Semua Bab Beautiful Scheme for Her Survival: Bab 101 - Bab 110
130 Bab
101. Almost Chaught
Some hours have passed. Michelle’s friends paid a visit to the mansion. All of Michelle’s friends were all girls and they were coming from various mafia clan. The purpose of Michelle inviting them to have meal in the mansion was to help her brother get his mood back. Soon after Cedric knew about Virginia’s death news, he has been sulking and was looking really down. He sometimes closed himself inside of his room. As a good sister, Michelle wanted to cheer him up. She hoped that some of her friends would manage to touch Cedric’s heart. So that he could forget about Virginia and move on. However, Cedric was still persistent with his strong feeling toward Virginia. It would not be easy to forget about her. Just right after he was having a great time with Virginia, he got a news that she got in a car accident and went missing in the ocean. The cops could only find Susan and the driver’s bodies deep in the sea. Hoping that Virginia would still be alive was q
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102. First Plan
Carlos was assigned to investigate the boy working for Miller’s family. That boy was the son of the driver who performed the intentional car accident to kill Virginia. Upon the boy’s meeting with Carlos, he was told about the truth regarding his father’s death. Using a recording from Virginia, Carlos showed it to the boy and he was too shocked to know about that news. The boy, Donatello promised that he would help Carlos to take the revenge to Miller, Lusiana, and Vincent.‌Lately there was a fishy actions done by Miller in his domain. Donatello was eavesdropping Miller while he was taking care of the horses. He reported to Carlos that Miller was working together with his cousin at that time. Donatello also said that they were going for an auction or something if he did not misheard.‌Carlos found it interesting and he asked Donatello to sneak inside the house when no one was around to search for the documents related with that auction. Later on, Donatello finally got some of the do
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103. Beautiful Scheme
Next, Virginia met up with Arnold. Arnold got a report regarding something interesting related to Vincent’s business.Arnold’s mission was to investigate on Vincent’s works. At first, Arnold found it hard to search for the documents that would become a great weapon for Virginia. In addition, Vincent was a man with great awareness from his surroundings. When Arnold was trying to infiltrate Vincent’s private room in the mansion, he was almost found out by Vincent. It was so lucky that during that time, Bernard was there to back him up by making a distraction. On the next try when Vincent was not at the mansion and everyone was busy, Arnold could break through his way by unlocking Vincent’s room door. From the outside of the room, Bernard was also around there to make sure no one took suspicion on Arnold. Arnold quickly searched for the some documents and found out something interesting. Soon, he took a photo of all the interesting documents and he would show it to Virginia.After Arnold
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104. Chaos in Auction
The day of the auction has finally came. Miller with his cousin were the ones leading the event. The auction took place in a remote hidden area where common people could not find it easily. The location was still inside Gerald’s mafia clan territory. Lots of rich people were gathering around together there. They were going to compete against each other to obtain some high quality items for collection.Miller usually hosted the auction by himself when Gerald was still healthy. The income from having this auction was very thriving and it could fill up the mafia cash in instant. However, this auction was a rare occasion. Unless there were lots of valuable ready to be offered, the auction would not be performed.But this time, Miller decided to work together with his cousin. Miller found out that his cousin has been getting lots of treasures lately but the cousin did not know how to make money with that. Miller suggested that his cousin should sell those valuable items via the auction bec
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105. Panic
In the mansion. Lusiana was busy working on the piles of documents. She has been spending most of the time taking care of them from morning until night time. She has given her husband authority for the auction he was having right now. Lusiana hoped that the auction would go well without having problems. Whereas, Lusiana was working her best in the mansion.There was times Michelle wanted to invite her aunt to have a little refreshing. Michelle thought that Lusiana has been working non stop and she was worried about her aunt’s condition. Soon after Lusiana was promoted, she tended to give gifts to Michelle as a reward for her good job to make Lusiana’s evil plan worked pretty well. Michelle has taken more trust and liking to her aunt. She needed to give her support for the goodness for her aunt.However, lately Lusiana was too focused and she declined lots of Michelle’s request to have fun together. Lusiana patted and she told the cheeky girl to be patience. Lusiana said that she neede
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106. Confusion
Inside the mansion hall, some people were having an urgent meeting. There were Lusiana as the mafia leader, Miller as the suspect along with his cousin, Vincent as the one making the report and also the consiglieres acted as the judge for the case. Cedric was also invited because he needed to learn about the system of their mafia clan’s policies.In the other side of the room, there were some butlers and maids standing in a row. They were curious about what kind of case that happened this time. Virginia was of course among them. She mostly knew about what happened actually because she was the mastermind after all. She was looking forward to see what kind of chaotic moment would happen soon.The discussion started.For the opening, Vincent began by telling everyone about the illegal action performed by Miller. He took out some pictures as the evidence.“I believe that Miller did an illegal business for the auction. He worked together with his cousin and sold certain items that were not
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107. Report
Everyone in the mansion’s hall room was curious about the letter in Lusiana’s hand. It seemed like Lusiana also got mysterious letter.“I got a letter and it has the same anonymous sender. I don’t know where it came from but I found it on my working table. Gentleman, you may take it and try to read the content.” Lusiana gave the letter to one of the consiglieres.Lusiana smirked and she stared at Vincent with a poker face. Vincent that expression with cautious. He started to get worried about that letter. He predicted that it must have something to do with him this time.The consiglieres frowned and sighed in disbelief. One of them then started to read the messages so that everyone in the room would know.Vincent suddenly went panicked when he heard about his name was stated in that letter. He was accused for doing an illegal business regarding the import and selling of drugs.“To give you all the evidences, here you can take a look at these documents.” The consigliere showed it off t
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108. The Trial
The day of the trial happened on the following day. The trial was held in a court room of a big building in Gerald’s mafia clan territory. Lusiana acted as chairperson of the trial and she was obliged to give approval to the final result of the trial. Cedric was also there, sitting right beside Lusiana as the next successor for the mafia clan leader. The consiglieres were acting like the moderators and the ones explaining about all the case happened also they would be providing all the related evidences. The judges would be the capos attending the trial. For the suspects there would be Vincent, Miller, and Miller’s cousin. There were also spots for the audiences. They were the mafia henchmen, butlers, and maids.Virginia insisted that she wanted to see the trial, thus she has asked the maid chief to allow her to join. I took her quite a while to convince the maid chief until Virginia was allowed to attend the trial. So, she was joining up in the audience’s seat now. She was looking fo
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109. The Heir
“As the official successor of the mafia clan leader, I demand to take over my authority right now!” Cedric was serious with what he said.Everyone in the court room was surprised. They could never expect that Cedric would say that. Cedric was indeed the legitimate successor for the next ruler but everyone needed to know about Cedric’s reasoning.“What are you talking about, Cedric? Are you telling me to give my current position to you?” Lusiana was shocked and she was wondering about her nephew’s plan.“I’m sorry Lady Lusiana, but I have been bothered lately.” Cedric apologized first. The thing he wanted to tell to everyone was actually about his opinion toward Lusiana’s worthiness.“You better not say something that could displeasure me, young man!” Lusiana was actually threatened. She was worried that her position would be taken by her nephew too soon. Lusiana still wanted to make use of her current position.“I need to say this because I hate to see everything went wrong like this!
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110. The Fall of the Queen Bee
Cedric was promoted as the legitimate godfather in his family clan. He decided to take over his rightful position earlier before he reached his eighteen age. He has dethroned Lusiana because he thought that his aunt was not good in taking care of previous cases and tended to be unfair. With remarkable explanation and arguments, Cedric could persuade the consiglieres and the capos to choose him instead to rule. Even though Cedric was not really that good but he was determined to change. Even without his father’s aide and Virginia’s support, he believed that he would do fine.Virginia was actually amazed by Cedric’s decision. She never thought that her plan to get her revenge on Lusiana would be supported by Cedric unintentionally. Virginia has devised some plans actually to destroy Lusiana and kick her away from the mansion. But well, it was thanks to Cedric that Virginia did not need to take her turn to take care of Lusiana. As a bonus, Miller was also removed from the mansion for now
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