All Chapters of Trapped Between Vampire and Alpha: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
128 Chapters
61. Going to War
David's voice resonated through the grand hall, firm and unwavering. The vampires listened intently, their eyes fixed upon their leader as he unveiled his audacious plan.‌"I propose a trade," David declared, his tone laced with a mixture of confidence and calculation. "Reina, the captured werewolf, shall be returned unharmed to her pack, under one condition."‌Curiosity and anticipation filled the air, the vampires leaning in, their attention focused solely on David's words. Whispers of intrigue spread among the crowd, as they eagerly awaited the revelation of the condition.‌"In exchange for Reina's safe return," David continued, his voice carrying a hint of triumph, "Andrei, the leader of the werewolf pack, must hand over Sabrina, the very woman who has stirred unrest within our ranks."‌The room erupted in a cacophony of reactions. Some vampires cheered at the prospect of reclaiming one of their own, while others voiced their dissent, believing that a more direct approach shou
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62. Success
The clash between werewolves and vampires was inevitable, as both sides braced themselves for the impending battle. The location chosen for the confrontation was an ancient forest, thick with gnarled trees and shadows that seemed to dance in anticipation of the violence that was about to unfold.‌As the moon reached its zenith, casting an eerie glow over the battlefield, the werewolves gathered, their eyes gleaming with an untamed ferocity. They stood shoulder to shoulder, their muscles tensed, ready to unleash their primal strength upon their enemies. Andrei, their Alpha, stood at the forefront, his commanding presence radiating an aura of unwavering determination.‌On the opposing side, the vampires assembled, their pale skin glinting under the moonlight. Their eyes burned with an otherworldly hunger, fangs glistening as they prepared to strike. David, their leader, exuded a dangerous charisma, his cunning mind calculating each move with precision.‌Tension hung in the air as bot
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63. Celebration
Heimzel's heart swelled with relief as the news of Reina's safety reached his ears. Though he had not been able to fight alongside his pack, he had played a crucial role in safeguarding the headquarters, ensuring the safety of those left behind.‌With a mixture of joy and anticipation, Heimzel rallied the remaining members of the pack, their exhaustion tempered by the news of victory. The tension that had gripped their hearts slowly gave way to a sense of triumph and elation.‌Heimzel wasted no time, barking orders with a commanding voice that echoed through the halls of the headquarters. The werewolves, their weariness momentarily forgotten, responded with renewed vigor and determination.‌The preparations for the celebratory banquet were set into motion, with the scent of roasting meats and the aroma of hearty dishes filling the air. The werewolf cooks, skilled in their craft, worked tirelessly to ensure a feast befitting the momentous occasion.‌Tables were arranged, adorned wi
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64. Unfair Battle
None of the werewolves had any idea that everything had gone according to David's plan. The battle seemed intense, and the werewolves believed they were gaining the upper hand. However, it was all part of David's meticulously crafted scheme to deceive them. The vampires strategically retreated, giving the werewolves a false sense of victory.‌As the battle raged on, David closely monitored the situation, observing the werewolves' growing confidence. He knew that their belief in their imminent triumph would be crucial for his plan to unfold successfully. The strategic withdrawal of the vampires played a crucial role in luring the werewolves into a state of complacency.‌David's true intentions went beyond the immediate battlefield. He had orchestrated a grand illusion, designed to trick the werewolves into a false sense of security. By allowing the werewolves to believe they had won, he could exploit their lowered guard and strike when they least expected it.‌Meanwhile, David ensur
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65. Kidnapped
As Sabrina's eyes met David's, a flood of memories washed over her, images from their past encounters flashing through her mind. In that moment, David seemed to sense her hesitation, his voice softening as he began to narrate the events that had unfolded from his perspective.‌"In the beginning, Sabrina, I saw in you the potential to be my bride, the one who could stand beside me as a vampire leader," David started, his voice tinged with a mix of longing and remorse. "I believed that together, we could shape a new future for the clan."‌Sabrina's gaze remained fixed on David, her features a mix of confusion and curiosity. She allowed him to continue, wanting to understand his perspective, despite the lingering unease.‌David's voice grew somber as he continued, "But as I delved deeper into your Scarlet Witch powers, I became consumed by the idea of turning you into a vampire. I believed it was the key to unlocking your true potential."‌Flashes of memories from their encounters pl
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66. Worst Situation
David's grip tightened around Sabrina's motionless body as he swiftly dispatched his loyal mini bats to relay a message to his entire clan. The ethereal creatures fluttered away, their wings carrying the infrasonic messages that echoed through the vampire lair.‌The message reached every corner of the clan's domain, alerting them to the success of their mission and the imminent retreat. Vampires, who had been engaged in the intense battle against the werewolves, now received the signal to disengage and withdraw. The once fierce warriors swiftly turned their attention to regrouping and departing from the scene.‌As David surveyed the room, a sense of satisfaction washed over him. His plan had unfolded flawlessly, and he had successfully captured Sabrina. Now, it was time to retreat and bask in his triumph. With a commanding presence, he turned and strode purposefully towards the exit, carrying Sabrina in his arms.‌The vampire clan members, still buzzing with the thrill of victory,
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67. Slip Through Fingers
“Urgh...”‌As Andrei returned to Sabrina's room, his eyes widened in surprise at the sight before him. There, lying on the floor, was Reina, her head bleeding. Concern and guilt washed over him as he rushed to her side.‌"What happened, Reina?" Andrei questioned, his voice filled with worry. "Why are you injured?"‌Reina stirred, slowly regaining consciousness. She winced, her hand instinctively moving to the wound on her head. "It's... It's because of you, Andrei," she responded, her voice slightly strained. "When you opened the door earlier, you did it with such force that it hit my head and knocked me unconscious."‌Andrei's eyes widened in realization, a mix of shock and remorse flooding his features. He hadn't even noticed the impact of the door in his haste to find Sabrina. Guilt weighed heavy on his heart as he realized the unintended consequences of his actions.‌"I... I'm so sorry, Reina," Andrei apologized, his voice filled with genuine regret. "I didn't mean to hurt yo
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68. Foreign Place
Sabrina's eyes shot open, and she immediately jolted upright. Disoriented, she looked around and realized she was in a dimly lit chamber with stone walls and flickering torches. Her heart raced, and a shiver ran down her spine as she caught sight of David standing before her, his eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger.‌"D-David? What's happening? Where am I?" Sabrina stammered, her voice trembling with fear.‌David's lips curled into a malicious grin as he took a step closer. "Ah, Sabrina, my dear. Welcome to my humble abode," he said, his voice dripping with sinister delight. "You're in the heart of my vampire clan's lair. A place where your power and bloodline will be of great value to me."‌Sabrina's breath hitched in her throat. She felt a surge of panic, her mind racing with thoughts of escape. "No, this can't be happening. Andrei! Help me!" she cried out, her voice echoing through the chamber.‌David chuckled darkly, his eyes narrowing with amusement. "Ah, sweet Sabrina, cal
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69. Delicate Prisoner
David called his maid, Anya, into his study. He was worried about Sabrina, who was still traumatized from her kidnapping and torture. He had ordered Anya to take care of Sabrina, but he wanted to make sure that she understood the situation.‌"Anya," he said, his voice low and serious. "I need you to be very careful with Sabrina. She's been through a lot, and she's still very scared. I don't want you to do anything that might trigger her trauma."‌Anya nodded, her eyes widening in understanding. "Of course, Master," she said, her voice soft and soothing. "I will be very careful."‌"Good," David said, his expression relaxing slightly. "I also want you to be careful not to show any of your vampiric features in front of her. She's not used to seeing vampires, and it might scare her even more."‌Anya's eyes widened even further. "I understand, Master," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I will not show her my fangs."‌"Thank you, Anya," David said, placing a hand on her shoulder
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70. Weird Feeling
As she settled into her new surroundings, Sabrina couldn't shake the nagging thought that perhaps she should feel better here than she had in the werewolf pack. After all, she was being treated with kindness and respect, a stark contrast to the way Andrei had treated her. Memories of her time with him resurfaced, the painful recollection of being treated like a mere servant, chained to the wall, and subjected to his whims.‌Yet, despite the seemingly better treatment, Sabrina couldn't shake off the uneasiness that lingered within her. Being among the vampires, even in their human forms, stirred up a sense of unease and vulnerability. David had instructed his clan not to reveal their true vampiric nature to Sabrina, knowing that it would trigger her past trauma. However, the underlying knowledge of their true identities still lingered, casting a shadow over her perception of safety.‌Sabrina often found herself lost in her thoughts, contemplating the compl
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