All Chapters of The Curse Alpha's Son : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
160 Chapters
Chapter 81
I undressed as I slowly and reluctantly dragged myself into the bath room. Making my way inside, I slide shut the glass door and got under the shower as the warm water cascaded down on me my skin bathing me with its soothing trickle and temperature. I leaned into the glass wall that surrounded my shower and sighed, closing my eyes for a moment I wished things were not as complicated as they were between Beatrice and I, I had an alpha somewhere possibly angry at me and this was my last year alive yet all I could think about was her and how she was. It was odd. I lifted my face so the water from the shower head made its way to my face, i sigh again. I finally opened my eyes deciding to just let Beatrice be for the main time, it is obvious last night had more of an effect on her than it did on me. I had no one to answer to or feel guilty about but the same cannot be said about her. I soaped myself as I made sure to properly wash myself and with it the last evidence of what she an
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Chapter 82
I smiled at her and that seemed to even make things worse because her face grew even more shocked as she took a step back from meWhy was everyone so afraid of me?Before I would have loved such power but these days it made me feel as if I was a bad leader or some kind of street bully. "you did not do anything wrong" I said trying to reassure her and let her know she had no reason to be afraid "Errm okay sir!" She said in a stammer, I realized bi matter what I said she would still be apprehensive of me. "you can also clean my room as well, I will be stepping out of it for a bit" I said as I stepped out of Beatrice room and shutting the door gently behind me, she gave me a polite bow as I walked away heading downstairs. I could not blame her, every of my staff knows how cranky I have been, the know how I have treated those who disappoint me and the women who have failed to bore me a child, anyone living and working in this mansion had every right to be afraid of me and telling them
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Chapter 83
I shook myself out of my musings and finished the meal before me, taking a glass of water to wash it down, I stood up and left heading into the sitting room, I really needed to know where Beatrice was and decided on calling Candace to know if she was there with him and his sister and If she wasn't then maybe he could ask his sister for me where she was. Tania and Beatrice are close, she would most definitely know where Beatrice is if she isn't with them right now. .I dialed Candace number and waited, there was no need to use our mind link since I would also want him to ask Tania where Beatrice is if he does not know. The phone rang for about three rings untilCandace answered. "Hello?! Sir!?" he sounded shocked, probably wondering why I am calling his line instead to establishing a direct link to his mindI hesitated wondering how to start the conversation "Are you there sir!?""yes!" I finally said hesitantly "Is Luna red here with you and Tania?" I just wanted to get straight
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Chapter 84
I picked up my phone to dial the number and in that instant I immediately felt a familiar piercing pain course through my veins. It was familiar because it was exactly the kind of pain I felt last night after my birthday party, just like yesterday it came out of nowhere. The pain surged through my body like an electricity shock and I let out a gasp as I gripped my mobile device trying to clinch my first due to the blinding painI collapsed back into the cushion not even bothering to pick up my phone, letting my head fall backward, taking in some deep breaths in quick successionsIt hurts so much, paralyzing me, making me numb It’s like being struck by lightningMy eyes closed tightly, tears leaking out from between them and trailing down my cheeks. The agony was excruciating. I could feel my whole body trembling violently The phone in my hand dropped to the floor and it was the least of my problems. I leaned back into the cushion not even bothering to pick up my phone, letting my
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Chapter 85
After a few minutes of running I stopped and wiped the perspiration from my face, my chest heaved heavily and I breathed heavily.That was not my normal running form, I normally run at a quick pace, sometimes faster than walking. As I turned the corner I saw the huge field surrounded by woods and mountains. As much as I enjoyed running around in the forest and watching the sun rise and set but for some reason watching the sunset now made me feel very sad and depressed , even though I had seen it many times before and I loved it but today it reminded me of the end of an era, everything did. The sun slowly disappeared into the horizon while I stood there, lost in thoughts about my life and future. There were no lights or noises other than the night birds and crickets singing and insects buzzing around. I felt lonely standing there. I didn't have anyone to talk to, someone who would understand me, know what I am really passing through and support me and despite all these I am mentally g
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Chapter 86
I thought that it would be more likely, but I never thought of anything like this...I could never even imagine myself being so far away from her! This was just unacceptable! But then again when was anything ever what I had planned? she is an alpha. I know this. She is strong and capable, she was no longer under me and I could not dictate what she can do and cannot...and if there was anyone who deserved such freedom then it is her. Not me or anyone else, she deserves to live out her life happily and without the constant fear and if that means staying away from me for her mental sanity then I could understand it"I am fine, I just choked" I said in a croaked voice as I managed to get a hold of myself, this was the first for me, choking on thin air I cleared my throat properly so I could speak well "you did not know did you!?" he asked in a sad tone. I knew what he meant but I did not want to make it easy on him, the fact she left me was slowly getting to me and he asking me such que
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Chapter 87
I swallowed dryly feeling guilty, this was my fault, I know. If only I had kept my hands to myself last night this awkwardness would not be there between us this moment "why else would I call? Imagine waking up and not knowing where you were?" I replied trying not to sound defensive"well I'm here, you found me, now what!?" she snapped, she obviously was pissed, why else would she answer me that way? "but... Luna.... you left without even a word, how was I suppose to know!?" I asked desperately, I knew she needed space but she should at least have told me where she was going. she snorted derisively and I couldn't tell if it was in response to my words or her own inner thoughts "you're telling me that!?" she stated simply, she sounded so unaffected by hurt my heart more than she might ever know"Last night when you left the party and went AWOL did you tell me before leaving!? You have me wait up for you"Was this what all this was about!?I assumed we were fighting
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Chapter 88
“I hope you don’t mind, I have with me the maid who was assigned to me by you. I hope you do not mind that I took her with me” Of cause I did not mind, if anything it was good, that means she will definitely be back, if not for anything then to bring her back“It’s fine, I hope alpha Derrick and his wife are taking good care if you!?” “Ooh yes, they are both perfect hosts” she said with a smile and I smiled in return “That’s good to hear”“How are you!?” She suddenly asked and it caught me off guard, I did not expect her to be concerned about my well being. I assumed she did not care about my well being but why would she? but I guess I was wrong, it seems she still cares but is just trying to understand where we both stand and our relationship t eachother “I am doing alright, as usual”“Good” she said and then there was an awkward silence then ensured, I was about to talk and ake it less awkward moment but she beat me to it. "it was nice hearing from you alpha, please take car
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Chapter 89
But maybe it was something different that he felt for me, maybe he just thought of me the way he would think of any other woman, as his mate or perhaps just as a fellow Alpha who needs help and support, but I doubted it.No, he has feelings for me, I knew it, how else would one explain the insane attraction between us and then it hit me. Maybe it's lust, that is it!. That would really explain a lot, why he went to get a woman that looks just like me and renamed her to a name similar as mine, why he just can't seem to keep his hands off me, and why he finds me extremely attractive even now that I am heavily pregnant.It's just lust. Thats not love. you can't replace a person if you love them, it makes no sense to say you love someone and then replace them with a look alike after they leave. he just sees me as a woman he loves to fuck nothing more. If that is the case,then I need to get over this infatuation I have over him and fast before it's too late. I don’t know whether
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Chapter 90
The pain I feel, every time I look at him, it burns and I hate myself for letting him affect me as much as he does knowing that our relationship will never be.So many things have gone wrong for us, from bad decisions to misunderstandings to disagreements to fights. We were happy once before we got into all those fights and I hate fighting, we have done it all and it is unhealthy , our past is unhealthy what we do with it is unhealthy - there is so much unresolved tension between the two of us that I don’t know if he knows how he makes me hurt and as if we do not have enough problems already I still feel like he is hiding something from me, something big and important that I need to know about, he might say it is because it is his birthday and with it came a wierd morbid clarity or even a mid life crisis but I know Duncan, I have lived with him and studied him and I know whatever is happening to him was something more, something troubling but yet he has not said anything, maybe it's
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