All Chapters of The Curse Alpha's Son : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
160 Chapters
Chapter 101
**Duncan pov*** I knew what to do next, I should have done that since but I just wanted a medical opinion first l before I take a spiritual turn. I was really hoping the good doctor would have an explanation for what was happing to me but it seems from the look of things this mark on my chest was a spiritual one. I stepped out of the hospital heading towards my official car, Candace noticed and quickly came out to open the back door for me to get in. I spent more than an hour in there and I knew he had questions, I still did not want to tell him the real truth about what was happening to me, he knew how to panic and I did not need that now but I had to give him something because once I tell him we were going to the great papa yehga he most definitely would panic but what do I say!?“How was it sir?” He asked me as I passed him to bend and enter the vehicle, I smiled and looked up at him and then gave him a nod and he took that as a sign that it went well as he smile, closed the do
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Chapter 102
L**Beatrice pov**I really did not know where to start from and tell my story to her, i also had no idea how much she knew about my disappearance and I also noticed that Salome as well had her attention on me and she as well was looking at me expecting a story and so i decided to tell them both what really happened and from the beginning, everything. “You know how my step parents were don’t you!?” I asked the elderly woman rhetorically “they did not care for me and had always threatened to sell me off every chance they get. I personally assumed it was all a bluff my parents always made just to intimidate so I would be more obedient to them but unfortunately I had no idea that it was not a bluff and they In fact had already made plans on when and how to sell me Unknown to me it was the eve to my 17th birthday, the year I finally become an adult wolf and can then be able to sense my mate, my step father suddenly showed up that night and and dragged me with him into his car, prior to
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Chapter 103
The look she gave me was one of admonishment, I could feel the judgment from the look like I was wrong for running with my unborn child and not letting the alpha king, the father of my child aware and I can honestly understand where she is coming from but she would need to hear the whole story to know why I acted that way and understand that I did not act out of selfish reasons. In fact I would have loved if I stayed with Duncan, I love him, that much I know and I also want nothing more than my child to be born with both parents but he was an odd ball, very unpredictable and I had no idea why he can’t just let go of this insane idea to have an heir, if he does then that proves that when I do tell him, he won’t take my child away from me. “Don’t get me wrong, I did not do all that because I hated the alpha king or wanted him to suffer in anyway, contrary to that, I honest care so much about him but Me running away with my child and not letting him know was for my own well being and mo
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Chapter 104
On my way back I could not help but wonder what had happened to my step parents, I was not worried about them earlier because I knew how much they got out of selling me so I concluded that they would have all been financially stable, at least if they did not want me I wanted them to be okay. Now I just heard that not only did they loose the money but also the house. Where were they now!?How were they doing!?These questions kept playing over and over in my mind but I could not answer them and neither could She. “Are you alright Luna!?” Salome asked pulling me out of my thoughts. It must have been obvious that I was so lost in thought before she could have been bold to ask about my well being. “Yes Salome, I am fine just worried that’s all” I said honestly She was driving me back to the pack house and so she turned to face back the road but I could tell that she wanted to ask more questions. M“If you have anything to say then you should say it Salome, I am not one to hold a gru
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Chapter 105
It was already getting dark outside when I was done with Rita and returned back to the pack house. I stepped out of He vehicle and was feeling a little discomfort at my back area because of how pregnant I was and I knew I needed to relax a bit to release the tension before I get invited for dinner by the alpha I headed inside and quickly dismissed Salome to go do whatever she please, I no longer needed her for the day and then walked into my room. The maids must have been inside because the whole place was well arranged and not like I had left it, getting into the dresser I stripped off all my cloths before standing stack naked before the full length mirror, I was at my third trimester and would soon deliver, it was obvious as the baby has been moving a lot recently which was causing me back ache. I have been too busy running around and taking care of pack duty to go for a prenatal checkup which was part of why I needed this vacation but yet here I was in my former pack still worki
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Chapter 106
I came out of the bathroom, dressed and then came out before I heard a light knock “Who is there!?” I asked and a young woman in a maid out fit and apron walked in. “Good evening Luna” She said then gave me a small bow. “Dinner is served and the alpha and his Luna are waiting” Ooh shit. “Okay. Please then then I would be there very shortly” she bowed again and walked out closing the door gently behind her. I looked picked my phone and then looked around before stepping out. The house was more or less the same as I remember it when last I was living here and so finding the dinning was easy. “Good evening Alpha, Evening Luna” I greeted Alpha Derrick and his wife “Evening Luna” they both responded. I sat opposite them and noticed for the first time how beautiful his wife, Selena was, she had a meek disposition about her, looking very gentle that one would be inclined to just feel safe around her but her husband was quite the opposite, Alpha Derrick had a grimace and looked unappr
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Chapter 107
“So what about my step mother and sister” I had always knows that my step father was a lost cause, after driving my mother to depression and eventually death I knew he was hopeless but what about those he left behind!?Those who still had hope if at all they were still alive. “For your step mother she ran away, possibly with another man”typical. She was always that way, a woman that ran away from her duties and when things get out of control or difficult she would be nowhere to be found so I was not particularly surprised and knowing her she might have actually disappeared before that excuse for a step father committed suicide, it might even be what drove him to it but none of that matters because I now knew that where ever Melly was she would be in dire need of help. “And my sister!?” “She was sold to the night establishment to make up for all the debts incurred by her father’s debt.” Selena said Ironic. I still remember that night when I was sold, I distinctly remember my ste
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Chapter 108
“So how was your day!?”she said starting the conversation in a polite manner and I realized that it was the first time anyone was asking me that. It felt nice “Stressful” I said honestly thinking back to joe the day went, the dream, the pain, the scar and the doctors. Indeed it was stressful but I guess it all turned out well in the end. “I can hear it in your voice. Are you okay?! Should we talk later so you maybe could rest!?” I smiled. At first I was the one who suggested we talk later now she was doing it.It felt like a cute dance.She cares and I knew that. “It’s all fine. Let’s talk first, I am feeling better now and would love to hear you voice before I sleep.” I could feel her smile. “So how is it there?! Is the settlement as you last remembered it or us Derrick sold everything and everyone.!?” She noticed my joke and burst into laughter, I really loved hearing her laugh so honestly. “You have a beautiful laugh” I said in earnest and she paused. I knew she was blushing
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Chapter 109
I felt my chest slowly radiate heat making me slowly turn, the heat was not enough to burn but enough to make me uncomfortable. I carried my hand to my chest trying to massage the spot in my sleep and the moment I touch it, it burnt my hand making me sit up out of pain. I looked and realized that I was no longer in my room, my bedpost was outside in a large forest. I just knew that It had to be a dream just like last time but having a dream twice in a row could not be a good sign. I shut my eyes hoping that when next I open up I might find myself in my room but after slowly opening my eyes I realized I had not gone anywhere. I was still in the forest. I slowly stood up, placing my bare feet on the soli beneath me and it felt so real. The cold ground to the base of my feet. I bent down slowly to pick the dirt and it was so real, one would thinkI was actually outside with my bedpost but it had to be a dream because there was no way I would get kidnapped with my bed post and not re
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Chapter 110
The sun began to peek through the curtains as the world outside stirred with the promise of a new day. In a her cozy bed in the alphas mansion, Beatrice slowly opened her eyes, she say up and looked down at her stomach watching with awe as she usually do every morning almost like a ritual. The idea that a life was growing inside of her was amazing and always filled her with awe and amazement. She could not help but feel her son would only make her life even more exciting and worth while and suddenly a wave of excitement started coursing through her veins. She gently stroked her tummy and as if in response the child inside her gently nudged making her feel warm and fuzzy inside. Beatrice just knew that today was going to be an extraordinary day, filled with adventure and new discoveries and possible she would finally meet with her step sister again, hopefully she would find Melly and they would finally put their beef to rest and finally have a relationship they shout have had Wit
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