All Chapters of The Luna Who Wants Everything: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
98 Chapters
34. Maddox
Standing in the soaked, damp hallway I was stuck dumbly staring by the abandoned silver chains. The room as empty as me. The broken slivers of knife laid next to the chains. Small drops of blood. The smell of the damp earth was everywhere preventing me from tracking any real scent but the real clue was in what remained of Zena’s scent. From the shorts she had abandoned on the floor. For the first time in all the months I have looked after her, arousal. The most intense jasmine sweetness. I remember it painfully well. So Briss found her. The fucking robot with no passion found her. As my anger and humiliation swirls. Because that’s what’s happened. She’s chewed me up and spat me out. I’m the victim of her fucking mind games. After everything I have done for her. Betrayed my pack, shed my useless wolf and rescued her from Alpha Phillipe’s henchmen. Shaking my head in confusion I silently doused the whole fucking place in gasoline. Flinging a match into the kitchen where she should h
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35. Zena
I told Cillian everything. Luna Ruth, Aisling, Thalia, Imogen. How Maddox had rescued and chained me up. Briss saving me. I told how Maddox was somehow destined to be a hero, saving Alpha Alexander, a bloodied assassin dead on the floor. Then I got to Matilda, Leona, and Naomi alone and huddled together in that miserable grey room. At the mention of Matilda’s pregnancy, he stopped and looked like he wanted to be sick. When he struggled to reply, Sibyl sent me a bolt of warm support. /It’s a lot to take in. You're a whirlwind of disaster to him/ Clutching a hot cup of cocoa, shivering from the cold, I stared into the fire. I was vaguely aware of the huge frame of the Shadowlands Alpha pacing back and forth. Every so often, he would huff or stop in his tracks, but he did his best not to interrupt. Until we got to the part where I betrayed him. “That reading was also…the one where I saw you die. Where I decided I had to change Fate and make sure you lived.” “You had no right to do th
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36. Zena
Cillian hauled me to my feet as I spluttered, unable to clear the invisible smoke from my lungs. I thrashed in his arms, still able to feel the searing heat as my clothes charred into my skin. "Zena! What did you see!” I’m a wreck. The fire burning so brightly right next to me isn’t helping either. I plunge my face into Cillian’s chest and let out a deep, primal scream. Padgett was dead. Luna Ruth appears batshit insane. Maddox is there, but I don’t know what it all means. Well, I know it’s not a win for Shadowlands. And it's happening tomorrow. Alpha Cillian holds me until the hallucinatory pain ebbs away. I don’t want to die. /No shit, who would!/ Sybil manages to mock, albeit with a pained whimper. /Think I'm dead now, though after that/ she added. I tried to grin at her deadpan attempt at humour before realising Cillian was smothering me in his huge, solid chest. I squirm, forcing him to release me. “What the hell have you just seen?” “I’m...I see Luna Ruth celebrating, Pa
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37. Maddox
It’s all or nothing. Honour or betrayal. I could easily walk away from all this, run to Nikolai, and warn him about Genevieve and the plans Luna Ruth has for his father. To confess, maybe have some dignity intact. But what use is dignity when one ends up hanging from the East Wall.However, there is no way Zena is going to let what I did to her go When the next communications arrive, it will be with my death warrant attached. If she’s made it to Cillian anyway. She might be skulking on her own somewhere like normal. Putting on leather jackets and red lipstick to twist another man into pieces. Tired and exhausted after driving the motorbike all night, I arrived for my morning shift in the nick of time. Everything seems to have shifted. The huge White Forest castle and its square gravelled courtyard. Gleaming turrets, guard nooks, and flags flying. It’s like I’m only just seeing everything for the first time.Because my gut tells me I won’t be looking at it for much longer.The bit th
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38. Briss
When that first Hybrid tackled me to the floor, I assumed that I was dead meat. I could hear the others approaching. Which one would be first to rip my neck out? It takes two or three regular men to take on a hybrid wolf. But despite the odds, I kept going. If I made myself difficult to kill, it all bought seconds of time for Zena to put more metres between us. Merged alongside the terror of dying was the tightening of my heart, the clamping of my ribcage as she got away. I had to take that as a good thing. If she had turned round, coming back for me in some deranged attempt to save the day, the pain would lessen. So I got back on four paws and bared my teeth, jumping at the huge ashy blonde wolf who had taken me down. We rolled together, down a slight hillside, crashing into a fallen tree. The wolf yelped in agony as I used my claws to grip onto its back. In a crazed rodeo, Shi hung on and tore out huge chunks of flesh. Blood spurted everywhere, soaking my fur, fouling my taste b
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39. Maddox
I didn’t sleep a wink. Looking in the mirror, I am a shadow of my former self. Dark grey bags have aged my face ten years. I look miserable. This is what White Forest life is doing to me, I tell myself. This is how low Zena has dragged me. The fact that I keep being sick doesn’t help. I’m pretty certain it's Mani’s way of silently protesting my choices. Tonight is the full moon, and it’s time to pick a side. I want the winning one. Even though my stomach lurches with nausea each time I consider it, I choke it back. Betraying an Alpha, abandoning the pack that raised you is not as simple as handing in a resignation letter. It just means I’ve got to get the job done and get up to the North before the full moon rises. Which also means I’m on a bit of a deadline. I head to take breakfast in the large dining hall early, trying to find anything I can hold down. This place used to be full of Warrior students, staff, and guards. Bustling with energy and gossip. Now, every sound echoes. I
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40. Zena
The gathering at the head of the mountain pass was impressive. Nearing a hundred of the largest, most powerful men all gathered at the last flat clearing before the mountain peaks. The bulk of Shadowlands might, and a large chunk of White Forest. Alpha Nikolai strode over, his black cloak swirling behind him. “I hope your quick change in plans works out. You fetched your best men?” “And nearly all our best women,” nodding at a two dozen green-clad, masked figures waiting with wolfsbane-tipped bow and arrows. Focused, checking over their equipment, ready to spill some blood. I like to think had I been able to follow a path away from the visions and Fate I might have been a badass fighter like them. Nikolai firmly gripped his hand. "So. You sure Zeke can kill Phillipe?" "He has a reduced team but I have no doubt Phillipe will die tonight," the fiery-haired Alpha replied crisply. The two have powerful, dominating auras. Sybil and every other wolf in a ten metre radius is immediatel
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41. Zena
“Make this worth doing,” Cillian growled as I gripped my bow and arrow and fell into line with the other girls. Mask down, my breath hot on my face. I tried to be the same as everyone else. Letting Ansley set off, following my detailed instructions, I wasn’t surprised when Cillian confirmed to us all, “she can see the cabins.” Padgett’s magic has failed. “The light is fading. It’s now or never. We sneak into the fields whilst they are drawn towards Zena.” So whilst Ansely meandered her way, skittering around boulders, ducking into the cornfields, trying to avoid inevitable detection, the White Forest and Shadowlands groups split into two. Heading east and west, the aim was to take them by surprise, charging at them from two sides when the moment finally came. In the carnage of battle, they wouldn’t know I was there. I can get to Padgett. Or maybe even Briss. Working through the corn, I kept my head low. My instinct to check on Ansley would not help us right now. I need to blend. S
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42. Briss
Jasmine. I can smell jasmine again. I shift and remember my leg is completely fucked. And what is this? Wooden planks and branches are pressing down on every major organ. A funeral pyre? Am I dead? Before my heart rate can race off the charts, Shi jumps in. /I couldn’t let them take me from you. One of the Fate’s covered us up. I’m so sorry your leg is still broken./ Shit, how close to death is my wolf having to skirt in order to keep us together? My leg pain is more bearable at least. Struggling against the immovable weight of the wood I mutter curses whilst inhaling that perfect jasmine scent. /She’s close. The jasmine is hers./ I’m thrilled and devastated at the same time. What is she doing here, putting herself in danger? I shrug my shoulders only to feel the branches and sticks shift around me ripping new wounds. A small gap opens up and I can just see the glinting full moon with its ominous red tint. I can smell fire. I can feel the heat too, I need to get out of this wood p
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43. Briss
When I wake up again, I am half tempted to severely reprimand Shi for making me fade out of the most perfect moment of my life. I was in Zena’s arms, surrounded by jasmine and love, and now…well where the hell am I? “You’re awake!” Zena cries, and I do my best not to cry out in pain at feeling her roll into my arms, planting fierce kisses on my cheeks. “We’re still in the north, up at the coven?” I murmur after allowing myself to be spoiled with rough, greedy affection for a minute. I have just enough strength to lift my arm, trailing my fingers over her bare neck. I close my eyes again, overpowered by the sensation of feeling her perfectly soft skin under my fingertips. “Yes but not for long. Then do you know what-” “Zena let me treat him,” a stern voice reprimanded. I squinted at the sun over my head. “He’s seriously weak.” I might be mistaken, but I’m almost certain I heard Zena growl under her breath at the request. With a dozen more soft kisses, she lifted herself away but k
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