All Chapters of The Curse Alpha's Son : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
160 Chapters
Chapter 121
Beatrice POV I woke up feeling refreshed as I got ready to go out, I knew I had prior engagements in the outskirts of town but my heart was in the hospital where Duncan was, I felt the insane urge to go to him, stay with him and apologize to his unconscious body why I was not by his side all through last night but I knew if I headed towards Duncan I would definitely not leave his side to do anything else and what I wanted to did today was important and as it was weekend I needed to get it done today before a new week began and so I entered my vehicle and drove in the opposite direction heading out of town while wishing I was with Duncan . I drove for a while as I headed out of town, i have never heard of Glinda’s cottage neither have I been there but last night during our discussion Charlie kind of directed me towards it and told me how to find it and so here I was driving to a location I have never visited before with the obvious realization that at least two people I know of want
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Chapter 122
I watched Glinda’s face as I tried to read her facial expression but she just stared at me smiling “Honey are you going to stare at me all day or you are going to ask me the questions you came here to ask” she said to me breaking the silence and bringing me back from my staring contest that I was losing as she turned and took up her cup of herbal tea and drank from it “Hhm hm” I cleared my throat “Yes sorry” I apologized “I can ask you anything right?” I inquired wanting to know how well versed and knowledgeable she was “Yes anything but I am not promising I would answer all you questions as I have my limits and even if I might know the answers to your question I would not answer any that might have a ripple effect” she responded honestly which was fair “okay!” I said “first do you know if it is possible to have a mate bond for someone and yet the person won’t have one for you?” I asked as I looked at her attentively “Ooh” she coughed as she took her tea cup she was about drinking
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Chapter 123
BEATRICE POV I had no idea what had just happened or how much I could trust Glinda or her readings but so far Glinda has been honest with me, I find it hard to believe that anyone could glimpse someone’s fate but then with what I have seen which happens to be a lot of questionable things that I never thought possible, for one I saw our goddess, Selene herself and she brought me back to from the dead but not just that took me back in time as well so with all these experiences I have had if there is anyone who should have an open mind about the supernatural and its possibility it should be me and so I got into my car and drove south not knowing exactly where I was going. I drove for more than an hour as it took me to the opposite direction, to the outskirts of town and I was beginning to realize how much I did not know about how big this valley. As I drove while looking around trying to see if I would see whatever it is Glinda said I won’t miss it was I then I saw something. There wa
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Chapter 124
Duncan knew what Beatrix true intentions were with Beatrice and so the moment she had tried to get her attention and suggest a private moment with her he knew that he needed to stop it immediately as that confrontation might only cause more harm to both parties than good and he did not want them fighting because of him. Having listen to Beatrix thoughts all morning as she dissected his feelings for Beatrice and Beatrice’s true intentions for him had managed to make him question Beatrice true feelings for him but yet as Beatrice stood before him at this moment he felt like the woman before him would never lie to him, he did not know why but he felt deep down like he could trust her, it was that knobs of feeling her has when he searches for her and knows she is fine even when she is no where around him, almost like a supernatural link with her soul and that feeling tells him her can trust her with his life and as he watched her closely he noticed that her attention was not with him rath
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Chapter 125
BEATRICE POV I was disappointed with how fast the alpha just left just like that when I had thought I would use this was to know everything he was hiding “Did you get anything?” I asked Duncan going closer to sit by his side“Nothing much. When you mentioned may I heard regret and then nothing like he suspected I was reading him” he is an alpha it won’t be strange if he could sense Duncan can read his thoughts and then blocked him I said thinking about it “Why is Bianca scared of you and thinks you will kill her” Royce asked suddenly reminding me of Bianca as I had totally forgotten about her and her pathetic existence “Ooh... that” I said dismissively “it’s nothing” I replied “That did not look like nothing, she genuinely thinks you would kill her” Duncan asked“Maybe Because I am actually going to kill her” I said as a matter of fact not bothering to hide anything from Royce “Heyyy” he scolded me “that’s rude”“Trust me Duncan she deserves it” I said honestly, as if anyone des
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Chapter 126
“What will you do now!?”That was a very good question I did not have answers to yet but I could tell that time was not on my side as a lot of things already has been accelerated “Bianca’s part is simple. I will kill her with my bare hands the end” I said certain about that outcome“Beatrice you are not killing anyone” Duncan countered and I hated this side of him that was always noble and always forgiving “Duncan she almost killed you!” I said reminding him as he probably had forgotten that part “The girl is scared shitless trust me she has learnt her lesson there is no need to hurt her” if not for the fact I own him I would think he and Bianca has a thing “Besides you killing another werewolf unprovoked would earn you sanction and probably imprisonment from the council even if you are an alpha” he reminded me of the law“Oooh trust me this is very provoked” I said stubbornly “Beatrice look at me” he said probably realizing I was getting stubborn and This was the best way to ca
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Chapter 127
A nurse opened the door as Delphine stepped in before the nurse who then stepped out and closed the door behind her once more. I had told Delphine to ask for my room when she showed up and must have and that is why she was escorted here. Delphine walked in and stopped once she saw Duncan and I as we both had sat up but she must have been shocked to see us on the bed next to each other but she quickly composed herself and walked in“I brought everything you asked for”she said to me while lifting up the nylon she held in her hand“Luna are you not well?” She asked trying to understand why I and Duncan was in a hospital and given I ordered the meal and said it was my ward she probably thought I was the one who came in for medical help“That would be me” Duncan said trying to make her aim her questions at him as she was obviously in a state of confusion“What happened to you Duncan?” She asked adopting a sweet and caring voice while walking briskly over to Duncan side of the bed to put h
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Chapter 128
Mark was so engrossed in his thoughts that as Bianca spoke he heard nothing Bianca said and she had to call for him repeatedly before she could get his attention “Are you okay sir? She asked noticing his distraction “Should I get the doctor?” She asked obviously worried “No don’t do that. I am just tired that’s all” he said with a smile on his face trying to convince her all was okay“You know what?” He said suddenly sitting straight on his chair “ let us all call it a day, I am already too stressed and tired and I need to rest. You can go home now and tomorrow you can come back in. That would be all today” he instructed as he dismissed her and she smiled and bowed before she turned and left the room. Since coming back from the hospital Mark have not been able to focus on anything, all the meetings he had attended he was not focused on any of them as everything felt off, he felt off and everything that happened in the hospital kept replaying in his head as he could not shake off the
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Chapter 129
You forget so easily that saved your life, when everyone left you to rot I showed up and mad sure you escaped with me, if not for me you would have remained in the hands of those evil witches and wizards and probably be dead a long time now” he said to her pointing his fingers right to face accusingly “You put me in that situation Mark, you and your friend convinced me to get that orb for you and promised me that with it we would finally be together and dont you dare give me that crap about saving my life you know fully well if your brother had not convinced the council to bring me back that you would have left me there go rot, I am sure the only reason you showed up there was for your precious orb and not because of me” she suddenly attacked and Mark could feel the anger in her and then suddenly as if been switch off she breath in deep before smiling so sweetly once more like she had not just gotten emotional a second ago“Is that why you are doing this to me? Is this what all this
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Chapter 130
  Mark joined Glinda to eat after she was done cooking and for the first time in a very long time he ate everything on his plate and still got more, when he was done he was stuffed and filled in a way no one from his kitchen staff had been able to achieve, for the first time in a while he actually felt content and at peace, he was so at peace he even contemplated doing exactly as Glinda said, that is apologizing and forfeiting the alpha title before he laid down on the couch and dozed off into deep sleep.Glinda watched him sleep and knew if she did not wake him any sooner she might just let him spend the night here and knowing him, he likely would not want that and so she tapped him gently forcing him to wake“Mark, wake up it is getting very late. You need go be on your way” she spoke softly as she woke him up. He yawned and stretched as he rose up. “What time is it?” He asked as he noticed h
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