All Chapters of Lean On Me: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
75 Chapters
Alex sighed and massaged his forehead. "I'm sorry, Luna if I said what I ought not to have said. I think my words may have come out wrongly. Let's just forget about it, okay? As for backing out of this, that is not going to happen. You've already signed the contract, so let's go."Luna, who had become all worked up, sighed, "Alright, fine. Let's just get it over with." They went to the marriage court and got married. After signing the document, Alex took it, and they left. "So, are we going to get your stuff right away?" he asked when they were inside the car. Luna shook her head, "No, I cannot do that." "Why not?" he asked. "Well, my daughter. How can I move into your house when she is still at the hospital? I need to spend more time with her, and when she gets discharged, I don't know how I'm going to do it." "It's fine. Where are you going off to for now?" "Just drop me at the hospital. I didn't get the chance to see her this morning because she was still asleep when I left l
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Alex and Luna reentered Claire's hospital room and sat in the same place they both sat earlier. Claire immediately expressed her joy at seeing Alex, and asked, "Where have you been Daddy? I've missed you a lot" Alex glanced at Luna, and back at Claire and Luna quickly said, "Honey, actually, Alex is not..."Without letting her finish, Alex interrupted Luna and said, "I'm so sorry, darling. Please forgive me. Now that I'm here, I won't leave you again, I promise. I will take you to my house and buy you whatever you want, once you are discharged, okay?"Claire reached out her small hand to hold Alex's hand, seeking reassurance that he wouldn't leave her. He held her hand and kissed her forehead. Luna's eyes welled up with tears as she observed the scene. She couldn't bear it any longer and walked out of the room."I'll be right back," Alex said to Claire and went out to meet Luna.Once he was outside, Luna snapped at Alex, "What the hell is wrong with you? I asked you not to lie to m
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Alex led Luna out of the house to where his car was parked. He opened the door and let her in. Afterward, he drove to his grandfather's house where the dinner party was meant to take place.As he drove into the compound and they got out of the car, Luna looked around and thought to herself, "Wow, this looks like a palace." Suddenly, she began to feel self-conscious, as though she didn't belong there."Let's go in," Alex said. Just before she could take another step, Luna heard another car pull in. She looked to her right and saw Alex's sister, Miriam stepping out. Luna turned her face away and wanted to continue, but she wondered inwardly, "What is she doing here?"Alex's sister was also wondering the same thing. Unable to keep it to herself, she walked up to them and asked, "Alex, what is she doing here in our family gathering? This dinner is meant for family."Alex replied, "Greet her properly because she's your sister-in-law, and she's older than you by a year.""What?" she stare
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Luna pulled her body away from Alex's hold the moment his grandfather left. She looked at his face as she struggled to breathe, "Why did you do that?" Alex did not answer her question, rather he said, "My grandfather has left now, didn't you say you wanted to use the restroom? Go on, I'll wait right here for you." She glared at him before turning to walk away.As she entered the restroom, she leaned her back against the wall and touched her lips, "No, this wasn't part of what I signed up for. The last thing I need is to let any man stir my emotions. No, I am not going to let this happen. Once bitten, twice shy."Alex remained outside waiting for Luna. She took her sweet time, but eventually, she came out. He sighed in relief, "I almost came into the restroom to get you because I was wondering what you were doing in there.""Well, I'm done, so let's go," she said curtly."Alright." He intertwined their fingers together and led her back to the table where they were sitting earlier.
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After leaving Alex's house, Luna finally returned to the hospital. Her mind was in chaos as she tried to process everything that had happened. Just as Alex had said, things had spiraled out of control, and now she didn't even know what to do anymore. She couldn't back down at this point, but she also couldn't see herself going through with a wedding. What sort of torture was it going to be? When she had married Cyrus so many years ago, she had been so excited and thought her life was going to turn out perfect. But she was happy on her wedding day because she was in love with Cyrus.However, that was not the case with Alex. Yes, everything was an act, but going to that extent—would she be able to put up with it? All the drama, all the formalities that came with having a wedding—she had thought she would just secretly sign the marriage document, do her part, help Alex get his inheritance, and walk away. But now, things were turning out differently, not the way she had hoped.When she
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Alex came out of his car, folded his arms, and stared at Cyrus, "Who let you into this premises?""That doesn't matter," Cyrus replied. "It is important for us to talk."Alex looked at him condescendingly. He knew very well who Cyrus was, but he wasn't willing to indulge him. "A lowlife like you has nothing to say to someone like me. I have no interest in whatever it is."After speaking, Alex opened the door of his car, and was just about to get in when Cyrus said, "How about my daughter? If I open my mouth to speak, everyone will know about my relationship with Claire. I'm sure you do not want that to stain the perfect image you've created in front of the world."Alex squinted his eyes, "Are you threatening me?""Of course not. How can I dare threaten the great Alex Cooper?" Cyrus asked in a mocking tone. "I'm just saying that you should pay me some money, and I will keep my mouth shut. I have no interest in Luna, and neither do I even want Claire. But if you do not pay, my mouth wi
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Alex kept staring at Luna, waiting for her to explain why she was crying. When she wiped her eyes, she said, "Don't mind me, Alex. Just seeing you with Claire made me emotional. You know, from when she began to speak and started going to school, Claire would ask me about her father. Then I would wish Cyrus would just show up in her life, even if it was briefly, just so she could get what she wanted. But it never happened. Even though you're not really her father, seeing you in there with her and seeing her so happy just made me really emotional.""I'm sorry," Alex said."No, no, you don't have to apologize.""I'm not apologizing. I'm trying to say that I'm sorry about everything that you've been through. You're a strong woman, Luna. Despite all that you've faced, you pulled through. Do not worry, I will take care of both you and Claire, okay?"Luna laughed, "Come on, Alex. We both appreciate what you're doing, especially me. In fact, when I came into your house in the beginning, I m
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Alex Cooper drove Luna back to the hospital. On their way, she kept silent, thinking about the things Miriam had said. Eventually, she couldn't take it anymore and said, "Leftover, really?""I'm sorry," Alex replied, "don't take Miriam's words to heart. Everyone knows she's a pain in the ass.""No, there's no need for you to apologize," Luna said. "I know it's not your fault. I know she's overbearing. It's just funny that of all things, she referred to me as a leftover.""Just forget about it," Alex said. "Go be with our daughter, and umm, tomorrow morning, I'll pick you up.""Our daughter? I guess it sounds strange since it's the first time I'm hearing that when it concerns Claire.""Really? You mean her father never.......Sorry, I forgot that he's a douchebag."Luna smiled, "He sure is. Thank you very much. I don't know what is going to happen from here on and to be very honest, I am worried. I don't want to be but the things your sister said, they are going to get out to the medi
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After hearing Luna's words, Alex turned to stare at her and asked, "What? Do you know him?""Take a guess," she replied.He stared at the man in front of them for a while and said, "He does seem like someone I've seen before, but I can't recall where. Perhaps he's not important enough.""Trust me, you're not wrong," Luna replied. "I don't get why he's at your gate.""Yeah, I would have driven in and ignored him, but since you seem to know him, I will just wait to see what happens.""Really? Are you sure you don't want me to tell you who he is right away?""I want you to tell me, so I'm waiting for you to do that," Alex replied."That is the awesome father of the year. Both he and Cyrus are at the top of the list of the most horrible fathers in the world. I'm sure they're vying for the position.""Are you kidding me? That is your father? The one who turned his back on you after your mom's death?"Luna nodded. "Yes, he's the one. Let me guess why he's here. He has heard that I am marrie
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Miriam stayed in her house, thinking about what to do about the situation involving Alex and Luna. At that moment, she received a call from her grandfather. She picked up the call and was surprised when he told her that he had just done a DNA test and confirmed that the little girl was his great-granddaughter."That is impossible," Miriam said, standing up. "Grandfather, are you sure there were no mistakes in the result?""Shut up! What do you know?" her grandfather asked. "Those are my doctors. They've worked for our family for years, and you're questioning them just because you want to satisfy your evil schemes.""Grandfather, why are you speaking to me like this? Is it because of that Luna?" Miriam asked. "I don't want to lose my temper, okay? I've found my great-granddaughter, and I'm very happy. I want you to be happy for your brother as well. Finally, his family is complete. I always wondered why I never saw him with any girl. Doesn't it all make sense to you now?"Miriam real
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