All Chapters of Beautiful Scheme for Her Survival: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
130 Chapters
91. Telling the Truth
Virginia wiped the sweat from her brow as she continued working alongside Rosa. With determination in her eyes, she shared her plan to fight back against the local thugs and bring justice to the village. But instead of immediate agreement, Rosa wore a skeptical expression, her voice filled with doubt.‌"Virginia, I understand your frustration, but we must consider the consequences," Rosa cautioned. "These thugs are not to be taken lightly. They have power and influence, and we, as ordinary people, might only face more harm if we oppose them directly."‌Virginia paused, taking in Rosa's words. She understood the validity of Rosa's concerns. After all, they were just simple villagers without any influential connections or resources. But her resolve remained unshaken, and she spoke with unwavering conviction.‌"I know it won't be easy, Rosa," Virginia replied, her voice filled with determination. "But if we continue to live in fear, we will always be at their mercy. We deserve better,
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92. Disguise and Infiltration
The next morning, Virginia approached Rosa with a determined expression on her face. "Rosa, I need you to cut my hair short," she requested, surprising the older woman. Rosa's eyes widened in disbelief, but as she met Virginia's resolute gaze, she understood that this was something Virginia had thought through.‌Reluctantly, Rosa nodded. "If this is what you truly want, Virginia, then I will do it for you." She fetched a pair of scissors and began to carefully trim Virginia's long locks, transforming them into a short and practical hairstyle.‌As Virginia's hair fell to the ground, she felt a sense of liberation, as if shedding her old identity and embracing a new one. She knew that this transformation was necessary for her plan to succeed.‌Next, Virginia turned to Sofia, who was eager to help. "Sofia, I need your expertise with makeup. Can you assist me in creating a disguise?"‌Sofia's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Of course, Virginia! I love experimenting with makeup. We'll
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93. After She Dissapeared
During her days as a disguised maid, Virginia maintained a safe distance from the family members, especially Lusiana, Vincent, Miller, Cedric, and Michelle. It was crucial for her to avoid any suspicion and protect her cover. She knew that getting too close to them could jeopardize her mission.‌However, whenever the opportunity arose, Virginia would strategically position herself nearby, pretending to clean or tidy up the surroundings. This allowed her to eavesdrop on their conversations and observe their activities. From a seemingly innocuous distance, she could catch snippets of their discussions, gaining valuable insights into their plans and intentions.‌As Virginia dusted the shelves near Lusiana's study, she strained her ears to listen for any hints of her sister-in-law's ulterior motives. She discreetly watched Vincent and Miller from the corner of her eye, taking note of their subtle gestures and exchanges, trying to decipher the depths of their involvement in the family af
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94. Bitter Truth
After the grandiose party came to an end, the head maid sought out Virginia's assistance in cleaning up the aftermath. Virginia, pretending to be a diligent maid, nodded and followed the head maid back inside the mansion. However, as they approached the cleaning area, Virginia's eyes caught sight of Lusiana, Miller, and Vincent making their way to the balcony. Curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist the urge to eavesdrop on their conversation.‌"Virginia, could you please help gather the empty glasses and plates from the dining hall?" the head maid asked, her tone slightly exhausted.‌"Yes, of course," Virginia replied, feigning politeness. She quickly gathered the necessary cleaning supplies and began her task, but her mind was elsewhere. The intrigue on the balcony was calling to her, and she knew she had to seize the opportunity.‌As she worked swiftly, Virginia seized a moment to discreetly slip her smartphone from her pocket. With the camera ready, she silentl
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95. Undependable
Virginia cautiously made her way through the dimly lit streets, her steps swift yet silent. Her destination was the hospital where Gerald, her ailing husband, was receiving medical treatment. The night air was cool against her skin, matching the cool determination in her heart.‌As she approached the hospital entrance, Virginia couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and anxiety. She knew that inside those walls lay the answers she sought, the truth she yearned to uncover. With each step closer, her determination grew stronger.‌Upon entering the hospital, Virginia discreetly navigated the corridors, keeping a watchful eye for any signs of suspicion. She knew that she needed to be careful, for her presence in the hospital could raise questions and jeopardize her mission.‌Finally, she reached the floor where Gerald's room was located. The familiar sight of the hospital staff bustling about, attending to patients, greeted her. She blended into the background, ensuring she would
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96. The Big Plan
Virginia gathered the village youths around the mansion, utilizing the cover of various chores and tasks to meet discreetly. They would pretend to be working on something, skillfully weaving their way through the mansion's grounds without drawing suspicion.‌In a secluded corner of the lush garden, hidden by the overgrown bushes and foliage, Virginia gathered the group for a meeting. "Alright, everyone, this spot is safe for now," she whispered. "We'll use this as our meeting place when we need to strategize. Remember, we have to act casual and blend in with the other workers."‌Arnold nodded eagerly, "Got it, Virginia. We'll keep an eye out for anyone approaching while we discuss our plans."‌"Exactly," Virginia replied. "We have to be quick and efficient with our discussions. The less time we spend together, the better."‌They continued to plan, exchanging information and ideas in a covert manner. They knew that any slip-up could endanger their mission and put all their lives at
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97. Collected Informations
One evening, Arnold approached Virginia with an air of urgency. His eyes darted around cautiously before he spoke, ensuring that no one was eavesdropping on their conversation.‌"Virginia, I have something important to report," Arnold said in a hushed tone. "I followed Vincent again today, and he was meeting with another capo from the west. They were discussing some kind of takeover involving a pharmacy company."‌Virginia's eyes narrowed as she absorbed the information. "A pharmacy company takeover? That sounds like a significant move within the organization. We need to find out more about this and what it means for us," she replied thoughtfully.‌"I'll keep tailing Vincent and gather as much information as I can," Arnold promised, determination shining in his eyes. "We can't let them make any moves without us knowing their intentions."‌Just then, Bernard joined the conversation, looking equally eager to share his findings. "I've been keeping an eye on Miller as you asked, Virgi
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98. Plan Execution
Arnold approached Virginia with a sense of urgency in his eyes. "Virginia, I've just received some crucial information," he said in a hushed tone.‌Virginia turned to face him, her heart racing with anticipation. "What did you find out?" she asked, trying to contain her excitement.‌"I managed to infiltrate Vincent's inner circle, and I overheard him talking about a big shipment coming in next week," Arnold revealed, trying to keep his voice steady. "It sounds like it's going to be a massive drug deal."‌Virginia's mind immediately started working, connecting the dots. "If we can gather enough evidence of this shipment and its illegal nature, we can use it against Vincent," she said, her mind already formulating a plan. "We'll expose his drug dealings to the family and the other capos. It will sow the discord we need."‌Arnold nodded in agreement. "Exactly. But we have to be careful. Vincent is no fool, and he won't take kindly to anyone threatening his position. We need to be one
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99. Hatred
Carlos, wearing his clever disguise as a horse feed deliveryman, entered the horse stable where Donatello was busy tending to the horses. Donatello glanced up, a mix of curiosity and caution evident in his eyes. After all, he had learned to be wary of strangers in the mansion.‌"Hey there, partner! I got a special delivery for these majestic creatures," Carlos announced with an exaggerated cowboy accent, trying to break the ice.‌Donatello raised an eyebrow, finding Carlos's antics a bit amusing. "A special delivery, huh? You're not like the usual delivery guys."‌Carlos chuckled, "Nah, I ain't your ordinary deliveryman. I'm the one with some stories to tell and secrets to share."‌Intrigued, Donatello approached cautiously. "What do you mean?"‌Carlos leaned in, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial tone. "I've got something here that you might wanna see, young man. But first, can you promise me you won't go run
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100. Crissis in the Kitchen
Virginia was focusing on her job as a maid. She was getting used to work like a real maid in the mansion. She knew well when to wake up, prepare the dishes, cleaning the rooms and any other activities. When she was a lady in that mansion, she used to see how Susan and the other maids did their jobs. She has mastered almost everything about the chores. She believed that no one would ever find out about her real disguise.However, today she woke up a bit late. It might be because she has been over thinking about many things lately. Even though she believed that her plan was going smoothly, she was still anxious about some sort of things. First, of course she was concerned about her husband. He has not wake up until now. Harold was also getting tired for always staying by his master’s side but he got a very strong will. Secondly, it was about Cedric. Virginia believed that Lusiana and the other would not let Cedric to take over the main jobs. It made every thing hard if there were some i
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