fuck dare he! I’m giving him, no doubts about it, the best fucking oral sex of his life and he gets a conscience? What if I want to feel dirty, used and fucking worthless. What if that’s exactly what I need to be treated like right now. /You’re not worthless/ Sybil snaps, fizzing around in my brain like a rocket since Briss appeared. I am. I know it. You don’t have as free and crazy a time as me without being worthless. I feel it too, down to my bones. I’ve spent two full days sat in a cave, miserable as sin, waiting for Padgett, or maybe Ruth on her fucking broomstick, to ride and hack me to pieces. Cillian should be alive though. I’ve sacrificed whatever life I was meant to have to save the man who doesn’t even know I care. Whatever plans Ruth had ready for a world with a dead Cillian she needs to tear them up and start again. Too much is going round my brain. Guilt for betraying Padgett, merging with confusion as to why she wa
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17. Maddox
After the shitshow down in Shadowlands, where Beta Patrick had a knife to my throat I’ve been on my best behaviour. I went straight back up to White Forest. I managed to smooth over some of the lies I told on the way down. Made out they were communication errors, accidental misinformation. Think I’ve just about got away with it too. A huge slice of luck came my way too just a few days after my brush with death, finally earning me a bit of respect. Myself and a few other men were guarding Alpha Alexander as he took a stroll down by the jetty. He likes to do this before bed, he grumbles something about it helping him sleep. The others hang back and give him space but as Adrian arrives with letters for him to read we fell into conversation a few paces behind the Alpha. He might be in his late forties but shit our brooding, dark haired leader remains a force to be reckoned with. In hushed tones I ask Adrian if anything has been seen of Zena. “Sorry, not that I’ve heard. Maybe ask Bris
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18. Briss
There are no words available to describe how amazing she is. Not because she’s some perfect, compliant little submissive. Or some false horny pornstar manic daydream of a woman out to please me. Because she knows her own mind, her own desires. I’m constantly on my toes. Finally thrusting inside her was enough to send Shi spiralling like a firework. But Zena wanted more. Pressed together, her back against my chest she whimpered and tugged at my hair, chasing high after high. Rocking together, my cock inside her just deep enough to hit those delicate nerves right at the start of her inner walls had her collapsing quickly. Then I kept going. Every time she called my name I felt brand new. A surge of adrenalin on top of already wanting to lose myself inside her. I was determined to hold out, to not lose my control, my hand teasing her clit relentlessly, keeping her right where she needed to be. When she breathily moaned her legs were too shaky to stand anymore I turned her around and
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19. Zena
I can’t believe after throwing everything back in his face I’m back here. In his arms, on his huge thighs. How long has he sat and guarded me sleeping? I woke up to find him sitting near to me. I realised I was tucked into a black sleeping bag, safe and warm. Poor Briss must have been in agony looking at the twisted way he’d had to bend his legs to sit down against the bed. It was like a sensory overload. He made me feel things I’ve never experienced before. I didn’t go out of my head as our passion crested. I was in the room, adoring his touch, his body and I realised with a thud I was in love. Painfully in love. Then when I thought he was going to be like all the rest and just slam me against the wall like every other guy does he was tender and sweet. It was too much, so I blew it up. But waking up, feeling like myself again I found myself staring at him. He was asleep, barely, nodding up and down as if fighting it. His black tufty hair swaying across his forehead. Those perfect
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20. Maddox
The golden eyes of Thalia are quite something. Seeing them flicker with shards of orange as I thrust myself deeper into her mouth was quite something.She wasn’t Zena though. There is no point pretending this girl is even a patch on her. So when she stands up, stretching the strap of her white crop top up towards her mouth to wipe her lips I do nothing but stand with my arms folded. I should have more sense.“I know you’re looking for her,” she smiles, “I tried my best to give you what she can but looks like you’re hooked.”“What are you talking about?” I snap, my ego going into panic mode. Had I been shit just then? Could she tell I was thinking about Zena the whole time? With chill shootings down my back and an angry flush of red rushing to my cheeks I begin to worry. Had Mani been right, was I being set up yet again?Thalia takes a single stride then turns and leans against the thick stone wall next to me, our arms almost, but not quite touching. Both of us staring aimlessly up at t
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21. Briss
Marked. I was off my head with pleasure when I asked for that but it felt like the only thing to do. Shi was pushing so hard, desperate to cement that bond with Zena’s wolf. /Not mates but more/ he kept repeating. Every time I thrust inside her beautiful body he repeated it until I caved. The fact she eagerly complied, her canines sinking into me with relish I’ll never forget. The clamping, locking sensation of being tied to her forever.Throughout the night, one of us would wake and slowly tease the other. The lamplight long burnt out, in the dark I learned Zena’s every contour and shape. The delicious, voluptuous curves of her ass and breasts. She was all soft sweetness against my solid frame, the way her hips and thighs moulded perfectly to me. She woke me up with the sweetest kisses only to straddle me and lean over so her nipples brushed against my tongue. In the darkness we found each other.Now marked, I could feel her emotions. Her pleasure was my pleasure. A seesaw of bliss a
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22. Zena
I thought heartbreak would be the worst pain I’d ever experience.To be fair the last six months were pretty intense watching Cillian battle through hell to win Matilda back, his blue eyes looking directly at me with a love that was for someone else. That pain was deep, burning. Lasting well into the night, haunting my dreams with a searing misery that left me breathless sometimes.Then I met Briss and found another level. His pain was mixed with a sweeter, softer burn. My ribcage ached and yearned to feel him again. I couldn’t get comfortable no matter where I sat or slept. Nothing feels as good as being in his arms.Sadly now I realise I was naive. I had no real concept of pain before landing here. The last thing I remember was waking up and kissing Briss on the cheek. I whispered “I love you into his ear,” ruffling his black hair and wondering what would happen if I kissed our mark.Then Sybil reminded me Briss was exhausted, staying up while I slept the night before. We have time,
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23. Maddox
Accepting that rope from Thalia was a mistake. Just gripping it, knowing I'd signed myself into her servic was excruciating. Freya arrived back at White Forest just as I got back. Thankfully, the chaos of her return amongst the staff meant I was able to get a shower. mud removed, fresh uniform, no questions asked.Guilt seemed to be branded across my cheeks. I stumbled in my duties, almost crashing into other servants in the corridor as I made my way up the stairs to Beta Shane to ask for my next posting. Dressed in a smart black shirt, my White Forest cloak restored, I looked every inch, the loyal servant.And I have been. For so many years, I have dedicated myself to Nikolai. Together with Adrian, we were destined to be his loyal deputies. The future of White Forest. I was meant to shape armies, train warriors, and help bring peace. Basically, be a legend and live a happy, easy life surrounded by friends. Then I met Zena. Freya’s Ceremony, where I first laid eyes on her, was the dea
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