All Chapters of The Curse Alpha's Son : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
160 Chapters
Chapter 61
I let him go to bed before I called for Salome, I gave her instructions she should carry to the kitchen staff, telling them what to do in preparation for his birthday which would be tomorrow. Knowing Duncan has never celebrated his birthday before and tomorrow would be the first i he would celebrate, I needed tomorrow which would be his birthday to be the best birthday he have ever had. It was not the kind of thing people can ignore or forget. This is why I made sure Salome knew it all and then went to my room to get ready for bed. The next morning I woke up early, his room was just next to mine and so I knock lightly to see if he was awake but I knew he wasnt and so I slowly opened the door and walked in, after I closed it gently after me so I won't wake him, i looked at him as he laid there still asleep, he was half naked as the blanket he used in covering himself just stopped at his waist leaving his upper body very exposed and naked and though the morning light have not yet flo
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Chapter 62
My legs trembled violently as the tremors washed over, for a mini orgasm it felt pretty Intense, I leaned on the wall ask slowly dragged myself down towards the floor, with how much sensation I was going through I could no longer stand. The man was not even around and he still managed to give me an orgasm. "fuck" I repeated in disbelief once again, now I was definitely blushing like a crazy person, it's very surprising what he did to me, after I left and ran away, I never thought it was possible for me to have such strong sexual feelings anymore not to even talk about an orgasm but I was clearly wrong. I sat there mesmerized while feeling my heart pounding inside my chest as if it was trying to escape, I had to calm myself down before I do something stupid, before I turn back and head inside, I knew if I ever did that, I would not have the resolve I had before, I would totally submit to him. I needed to be strong. After a few minutes, I finally collected my thoughts, I stood up an
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Chapter 63
  **Duncan pov** I had no idea what came over me, the moment she came to sit down beside me and once her palm caressed my face I instantly felt drawn to her touch and lost all self control, I knew she felt the attraction as well, she cannot say say that she did not, it was very obvious she did.  I laid back on my bed once more as the memory of what just happened between us replayed back in my mind, the way we kissed, how she navigated and got on top of me, for a woman who is pregnant she was quite agile even in her pregnancy, damm! it was so hot, she was so hot the perfect way her stomach curved, how radient she looked and how enormous her boobs have become because of her hormones, all these contributed to make an image of a goddess in my mind. As the sexy image of her consumed me and with it did also an insane sexual desire wash over me.  I felt so very horny just
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Chapter 64
She looked at me and I looked at her with equal intensity, it was as if we had begun a staring contest without knowing how it all started but now it had started we were both aware and no one wanted to back oShe looked very beautiful and smelled even better, I wondered how one person could just exuded such sexualit“You smell good!” I said not knowing why I just said it, I was just thinking of it but somehow my lips blunted the sentence ou she blushed furiously to my compliment, her cheek flustered as I missed making her face do that, she took a step forward, it was a very small step but it was obvious, she knew what she had just done and so did Ishe had officially declared She wanted me without having said the phraThe air was electrifying, we both stared into each other and I knew she had made her move, the ball was now in my court, it was left to me to decide the trajectory of this game. There were many different paths for us to go down but one of them would be a road less travel
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Chapter 65
"Alpha?" I suddenly heard Candace voice pierce in my mind and with its intensity he sounded quite close to me, I have not heard from him for a while now and I was beginning to get worried that maybe something bad had happened. He left in a hurry the day after he came back with Luna knowing fully well I would disprove of his journey using the old technique of ; “its better to ask for forgiveness than permission” and since then I have wondered how he was doing and so it was nice to know he was okay. "Candace?" I asked in shock"yes alpha, it's me" "where are you now?" I demanded "I just got back now, I am just entering the house." that was good, he came just in time"great timing breakfast is about to be served, come to the dining hall we will meet there" I commanded him and cut our connection.I looked up and noticed neither falcon or Beatrice followed behind me, they must be having a discussion of some sort probably on what just happened between her and I. I know I loved and miss
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Chapter 66
It was true, it was pointless taking such into account especially since it had to do with the affairs of war, if they take that into account and happen to be wrong the repercussions might be severe so would the loss of lives, and they may be right and the information is fake but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be investigated- , they will find the truth eventually anyway"- Yes beta, please inform Alaric that the situation has escalated beyond the current borders and the people are starting to lose their minds."- [ ] "okay Alpha, but you also need to consider the fact that the news could be exaggerated to further your enemies plan. After all the people do believe what they read in the papers or hear from people on the streets. It's the nature of our kind."- [ ] and just like that we are back to square one, with no way to confirm or deny anything and nothing is really certain and everything is just speculation...I sighed heavily and closed my eyesI opened them once again to look at
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Chapter 67
 “he corrects you huh?" I asked sarcastically and she laughed at to that “Mmhmm!” She said with a chuckle  "so is that what he was doing to you when he found you in my arms this morning?" that provoked even a louder laugh from her "you noticed that did you?" she asked still laughing and I nodded with a smile  "well like I said, he doesn't trust you and can you blame him?" "but I am a nice guy" I joked and she punched me jokingly in the arm ."no you're not!" she said while smiling at me"I thought we had established this already" I teased and she shook her head laughing again. “So Candace doesn’t correct you!?” She asked smiling  “I think he fears me more!” “And you say you are nice.” She attacked back and it was
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Chapter 68
   “Yes we should” i said in a sad tone not knowing she heard it only to walk back to me with a determined look and stand right in front of me   “You have been awfully sad since I took you out please don’t tell me it is still about the fact I told no one about your birthday, you specifically said you wanted something small so why still dwell on that!” She looked sad but she was wrong at least about this one because what she though was my problem was not it at all.    “I have totally forgotten that honestly I have !” I said meaning it, I had got ally forgotten that  “Then what’s making you moody today or I did not make your day as I promised?, is that it?”  I smiled at her, she really knows how to worry when she cares, I still won
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Chapter 69
 When did she even send the invitations in because even alpha Derrick, the alpha to her former pack was here and so were other high officials It was indeed a full house and everyone looked very happy and entertained.  everyone clapped as everyone cheered me happy birthday and it was really nice.  The first and definitely the best.  Everyone seemed happy that I was home and I didn’t miss that.  I was happy that I was able to spend my birthday with my family and friends. I was happy that I was able to spend it with Beatrice.As I walked towards the cake, the crowd moved aside to let me pass. When I reached it I lifted the lid off and saw my favorite chocolate cake decorated with little red rose petals and candles. Beatrice really knew me and she pulled all the stops  There was also one more flower
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Chapter 70
 I know I should have known better, I know she must hate me and I should be happy that she doesn't love me and ran away from me when she did.  She’s a good girl and deserves better.I should have known better, done better but instead my quest to want a child was so great I managed to chase her away and with her my happiness, avatar she left I was cast into darkness unlike what I have ever felt, it captivated my soul and even defected my ways.  I'm a bastard I've done so many terrible things to her when she was living with me, I never really protected her even when I knew she was being maltreated by my staff, i did not care when she would cook for me and I would ignore her food and laugh to humiliate her. I was a terrible mate back then and it was until years later that I began to feel compassion for her but even then I was not always home as i looked for alternatives to my curse and in so doing left her alone and
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